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new DLC?


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don't u want a new dlc? but how to get one? make your own!


i think that a lot of modders here should unite and create a new dlc with new areas, quests, items, voice acting etc. it would be a un-official official dlc. what do you think?


a few ideas: something in Europe, Rapture, New York.

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whilst the idea might be great..the execution would be time consuming and as most modders here create mods in their spare time.. it would take a heck of a long time to produce.. and of course it is not something they would do with out some sort of payment...and then they would get sued by bethesda for infringement etc etc.


then of course the voice actors will need some sort or recognition too...it is far too much hassle then it is worth unless you have a big group of video editors, sound tech guys and general modders.

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I would never dedicate my time to work in a large team over the internet


not because I have an over inflated ego, but because I have never seen anything of the sort ever pulled through, and I don't want to dedicate my time to an epic failure that fell apart because people couldn't get along and agree on stuff


I perfer the system of working by myself on my mod, but helping other people out through small favors like makeing a mesh or something for their mod, and then they can help me out with whatever I need for my mod.




But really, you just can't rely on people over the internet. Now if anyone I actually knew in person wanted to start a team, I would be all for it.

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don't u want a new dlc? but how to get one? make your own!


i think that a lot of modders here should unite and create a new dlc with new areas, quests, items, voice acting etc. it would be a un-official official dlc. what do you think?


a few ideas: something in Europe, Rapture, New York.

There are plenty of large mods out there. Check out CUBE Experimental- that's a great one. And I'm working on pretty much exactly what you are requesting- link in sig.

And I totally agree with Tony. I would never have a team, it just complicates things further.

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