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Armor Help??

Crimson Knight

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I am Currently Making an authentic Mad Max Armor.

So Here is my question


How Can i add Havok items to armor so it jingle jangles as the character moves?

I also need cloth to hang and move from a sleeve?


Any help Slash Solutions Would Be awesome Thanks!



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havok is disabled on live characters, Pretty certain it is the same with F3, I am moving from Ob modding hence my lack of knowledge from actual experience in F3.

to start with:

I think you are refering to what is called skinning- in max terminology- weighing a meshes verts to bone obects via a skin or phsyique modifier. Search your 3d progies dvd for instructions or for tutorials online on that ,and inspect beths nifs in your 3d modeling program to get a good idea.


Then worry about dismember and game export.

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Unfortunately, he is correct the only way u could do something like that would be to make a new skeleton with the bones to animate the objects which would move. Then animate the objects to move with the characters movement animations. You would have to import all the animations jump,walk,run,turn,idle and animate the bells and cloth to those animations.
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To be honest i don't think there is anyone here that can redo skeletons cept for maybe ghogeil, skree, and alexscorpion the latter are to buisy to even ask ive never tried but i will have to soon for an outfit i am making but thats later.
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no. The armor will be animated and will need the rebuilt skeletons new bones for animation. The animation will only be called for that item. so if the armor doesn't use the bones they wont show up. But the animations still need to be added to the base movement animations. really any 3rd person animation used on the player.
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I would recomend avoiding anything to do with this, you could in theory make a all new skeleton, new animations set for it, just to use your item of clothing. but really it wouldn't be worth the effort. it would take you a very long time just to get enough practice to know how to do this, then practice more to make anything good, let alone actually do the project and then work out the kinks with F3 assets.


honestly just rig it to the bones and avoid a custom skele for now. you may be able to get a good result. For Mad Max armor I see this as a complete waste of time. spend it on making good models and textures

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That helps a lot thanks so much for all the help you guys rock. now my final question. As my questions have not been simple ones ha ha. To emulate the havok properly this armor needs to have sound added to it.

1.) max has a metal leg brace the skweeks when he walks.

2.) the wrench and can opener on his harnes would clack and ting during animation . How would I go about doing this? Do I scrpit sound files to the animation? Not sure if this can be done?


Thanks again so much for all the help.

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