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Cel-shaded armor


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Cel-shaded animation (also called cel-shading or toon shading) is a type of non-photorealistic rendering designed to make computer graphics appear to be hand-drawn. Cel-shading is often used to mimic the style of a comic book or cartoon. It is a somewhat recent addition to computer graphics, most commonly turning up in console video games. Though the end result of cel-shading has a very simplistic feel like that of hand-drawn animation, the process is complex. The name comes from the clear sheets of acetate, called cels, which are painted on for use in traditional 2D animation, such as Disney classics.[1]





The cel-shading process starts with a typical 3D model. Where cel-shading differs from conventional rendering is in its use of non-photorealistic lighting. Conventional (smooth) lighting values are calculated for each pixel and then mapped to a small number of discrete shades to create the characteristic flat look – where the shadows and highlights appear more like blocks of color rather than mixed in a smooth way.

Black "ink" outlines and contour lines can be created using a variety of methods. One popular method is to first render a black outline, slightly larger than the object itself. Backface culling is inverted and the back-facing triangles are drawn in black. To dilate the silhouette, these back-faces may be drawn in wireframe multiple times with slight changes in translation. Alternately, back-faces may be rendered solid-filled, with their vertices translated along their vertex normals in a vertex shader. After drawing the outline, back-face culling is set back to normal to draw the shading and optional textures of the object. Finally, the image is composited via Z-buffering, as the back-faces always lie deeper in the scene than the front-faces. The result is that the object is drawn with a black outline and interior contour lines. Popularly, this "ink" outline applied to animation and games is what’s called cel-shade, while originally the term refer to the shading technique, indifferent if the outline is being applied or not.



Source - Wikipedia



I'll try if i have some time

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I'm no expert in the subject of cel-shading but I'd think it would be more solid colors and almost all definition coming from the black "ink" sketching. So most of the pattern details would be converted to black with the background erased and replaced with a solid color.


I also think it would be an interesting effect to leave the normal maps alone to retain some definition while the diffuse texture gets the make-over.


My 2 cents (feel free to ignore...and somewhat encouraged to ignore) ;)



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