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New DLC announced


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5$ for a moderate-sized amount of new content is reasonable to me, and the ones who don't want to buy shouldn't ruin it for others.

Two things: 1) <1 hour of content, tacked on as an inconsequential side quest is not moderate-sized. It's minimal sized.

2) Are you so emotionally fragile that someone merely stating their opinion ruins an experience for you?


1) Er, they haven't even stated the amount of content. You can't estimate it with the price or the information so far.

2) And yes, after reading page after page of trash, I do get fed up with the worthless complaints.

Something constructive would be a refreshing change. Juxtaposing the DLC with a "turd sandwich" is not constructive, mind you.



Thank You! It seems that far too many people would rather complain than just enjoy the game.


I've found absolutely nothing in DA to complain about -- nothing. It's fine work by a bunch of fine developers, and I expect the DLC will meet the high standards set by the initial release. Pricing is very good at $5 - like I said in my other post in this thread - you can't have this much fun for $5 anywehere else that I know of...


Anyway - thanks for your counter to all the complainers. I hope it elevates the threads in this forum (as opposed to starting a childish flame war). I'm with you!



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Roughly an hour first time through according to Bioware so it's probably safe to knock a bit off that as developers do tend to be a little optimistic with these things.


Sorry, no waffles but there will be some voicework, including from the followers. We put a particular focus on the various followers who were also present at the battle.


As for precisely when it will come out, we don't have a specific answer to that yet which is why we're being vague. We're still tackling one last optimization issue and then we need to make it through final testing and certification across all three platforms.


Average playtime is always tough to pin down because everyone's mileage will vary (and developers player the game in a very different manner than a typical first-time player). I can do a speed run (skipping through conversations and cutscenes, using a buff party, controlling Dog, avoiding some combats, ignoring loot drops, not looking at the scenery, etc) in about 15-20 minutes. I suspect it would take a typical first-time player about an hour to complete.

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It's been stated at being 15-60 minutes of content, plus a couple items. For $5, that is unacceptable. BioWare should not be concentrating on micro-sized impulse purchase DLC, they should be making sizable expansion packs for $15-25 at a time. If BioWare can make a handsome profit off of a 80 hour game costing $40, it is hard to justify less than an hour of gameplay for $5 being a fair price.


The Stone Prisoner and Warden's Keep were rip-offs as well

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It's well worth downloading, Shale is a very good character.


Except for the fact that "he's" the same height as a human male. I understand the problems when fitting him through doorways, but they could've at least made him slightly larger than Sten.

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It's well worth downloading, Shale is a very good character.


Except for the fact that "he's" the same height as a human male. I understand the problems when fitting him through doorways, but they could've at least made him slightly larger than Sten.


Shale has a backstory that explains some of that.

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It's well worth downloading, Shale is a very good character.


Except for the fact that "he's" the same height as a human male. I understand the problems when fitting him through doorways, but they could've at least made him slightly larger than Sten.


Shale has a backstory that explains some of that.


I know. But Shale was originally much larger, and the explanation was made after the decision to size him down. And that still doesn't explain why he isn't the same size as Sten, or a tad larger.

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