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The End of the game


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I dont know about you guys but i was very disappointed with the end of this game...they kept telling us about this vault full of nice goodys so i thought.....well theres 2 other people in my party so are they going to make us shoot it out for the vault? Well when we got there i was all ready to shoot my friends in the back take the loot and leave that crappy planet then and live happy for ever and then they just stuck us with some crazy eye ball monster we killed it and they rolled they credits...


i thought that was a little lame but did i miss something in the story i didnt get to read every quest cuz my team was always in a rush (Because my bother whos in the army doesnt have a lot of time to play with us every day) if i did miss a big reason for the monster and not the loot please tell me i'd like to know



Tho it seems i may a negative feel about this game..it is quite untrue...i enjoyed this game very much i enjoyed being a rocket man again....

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I agree the end isn't what i expected i thought that after you kill the Destroyer ( or however the last boss is ) and then go inside the portal witch he came out so you get to the gold, diamonds well fortunes. But maybe it will be better if the expansion comes out where you actually go inside the vault.
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I agree. The story was vague and full of plot holes, granted, but it really did provide a great "OHEMGEE THE VAULT IS AWESOME" atmosphere. After killing Mr. Squishy there at the end (why was that fight so damn easy...?) I was quite irate at not having the "endless wealth, fame , power, and women" that Marcus monologued about when I made my character. The game as a whole is good, but the ending gets a 0.5/5.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Ninja Claptrap is bound for DLC.


The whole point is that the tales of riches and stuff are a lie, designed to lure people to the vault so the destroyer could feed on them and hopefully move into this dimension. The portal is a gateway to either another dimension or something similar. It's not really that hard to grasp but it was a little subtle in that they didn't post big signs to the plot meaning the whole way (along with only about 1/3rd of the original plot ingame due to the need to release early or lose funding).

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I was quite annoyed that the vault wasn't real, though of course the legend and crap sounded a bit too good to be true. What really pissed me off was that the Guardian Angel goes on rambling about how your actions haven't gone unrewarded and crap. All you get is a bit of ammo that probably doesn't compensate for what you had to use up to kill it (unless you're a support gunner) and some money. And some white guns.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey has anyone come across the mysterious 100level character, i have and i found out people have been modding the game through their saved games and editing them with a simple HEX editor, really no joke. I looked around online and i was not alone.



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  • 3 weeks later...

yh the ending was indeed a bit disappointing, i would ahve liked to see something really special but it's kinda boring at the vault,din't really needed money but more would be nice would have liked special guns.

btw cl4p trap ninja assasin was hilarious.

first time i battled the squishy eye he was damn easy but second and third time i've done him not as easy :)

really love the game it's jsut fun to kill some and fool around, need to get some psn points to get the DLCs ;)

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When the Atlas Lady warned me the second time, i wished for a Option to do as she says. I already had more Money then the Game could count and quite a few very nice Weapons.

But well, i got to the Vault and then i thought the Game was glitched. I went back to the "Vault" zone to search the Place, but Mr. Meatball really was the only content of the Vault that i could "access".

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