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Help Wanted! Seyda Neen Revamped! Read For More Info!


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:ph34r: I am making a revamped version of Seyda Neen! But, alas, I have no knowledge of making buildings. I am desperate for a person who can make a few houses for the NPC's who don't seem to have houses. Also a larger "estate/manor/castle" (it's entirely up to the maker of the house) for the PC. I'm only good at adding on to existing things, and redoing weapons. I have some basic knowledge of the Construction Set, but as some of you may have found out, I have made a decent dagger mod already. (I'm JamesW, and the dagger was originally for my theif, Althalus, but I distributed it anyway). If anyone who cares to help me will email me at [email protected], I'll be glad to work with you. (More like you doing all the work, lol, as I can only redo things.) :D


Already accomplished is awnings for some houses, a Guar who roams around the ugly huts behind the tradehouse, and some decent (ok, pretty unimpressive) work on the census and excise office. I'd love to have some help on this, and I hope somebody wants to do it.




p.s.: There is already "update" of my SN mod, but it's actually some stuff I ccidentally left out when first doing my mod.

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I feel that most people are now too interested in seeing what Oblivion will hold to want to do more in Morrowind atm but some will not have the ability to play Oblivion immediately. Leave the thread and maybe you will get a positive response.
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Just experiment with the construction set - creating buildings shouldn't take you long to learn. AFIAK, most of the house exteriors are single pieces, to which you add doorframes, doors, windows and accessories such as balconies, awnings etc. You can also copy an existing building, and paste it into the new location.


Making interiors is fairly straightforward - unless your exteriors were inspired by Lovecraft - once you've familiarised yourself with the interior statics. Again, you can copy/paste an existing interior into a new interior cell you've created, and then just customise it by changing the furniture and furnishings.

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Thank you. I tried to copy/paste an existing house, but it didnt work. i feel pretty cruddy about not being able to do basic interiors and exteriors. Even the tut that came with the gme is confusing. ill reread the tut, and try to make the cave like they did.
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Before you do, lemme ask a few things:


So, Seyda Neen's expanding. What does the East Empire Company have to say about this? For competition or against? Are House Hlaalu behind this? What about the Temple? (These are potential quest generators.)


Where will the extra buildings go? I can see some space around the lighthouse and possibly that peninsula in the northwest of cell -2,-9, but that could interfere with Latest, Greatest Housing Mod Gold. Will you be annexing other cells? Modifying terrain to allow for more docks?


NPCs that could do with housing include the barflies upstairs in Arrille's as well as the local garrison, especially if the place is expanding. I guess the C&E staff room in the upstairs building, but the others don't seem to have anywhere to go.


How big will the place expand to? Seyda Neen was only really a starting point for the character. How difficult would any quests be, beginner-level or... how high?


I mean, it sounds interesting and all, but there's always Balmora or Vivec. Also remember that Morrowind's more or less sealed off thanks to the blight storms. Not that many ships coming in.


Finally, there are tutorials on the internet; Google Is Your Friend™. For instance, you could download and print out Calislahn's PDF tutorial, which covers most of the basics of creating interior cells, plopping things into and moving things around the world, and so on. Hint: set the grid snap to 128 when creating interiors to ensure the pieces line up nicely.

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:excl: Uh...

I have no clue as to how to create quests. The only house i succesfully made was sorta a dud.

When I left the house, I'd pop up where the starter ship was. I hve a feeling a door marker is in order, but it wont let me copy/paste or even make one from the static list.


My problem is that I can only add onto existing things. Like adding awnings to the shacks round Seyda Neen. My plan was to mke Seyda Neen slightly more appealing to the newcomer's eye. Like "personal effects" givin to you (depending on class) like armours, weapons, picks/probes, ect. But as I hve no clue as to how to script, I'm stuck at the planning stage.


What I wanted when I first started was a "Empty Apartment" that could be rented out to the player by Arrille, which would seem decent for a new character. And things like paying , oh, say 20 septims for the rental each "month".


I downloaded that tutorial you linked to, but it came as some odd looking scripts.


I thank you all for your patience in dealing with my dunce self.

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Doormarkers are produced when you double-click on a door to bring up its properties, tick the 'teleport' box, select the cell you want to teleport to from the drop down menu, and click 'select marker'. This will spawn a door marker you can drag to the desired location.



For scripting, search for and download 'Scripting for Dummies' - it's a great resource for all scripting related queries. :)

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The originl idea in in its purest, simplest for was to make Seyda Neen a much more important place. It IS the town you first see, so a good first impression is a good thing for the rest of the cities. If Seyda Neen looks nice, it will have a better effect on the other cities and towns.


When you ask the "use old stuff or make new stuff" question, I'd go with the new stuff option. I'm good at doing my own weapons, but not at making my own houses. I could make one, but not create one, if you catch my meaning.


I'm trying to plan this out a bit more, decide what I'm going to do, add quests for the new stuff, and just take it to the drawing board. The new plan is to make it a "House Redoran" revamped Seyda Neen, by replacing the Imperial gaurds with Redoran gaurds, ect.


I will leave the houses as they are, but add some Redoran officials, some Loan Sharks, maybe even theives who pick pockets. I want Seyda Neen as a TOWN, not a swampy slum. More of a Balmora, if you will. It's hard to figure all this out when you're new at the TES Editor.


I'll keep working on it, and see if i can mke it a lot better before I come back asking for help.

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