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TESV:Skyrim; The Shivering Isles! .:Info!:. & Modders Wanted


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Some more pictures right down here.


New landmarks have been added, such as this beautiful meadow below High Top.




Just as pretty at night.



One of my favorite new additions; The Fungel. A small living-fungi. They roam dense vegitated areas, especially ones with a lot of mushrooms. They stay motionless at most times, but if spooked or attacked they will uproot their little root-legs and hightail it out of there!


I felt so guilty when I killed one...



I forgot to add that there is a special forge located in High Top. A small patch upon the top of the hill sunk in, and molted rock emerged. Why or how? The residents do not know, but with the right skill unique weapons can be crafted there.

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Third set of pictures below.


Everybody likes new enemies. Here we see the Shambles, an abomination of bones and magic, held together by evil.
They fall apart just like a good ol' skeleton should.



The Grummites are still present of course, and they are evolving. They now have scattered homes/camps in both Mania and Dementia.

Some are even aging into their adult forms.. the Scalions. A much more fiercer predator.



A new dungeon will be in the works soon, too. With the addition of Zealots, Flesh Atronachs, and more nasty creatures well suited for Dementia.

At the moment there are other enemy types I haven't shown. Such as the Great Hunger, and the Banshee.


And now some info on what's in the works beside just the map.

Halgarth (A great modder on this site) has been working hard on bringing the Mazken and Aureals to the Isles. He has mostly done race mods, and has already shown me how good he is. He has also started working on some custom armor/robe sets for the inhabitants of the Isles.

So you'll see some new digs in The Isles as well.

Until my next update! Keep a lookout!

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Wow! That's all I have to say... :smile: Really coming alone on this and I'm glad it hasn't faded into oblivion. Well done on your work so far! Can't wait to see more as I always loved the Shivering Isles from Oblivion. :smile: :smile: :smile:


Thank you so much! The support , and the common love for the Isles really helps motivate us to keep this going.

This mod is for you, just as much as it is for us!


Just keep an eye on this thread, and if you know anyone who has certain talents with either modeling or scripting and would like to help, let us know, or send them over our way! :)

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Everything looks like its coming together in a real tangible way. Sheo looks fantastic and the Fungel is strangely cute. The Shambles, Grummites, all looking amazing.


Though have you noticed that the colouring of Sheo's outfit is backwards to Mania and Dementia if he were to sit on his throne? Now that's positively mad.

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Everything looks like its coming together in a real tangible way. Sheo looks fantastic and the Fungel is strangely cute. The Shambles, Grummites, all looking amazing.


Though have you noticed that the colouring of Sheo's outfit is backwards to Mania and Dementia if he were to sit on his throne? Now that's positively mad.


I didn't even notice that.. wow. Lol

Wonder why they switched it up like that?

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