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Oooooh... dark energy! :D I know a bunch about dark matter, and I'm not sure what the difference is between the two (other than one being Energy, the other matter). Care to talk about dark energy, Theta?


Dark matter is stuff like black and brown dwarf stars, min-black holes, neutrinos, etc. Stuff that is 1) hard to see, 2) not proven to exist, or 3) thought to be mass-less.


Dark matter basically determines the fate of the universe... too much = Big Crunch. too little = Expand forever. just right = Stop, never contract and live forever.


I prefer the last since its nice and hopeful, but thats not to say the others are wrong. Actually, the first is the most likely of the three.


But, again, I'm not sure how Dark energy fits into the equation...

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Dark energy is causing the expansion of the universe to accelerate - so in that way it is acting in the opposite way to dark matter.


As far as I understand, Dark Energy is a property of spacetime itself - like, if gravity can be expressed as the curvature of spacetime, dark energy could be expressed as spacetime being curved in the opposite direction.


It's fascinating stuff, and I don't know very much about it, though I'm hoping to sign up for a study day on dark energy in November (though lately every course I've signed up for has been cancelled :( )

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