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What Was The Very First Morrowind Mod U Ever Used?

Darkh Templar

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The first MOD I tried was Balmora Blades House by PEHOH. When I found and applied the teleport return ring it amazed me to see the interior of the entire structure from outside peering in from a black void. I had my character venture around the black void for a minute and I kept wondering why the creator did not set the return spot inside a room or a secret entrance. Then I realized I could send the character into the rooms via the exposed room below my view from its ceiling. Since then I was to busy downloading MODs and enjoying the games with them added to it.

I tried several times to figure out the CS without any outside help, as usual, I got frustrated and went back to playing, whatever, MODs that worked without any flaws.

Then, Grumpy's guide for beginning MODders from EMMA's site finally stuck out like a sore thumb last year and I learned how to use CS.

I completely forgot all about the Balmora Blades House since it started conflicting with other Balmora house MODS I downloaded; that I discovered were made by the same person who wrote the TESCS beginners guide.

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I would guess my first mod to be a house in Balmora and the second I know for a fact to be 'Rains-Hand Hall' just ouside of Ald-Ruhn, after that came the pretty faces and bodies and clothes. It did not take long for me to get over all the 'perfection' of all the faces on companions and I settled for a NPC replacer with more realism and what I consider to be essential - Rational wildlife. And better bodies stuck around too.


Having never really played a character with major marksmanship skills I'm now discovering all the marksman mods out there...

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