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Load order problem


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Just recently I got the idea of replaying Oblivion, but to make things different/new I decided I would add mods. So I got some mods that I thought sounded good, got OMM and OBSE and NifScript and Pluggy and stuff, but when I tried to play (through OBSE) it keep crashing either just before Betheda appears on the screen or just when it does appear. I think this can be blamed on a shoddy load-order, but I have no skill with those things, so I need help. Another problem is that when I try to install the offical patch, it says something like 'an old file has been replaced. Update cancelled.' Any idea why that would happen?


So, my load order:



You may note I am missing some Better Cities Anvil-Leyawin (or something).esp files. They are there and they are active. I also have the rest of the FSP patches, but I dont have them active.


So what is wrong?





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you have Better Cities - COBL active and yet don't use COBL which it is dependant on


I Suggest you use wrye bash to check for errors. IT will flag up any errors related with missing master files and master file load orders

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Whenever Oblivion fails to load the way your are describing, the first thing to check for is a missing ".esm" file that something else is dependant on.


As SceneGG said, you need cobl.esm active for anything that uses cobl to reference.

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Thanks. I have done some more research and found that it wasn't in fact a problem with my load order (though it did have problems - I have now cleaned it up), but because I still had settings and saves stored from the last time I played that was keeping it from working properly. I now works fine. Thanks again.
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