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Exporting to nif problems


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I have this finally in a nif format like I said before.


But it doesn't show up in game when I make a new [form id] after replacing the models under Spiked Knuckles and entering the desired damage with dismember only as an option.




This on the other hand does show up in the game, its still a little off on the arm, like hovered over instead strapped on.....


Still..... the Blades themselves lost the animation after exporting them to obj files, then re-import the obj, and export again to nif...

Before I done anything, it began as a Powerfist from the game, those blades were the pistons from the hammer of the original weapon... They should pop out quite a bit and recede after each attack. Kinda got the idea of the design watching Predator movies too many times growing up. If I had the know-how I wish I could have the extend always while in combat and recede themselves while the weapon is sheathed...

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The animations aren't contained in the exported nif. You need to add them in. I need a picture of in game to diagnose the other problem. The reason it sits above the arm is because u need to reposition it in nif skope or blender. U might want to think about rigging something like that to the wrist.
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Power Blades: (somehow still has the powerfist glove, and its hovering over the wrist instead around it.)




Wrist Blades: (Now that I look at it closer, it looks like it shrunk and floating above the hand.)



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In-case your wondering what that Powered Fist is in my weapons menu, it is my first finished project, I did all the modeling but I had help with the mesh not having a body on it like before, but he didn't tell me what he did :P











I'd like to finish one on my own but its not looking that way so far >.<

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I blv the power fist has an armor add on when u equip it which is the power fist glove. Ull have to deactivate that in the GECK. Scaling and positioning for the items needs to be done in nifskope its gonna be timley tweaking but it is the only way to get it to sit correctly. You should look at this tutorial http://thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=82738
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I'm going to admit I'm getting lost when it comes around to that area about rigging and repositioning to fix it to an arm or wrist. I'm going to link the files within a rar file, I'm not asking you to fix it, but maybe, you can make a screen-shot indicating where the problem lies with a circle or something. The file will consist of of the .blend file that gives errors exporting, the .obj files that it did export to, and the .nif files that came from the .obj files and a reference pic of somewhat I tried to imitate.



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"This file can only be downloaded by becoming a Premium member


There are no more download slots available for free users right now. If you don't want to become a premium member, you might want to try again later."



Looks like its been downloaded by a bunch of people already...

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Scaling and positioning for the items needs to be done in nifskope its gonna be timley tweaking but it is the only way to get it to sit correctly.

It's not. And its not the best way to align new objects, to existing assets. Sorry, this irks me no end, I just imagine people imputting random numbers in nifskope for ages.... I've done it. I felt the pain. those tuts are horribly outdated aswell.


Probably the best way to do it is, import the nif you want to align your mesh(es) to into a 3d modeller, along with your mesh. do all your aligning there. Match the placement of your trigger and handle area,as these are more important. nothing will fit exactly


Then- match your pivots to the corrisponding bone nodes, these controll the animated parts, And because these are controlled blocks the controller overides the mesh traslation in favor of its own. If a part doean't have a bone or isn't animated,vsimply align the pivot/center of your mesh, to those of the mesh you want it to sit on. then export everything without collasping transforms. Then everything will be exactly where you want it when you come to paste your meshes tristrip blocks over the original. Makes sense does it not?


Same with helmets. Do not try to get them in the right position in nifskope. just do it in your 3d package. Make the mesh fit exactly how you want the mesh to fit in game. then match your models pivots to the Bip01 Head bone. (or the head, as I think it has the same center point this time, not like oblivions heads) then just zero your meshes translation to 0 inXYZ. then export with collapsing transforms this time(though it makes no matter as the mesh center is zeroed anyway, I usually like to keep it ticked lol) delete the bsx flag, disable a couple shaders, add a nistringextradata node, make egm. poof! working helmet,


I'm use max. but its the same with blender as far as I see. Hopefull that will save everyone some from tedium. and pass it along.

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Blenders a little funny when it comes to zeroing a mesh. Ive noticed it works and sometimes it doesn't. For the most part i've learned scaling and positioning pretty well in nifskope to make up for this so i can normally get it right on the first or second try xD. But i agree as it is probably easier for a beginner to just do it the way you have described so they don't have to go through above said pain.
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