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By 'freecam' do you mean the camera doesn't follow the player around? I would specifically want this feature when I'm in isometric mode. I hate the fact that if I move a focused character, the camera moves with them.


I agree, :yes:

I want it to be like, Baldur's Gate. None of this infuriating auto-following rubbish :wallbash: , please. Also, I'd love it if you weren't restricted to having a party member on screen. In other words, to be able to move the camera wherever the hell I want it.

Otherwise, I'm enjoying the game....... for the most part.... :dry:


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  • 2 weeks later...

Agree with Floydian here, tfc type cam definately needed for screenshots.


Also, I prefer a first person viewpoint for when exploring etc, watching your char's backhalf while you want to look about gets on my noodles.


Have spent half the day looking for mods for this but have come with nada.


Gonna fire off a couple of emails to people I know have modded camera views on other games, will post if anything comes up.



Regards, M

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