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World Of Warcraft


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Ewwwwwww......WoW (aka scourge of the social life)


I will NEVER play that game, nor any other game that requires you to pay monthly just to play a stupid game. I give kudos for BLizzard for raking in massive $$$ but I shake my head in shame of all the millions of people wasting their money.


Can you imagine the chaos if all those stupid WoW servers went down for entire day? Omg it would be like the apocaplypse because of how addicted people are to that game.


It really is quiet pathetic. People losing jobs, friends, spouses, MONEY, and countless days just to play some online game.


People these days have thier priorities all screwed up.


*long hopeless sigh*


All of the above are reasons why I myself, would never play WoW. I watched it once at some acquaintance's house, and he eventually got so wrapped up in the game, he practically didn't even shift a muscle for two hours, or so it seemed, as I and a friend visiting decided to watch a movie instead. 



Can't say if all Blizzard games are like this, but the way WoW is makes me think twice about buying any of there other games as well.



nah not all of them...StarCraft, Warcraft, and Diablo are free atleast lol...but I have a horrible horrible feeling about Diablo III and StarCraft II...bad feeling that battle.net is going to become a pay to play server as well...but maybe not, they can't betray all of us.


Played WoW for less than a week and quit...it was like "Wow, how can people be addicted to this?" I found it to be one of the most boring games I've ever played...glad it was the first so called "free" month they give you. Was a huge pain in the butt to get my name off Blizzard's list...had to call them to get my name removed off the CD Key so I could give it to my stupid friend at the time who already had 5 accounts he was paying for...*sigh* Yeah...I blame WoW for his 150 pound weight gain, high blood pressure, and still living in his parents basement *rolls eyes* Spends $90/month on one game..yeah


From what I understand it wont cost anything to pay on Battle.net with Diablo 3 and Starcrat 2, but doesnt mean anything is set in stone lol. Ive always supported Blizzard North's actions up until the release of WoW. But Im hoping they havent fallen too far fromn grace if you get my drift lol.


Did you also notice all the people on WoW are ridiculously mean. Like 99% playing that game are total a-holes for no reason at all. I was watching my friend Erin play and she tried to get help killing some monster or something, she went around asking for help and everyone just called her obsceneties and told her she sucked at the game. The online community for WoW is like a bunch of gangs of kids who are 12 yrs old and think they are AWESOME! God I hate those kinds of people, who think they are total badasses because they can play a stupid video game.

Total garbage lol.

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Tell me, what game do you play? You turn someones thread about meeting fellow players in a bash-fest for the game? Not everyone who plays get addicted, fat, lose their friends, etc. I personally only still play it because nothing else is out that's half decent besides Dragon Age, and I'm waiting on TOR.
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Tell me, what game do you play? You turn someones thread about meeting fellow players in a bash-fest for the game? Not everyone who plays get addicted, fat, lose their friends, etc. I personally only still play it because nothing else is out that's half decent besides Dragon Age, and I'm waiting on TOR.

Me? Oh I play lots of stuff lol, depending on what Im in the mood for. Though Ive gotten very tired of most the games I have. Diablo 2 LoD (sill haha), Oblivion, Fallout 3, Fallout Tactics, Unreal Tournament 3, Hellgate London, Gears of War, etc etc.

I got nothing against people who play WoW, lol I really dont. I just like being really sarcastic lol, some people catch on some people dont. Hey if youve got the money to waste every month for some silly game, by all means play the hell out of it, lol I dont care since its not my time nor money being flushed down the toilet.

Its all about preference dude, and I have better things to spend my money on then a game every month out of pure boredom.

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Tell me, what game do you play? You turn someones thread about meeting fellow players in a bash-fest for the game? Not everyone who plays get addicted, fat, lose their friends, etc. I personally only still play it because nothing else is out that's half decent besides Dragon Age, and I'm waiting on TOR.


happens a lot, open a thread about Runescape and see what happens ;D This is nice...


and like he said, each to their own. I myself have a really really hard time paying that much a month for a game. I just don't have the money most of the time or the game is bad and it so wasn't worth it *cough* Anarchy Online *cough*


It's really not a matter of addiction in my boyfriend's opinion. It's an investment of $15...so you better play that game :P For some people, it gets addicting. But when you invest $15 in a game a month and they don't give you a refund, say if you didn't play for a week, you don't want to stop playing.

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LvL 80 Undead Rogue also got 58 belf pally awesome tank. To be honest they ruined the game so bad im disgusted by just thinking or seeing its name. Stopped playing before wotlk and came back on a few occasions (to level to 80 it was a real pain but I though I'd do it anyway) but seriously I dont think im going back anymore...
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Tell me, what game do you play? You turn someones thread about meeting fellow players in a bash-fest for the game? Not everyone who plays get addicted, fat, lose their friends, etc. I personally only still play it because nothing else is out that's half decent besides Dragon Age, and I'm waiting on TOR.


happens a lot, open a thread about Runescape and see what happens ;D This is nice...


and like he said, each to their own. I myself have a really really hard time paying that much a month for a game. I just don't have the money most of the time or the game is bad and it so wasn't worth it *cough* Anarchy Online *cough*


It's really not a matter of addiction in my boyfriend's opinion. It's an investment of $15...so you better play that game :P For some people, it gets addicting. But when you invest $15 in a game a month and they don't give you a refund, say if you didn't play for a week, you don't want to stop playing.


Haha nice idea :P

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I think WoW is a good game, but I wouldn't call it addicting and there are better games. I just recently got back into playing it after taking a break from it for a few months and playing stuff like Oblivion and UT2004. Right now I have 4 Horde characters: 1 55 Orc Warrior which is my main, 1 35 Tauren Hunter, 1 60 Orc Deathknight, and 1 58 Blood Elf Deathknight which is one of my friend's characters.
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and like he said, each to their own. I myself have a really really hard time paying that much a month for a game. I just don't have the money most of the time or the game is bad and it so wasn't worth it *cough* Anarchy Online *cough*


It's really not a matter of addiction in my boyfriend's opinion. It's an investment of $15...so you better play that game :P For some people, it gets addicting. But when you invest $15 in a game a month and they don't give you a refund, say if you didn't play for a week, you don't want to stop playing.


I did give Wow a shot when my brother set me up for the free trial (he is the the one who introduced me to morrowind by getting me the GOTY edition)


WOW was ok at first then it started feeling I was paying to work in a fantasy world & not really having fun then my finances changed & couldn't afford it anymore.


though my brother is still hooked on the leech.

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i see...so can any of you give me any free mmos? blizzard should make a offline version of wow were you just buy the expansions as they come out and you dont have to pay monthly.
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