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Congratulations, Myrmaad and Vagrant0

Storm Raven

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When were we going to be told...


I'd heard rumors, that certain people had been added to the staff... but it wasn't until I went to this page that I discovered the truth of the matter:




Clearly, a celebration is due, the membership. As these poor souls have accepted the responsibility to look after the rest of us. Many of us perceive moderators, the way many of us perceive the cops, but this would be unfair and untrue in this case. These individuals, have taken on the responsibility to sort out the problems that invariably come up from time to time on our peaceful website. Well, actually, it's the Dark0ne's website, but all of us who are members of the forums and post here on a regular or irregular basis, feel a certain affinity to its homelike atmosphere, as an asylum from the real and sometimes problematic lives we lead. Here we can find acceptance and appreciation for our perspectives and views on almost anything. I always have and always will consider this my birthplace in the elder scrolls community. As I am sure that many of you feel the same way, this is an opportunity to celebrate those individuals, the Dark0ne has seen fit to look after us.


Congratulations to Myrmaad, and Vagrant0 on their ascension to the rank of global moderators!


In preparation for this event, I have here an almost endless supply of champagne and cake, so please partake. And don't forget to toast Myrmaad and Vagrant0 for giving us a reason to have another party. Let's get this party started.


Myrmaad, congratulations to one with whom I have found many similar perspectives on some of the odder topics on these forums, including the appropriate application of Boolean search terms.


Vagrant0, congratulations to one, whose immense knowledge of modding has assisted so many in his detailed explanations of the game and how to mod it.


Thank you both for taking on the immense responsibility of looking over these forums. May your additions be long and peaceful. Well, if not peaceful. At least long. LOL..


At least but not last, Thank You Dark0ne, for taking the time to do the research necessary, to pick out the individuals most qualified for the job.


(I am truly happy for you both, and should anyone perceive anything said above, as anything but true and honest praise for you, feel free to moderate them).


*the old man smiles at the new moderators.*. :biggrin:


Storm Raven.



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