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Wolverine claws and dual wielding?


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i have searched the internet for hours trying to find something that could be similar the claws that Logan The Wolverine in XMEN has. is there anyway to get this done? i have tried myself but im not that good at moding yet, just started last week xD


so im wondering if there may be any chance at all for someone to make the claws or maybe just one that can be "launched" from your fists the same way that Logan has?


i think it would be cool :)

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very possible. I'm not an expert in this field, and am totally speculating, so quick thoughts that may or may not be in the realm of doable. this is from a modellers perspective....


I think its possible to get a transform controller to run on the claw at equip/unequip. so they pop out and retract. don't see why not. I have a rough idea how the scene would be setup and exported.


I would obviously use the empty handed animations. punch=stab/slash


can't help further I'm afraid

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or: http://www.fallout3nexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=7261


my solution ^^


hope this helps..............................................l

NOT my video................................................l


support me by clicking the egg/hatchling! \/

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