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Lag/Delay when using inventory/looting/favorites with weapon drawn


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As the title says, I get about 1-2 seconds of lag/delay whenever I open favorites, my inventory, or try to loot a body; but only when my weapon is drawn. This is 100% reproducible. I sheathe my weapon and the issue vanishes. I've never had this issue before. I'm perplexed.

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As the title says, I get about 1-2 seconds of lag/delay whenever I open favorites, my inventory, or try to loot a body; but only when my weapon is drawn. This is 100% reproducible. I sheathe my weapon and the issue vanishes. I've never had this issue before. I'm perplexed.

Does it just happens with any weapon? or is it happening with a modded weapon?

Similar issues can happen with excessive HD weapons textures like 4090x4090.

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Aside from the high resolution texture possibility, you might have a mod that runs a script which does additional processing whenever the player has a weapon equipped. It may be difficult to narrow down. About the only thing you can do is look at each mod and examine what scripts are added/modified.


Mod Explorer for NMM can help you locate PEX files and PSC files added by installed mods. It scans not only the loose files but also inside the BSA files. It does not extract any files from the BSAs. You'll need BSAopt or similar. If a mod has PEX files but does not supply the associated PSC files you can use Champollion to convert it into something readable.

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As the title says, I get about 1-2 seconds of lag/delay whenever I open favorites, my inventory, or try to loot a body; but only when my weapon is drawn. This is 100% reproducible. I sheathe my weapon and the issue vanishes. I've never had this issue before. I'm perplexed.

Does it just happens with any weapon? or is it happening with a modded weapon?

Similar issues can happen with excessive HD weapons textures like 4090x4090.



Aside from the high resolution texture possibility, you might have a mod that runs a script which does additional processing whenever the player has a weapon equipped. It may be difficult to narrow down. About the only thing you can do is look at each mod and examine what scripts are added/modified.


Mod Explorer for NMM can help you locate PEX files and PSC files added by installed mods. It scans not only the loose files but also inside the BSA files. It does not extract any files from the BSAs. You'll need BSAopt or similar. If a mod has PEX files but does not supply the associated PSC files you can use Champollion to convert it into something readable.

Alright, now that people have responded, I'm going to go in to more detail.


I recently pared down how many mods I use in an attempt to improve overall game stability. I updated what I had left over, and started a new game. For the sake of clarity, this is not an issue I've ever had before. It seems odd that with less mods and a fresh game, I would somehow encounter an issue I've never had before. My Skyrim.ini is tweaked to allow for more processing power for Papyrus scripts, and I have no delays or issues that I can discern with any of the scripted mods I use; they all work as intended, as far as I'm aware. I'm not using any hi-res texture packs for weapons, and it certainly occurs with any weapon I have equipped and drawn, be it a vanilla weapon or one added by Immersive Weapons.


I'll try giving the Mod Explorer route a shot, but for the aforementioned reasons, I'm doubtful that I'd be able to do anything about it with my modding ability. I've already exhausted the extent of what I'm capable of, which, admittedly, is not a whole lot.

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My Skyrim.ini is tweaked to allow for more processing power for Papyrus scripts

Post those tweaks. There is some contention about whether or not such adjustments do more harm than good. It may be worth testing out how the game behaves with the stock values.

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My Skyrim.ini is tweaked to allow for more processing power for Papyrus scripts

Post those tweaks. There is some contention about whether or not such adjustments do more harm than good. It may be worth testing out how the game behaves with the stock values.


I added the following to my Skyrim.ini quite a while ago:

fPostLoadUpdateTimeMS = 2000.0
bEnableLogging = 0
bEnableTrace = 0
bLoadDebugInformation = 0
fUpdateBudgetMS = 800.0
fExtraTaskletBudgetMS = 800.0
iMinMemoryPageSize = 256
iMaxMemoryPageSize = 512
iMaxAllocatedMemoryBytes = 153600
It is worth noting, that without that in my ini file, all of my scripted mods do not function as they should (Frostfall, SPERG, et al). I am also using ScriptDragon alongside SKSE to run two mods: TK Combat and TK Dodge. I'd never had any issues prior to this, but could there be some conflict there? It was my understanding that the two could be run in tandem, but I could be mistaken.
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Your values are not as extreme as some that have been seen before. Most likely not a cause for concern.


One thing you can try:

Enable logging

bEnableLogging = 1

and see the output log in Documents > My Games > Skyrim > Logs > Script

Papyrus.0.log will be the most recent


Do this and run the repeatable problem scenario. There is a possibility that if something is going awry that an error or warning will be printed. Please note the real time when you do the problem scenario. It will help in reading the log. If there is anything in the log file at the time in question, please post the log file within spoiler tags as well as the time frame in which the problem scenario occurred.


As far as ScriptDragon alongside SKSE, I have no idea. I have never used ScriptDragon.


Other than that, there is always the tedious method of testing each mod out individually and in various groupings looking for any potential incompatibilities between mods. Might also be worth double checking the various mod documentation sources to see if the problem scenario is listed as a known issue.

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So, on a hunch, I decided to keep every mod I have running enabled, disabled only SkyUI, and then started a new game. The issue does not exist in the new save file. Curious. Of course, all of the mods that require an MCM menu will not function as intended in the new file, but the fact that the issue vanishes when SkyUI is disabled is notable.

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Disabling SkyUI cuts out a lot of scripts from running. Try disabling a different mod and re-enabling SkyUI. You may find that it does not matter what scripted mod is removed from the equation. And if that becomes the case, then you may have hit your limit for scripted mods before "oddities" start to occur. These mods may have worked before without issues but it is possible that more scripts were added in one or more updates.


In your specific case, if the only issue is when having a weapon drawn and accessing other features, I'd recommend simply sheathing the weapon before accessing those other features. It may not be the desired course of action but is a feasible course of action. Then again, I have seen too many people ask for help when the game got worse after having ignored a single small oddity for a long while.

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Disabling SkyUI cuts out a lot of scripts from running. Try disabling a different mod and re-enabling SkyUI. You may find that it does not matter what scripted mod is removed from the equation. And if that becomes the case, then you may have hit your limit for scripted mods before "oddities" start to occur. These mods may have worked before without issues but it is possible that more scripts were added in one or more updates.


In your specific case, if the only issue is when having a weapon drawn and accessing other features, I'd recommend simply sheathing the weapon before accessing those other features. It may not be the desired course of action but is a feasible course of action. Then again, I have seen too many people ask for help when the game got worse after having ignored a single small oddity for a long while.

That's what I've been doing up to this point. Sure, it's annoying, but I'm 20 hours in and there aren't any other issues to really complain about, other than the occasional crash. Hopefully nothing worsens.


On the topic of possibly hitting my limit for scripts, would it help if I raised the numbers for the Skyrim.ini tweak?

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