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Nifskope download source?


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I'm about to start teaching myself to mod, but I can't find a reliable/up to date version of Nifskope to download. For the past few days the main page hasn't worked, nor has the link provided for an alternative. I downloaded one through Moddb but it was out of date, and Skyrim support just wasn't happening.

Anybody know a reliable download source outside of those?


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Just to confirm, I get infinite load on the site; I wonder if it is a location issue?


The NifTools download site works without troubles for me.




At this very moment it works fine for me.

So - probably ...?


I'll send a notification to the admins of the NifTools site.

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Hi Guys,


Just downloaded all versions of 1.1.3, recommended auto-link and all files in the "Files" sections download fine.

Could have been an intermittent problem, checked the sourceforge.net site status no mention of problems.


If you have any additional problems, drop me a pm.



Edited by neomonkeus
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Hi Guys,


Just downloaded all versions of 1.1.3, recommended auto-link and all files in the "Files" sections download fine.

Could have been an intermittent problem, checked the sourceforge.net site status no mention of problems.


If you have any additional problems, drop me a pm.





Upon greater examination, the problem seems to be all of Sourceforge.

Since some people have no problems at all, I am suspecting it may be a problem limited to area, internet service provider (maybe Sourceforge failed to pay their Comcast tribute this month :dry: ) or browser issues.


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  • 1 year later...

I have the same issue now when I try to download from sourceforge. I get an error telling me the page "failed to include the DR_mirror_list". I'd appreciate it if someone somewhere could upload their nifskope to some place else or recommend another way to get it. Thanks

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