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Creating Roleplaying Homes via CK - What Do YOU Want?


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A basic needs Werewolf Player Home, somewhere well away from any roads in the Reach....being a cave, though light filled (open topped cave like the Eldergleam, etc...) with a lot of flora, Trees, Bushes, Alchemy Plants, with a running water source such as a waterfall leading to stream which pools into something large enough to bathe in.


The living area concealed from the cave entrance view by rock formations and plants and the living area kept simple, using Forsworn Bedding (the pelt on hay), a campfire close to the bed with the cooking pot frame, a tree stump to sit upon...a and a couple of Weapons Racks and a couple of Chests, though no Mannequins.


A camp style forge with two small Chests nearby (for pelts and Ingots), away from the sleeping area.


An Alchemy area, the table and a number of small useable barrels and a couple of tables peppered with Jars (like Bug Jars) and various ingredients...Please no Enchanting Table or Soul Gems.


A friendly Spriggan and a few friendly Wolves living in the cave would be fantastic also... :happy:


I have dreamed of a home like this for my Werewolf for a long time and have tried to create one myself, but couldn't get the hang of Modding at all... :sad: ...Would you please make it Svadas?

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A suitable home for my latest character...here's a little personality summary on her to provide you with an idea of what kind of home she needs.


- Severe god complex; considers herself above all other living beings due to being "the chosen of Akatosh". Even considers the Emperor to be a "peon".

- Lavish, exquisite tastes. Has an entire chest in Breezehome with nothing but gems in it, only shops at Radiant Raiment, still complains about the quality and style of the products being "too plain". Has spoken for months about getting a pet sabre cat just because it's exotic.

- Complete egomaniac. Loves to display everything she owns because it makes her feel better about herself.


So basically...a massive, exquisite palace with a gigantic gallery slammed full of mannequins and display furniture of all kinds...something the gods themselves would be in envy of.

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So basically...a massive, exquisite palace with a gigantic gallery slammed full of mannequins and display furniture of all kinds...something the gods themselves would be in envy of.

there are tons of houses like that here on the nexus.


i would like to see none-over-the-top-houses.

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A basic needs Werewolf Player Home, somewhere well away from any roads in the Reach....being a cave, though light filled (open topped cave like the Eldergleam, etc...) with a lot of flora, Trees, Bushes, Alchemy Plants, with a running water source such as a waterfall leading to stream which pools into something large enough to bathe in.


The living area concealed from the cave entrance view by rock formations and plants and the living area kept simple, using Forsworn Bedding (the pelt on hay), a campfire close to the bed with the cooking pot frame, a tree stump to sit upon...a and a couple of Weapons Racks and a couple of Chests, though no Mannequins.


A camp style forge with two small Chests nearby (for pelts and Ingots), away from the sleeping area.


An Alchemy area, the table and a number of small useable barrels and a couple of tables peppered with Jars (like Bug Jars) and various ingredients...Please no Enchanting Table or Soul Gems.


A friendly Spriggan and a few friendly Wolves living in the cave would be fantastic also... :happy:


I have dreamed of a home like this for my Werewolf for a long time and have tried to create one myself, but couldn't get the hang of Modding at all... :sad: ...Would you please make it Svadas?

I can certainly try. I can always duplicate the cell of the Eldergleam, get rid of the special tree, NPCs and add a cave somewhere... Then some simple furnishings... I 'should' be able to do that, but no promises... Except the promise to try.


A suitable home for my latest character...here's a little personality summary on her to provide you with an idea of what kind of home she needs.


- Severe god complex; considers herself above all other living beings due to being "the chosen of Akatosh". Even considers the Emperor to be a "peon".

- Lavish, exquisite tastes. Has an entire chest in Breezehome with nothing but gems in it, only shops at Radiant Raiment, still complains about the quality and style of the products being "too plain". Has spoken for months about getting a pet sabre cat just because it's exotic.

- Complete egomaniac. Loves to display everything she owns because it makes her feel better about herself.


So basically...a massive, exquisite palace with a gigantic gallery slammed full of mannequins and display furniture of all kinds...something the gods themselves would be in envy of.

I wouldn't mind doing this, so long as the house would be void of crafting equipment. If you want those, however, there are plenty on the Nexus. Hundreds and hundreds. A very large plethora. Kind of the reason I went in to modding houses, really :P

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I wouldn't mind another vampire lair.

I'll see what I can do. What type of lair? A basement in a shack, Anise's Cabin style? A cave?


A hidden lair in Proudspire Manor?


Would just outside Proudspire do, so that you enter from the exterior? Best for all to have it not connected via cells, but, if that is what you want, I will do it. Also, big, small, or inbetween?

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