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All X-fire Users(virus Warning)


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It has come to our attention that several Xfire email addresses are being used to send out viruses. The way this happens is someone with an "@xfire.com" email address in their contacts opens a virus infected attachment and then the virus grabs all of their contacts and begins using them.

Whoever is doing this is "spoofing" xfire email accounts, including the return or "reply to" address. This means they aren't coming from Xfire employees despite the appearance of legitimacy.


The message ranges from "Important Notice about your account" to "Your Account will be closed" and other official sounding stuff.


Xfire will NEVER send you an attachment with the exception of the newsletter if you're email client is set up to receive it that way. If we were to send you an email, it would be text only. Please do not open these things, just delete them.


The addresses we've seen them coming from are as follows:





service@xfire (or service@ultimatearena)

webmaster@xfire (or ultimatearena)


Most of our users are pretty saavy, and as such, we wouldn't expect them to fall for such a common ploy. We always advise using an Antivirus program to protect your computer from these types of infections. We did feel that it was our responsibility to let you know regardless.


Source : X-fire forum

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  • 2 weeks later...
Well I don't use X-fire, but if I did, I probably would have fallen for that scam. Surprisingly enough, I haven't heard of this particular one. I would normally trust any email that says they are the admin, but not anymore. Thanks for the warning though.
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I signed up for X-Fire, and only started up the program once. I got confused and shut it off. I get emails from them quite often, but I never open them and just mark them as read. I will probably un-install it soon since I never use it.
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