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Can't launch game


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Terribly sorry if this question has been asked a million times. I'm new to this.


Trying to mod Oblivion, working my way through this list: http://forums.steampowered.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1306005 (every link is dead, but been able to find the newest version of the files).


Have got to the first time trying to run it, but every time I start it with TES Mod Manager running, it immediately closes.


Is there a fix for this? Or am I missing something easy?

Edited by ormistonjames
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The rule of thumb when installing mods is ... install one mod, test in game thoroughly. If all is well install one more mod. Makes troubleshooting trivial (add one mod to a working game and it breaks it's pretty simple where to start troubleshooting).


That said, crashing at game start often indicates a missing master (i.e. one of the mods is missing a mod that it requires to run).

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The best thing about Oblivion is adding the mods to make the game uniquely yours.

I would not recommend using somebody else's list of what they have done because computers

are different and what they can handle due to graphic cards, CPUs, etc.

I, and I am sure many others, would recommend you use Wyre Bash to install most of your mods.

Many people use BOSS. I do not, and have no problem with the game, and I'm running just over

300 mods Bashed down to 235.

The Top 100 mods is a good place to look for mods you might want to use. Also, you can browse

by catagory. I like making the country look more inhabited, so I've got a lot of isolated house mods.

Crashing immediately may be caused by some major resources missing or a few mods conflicting.

You might consider starting out pretty much Vanilla, then adding a few mods to make sure the game

runs well. Then add a few more at a time until you get the game looking like you want.


EDIT: I see Striker879 said pretty much the same thing, and beat me by a few minutes.

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Thanks, turned out to be the "Unofficial Official Mod Patch" that was preventing it from running, so removed that.


Off the list now, just going to look around and see what looks cool. Played it on XBox before so don't really want to play it on bog standard, out of the box settings.

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