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There are little tricks that can make the conquest of Morrowind much easier. It seems that Bethesda has made some effort to block these easy and unbalancing techniques for TES IV.


What cheap Morrowind tricks won't be workable in Oblivion?


I'll start.

In Oblivion, you can drink only a limited number of potions at once. The number is determined by your Alchemy skill.

No more Sujamma maddened rookies strong enough to take on anything?

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No more quick healing naps between fights. You'll have to find a bedroll.


No more sleeping through the night in safely isolated places. If you're in the wilderness, you have to sleep in existing campsites. I'm sure the local bandits and the local wildlife know just where the best campsites are too.

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The jumping trick apparently doesn't work anymore. The one that lets you jump through the air faster than running, even faster than a master level runner. But towards the end of Marrowind i could jump over 20 foot walls and leap small buildings. Which was needless to say, very handy.
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No more quick healing naps between fights. You'll have to find a bedroll.


Not true. I slept out in the wild and regained health.


Did you sleep or just wait in the wilderness?

We played Oblivion in October. I recall that fatigue and magicka regenerate with time, but don't remember anything about health.

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Thanks for the correction Dark0ne. I bow to your superior knowledge.


I think the "no sleeping anywhere" came from the Cyrodiil Chronicles site and is being mentioned in numerous forums now. Here is the quote regarding PC sleeping:


from Cyrodiil Chronicles


Unoficial TES4 FAQ v.1.0

by Astarsis and ixidorsbane


2.7.9 How is sleep handled this time around?

For the player character, sleep is not mandatory. If you want to sleep you must find a bed, either in a house, a camp or some bandit lair. You can no longer sleep in the ground.


Santera, How did you play Oblivion in October?

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