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Creating Roleplaying Homes via CK - What Do YOU Want?


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Well, it shouldn't take long, hopefully. I'll get started right now.


Edit: That means keep an eye on this thread :wink:


Been following it since I made my request :)

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I'm working on it, but also on another at the same time. But I certainly am working on it, and that's the truth :wink:


Mod requests are a leap of faith every time...you have to trust that when a modder says they'll catch you, they'll actually be there. I trust you won't let me splat on the pavement. :)

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I'll definitely try. Being a mod writer, as well as learning how to use the CK is pretty much doing IT and English, which don't exactly go perfectly together at the same time, but they help create stuff. And we can't forget that I have a life and whatnot. Regardless, I've started on it, as I have several homes, but... Yeah. On the mod, under 'Posts', there's a list for my to-do activities, if you want to keep an eye on it.


And for the sake on convenience...




I highly suggest tracking it, too.

Edited by Svadas
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Update here: My Grey Quarter home is very nearly done, but adding a nice basement for pots of ashes where the citizens of the Grey Quarter'll go when they die. Shouldn't delay it too much, I hope.


The Vampire Lair under Proudspire Manor is nearly done, but needs several tweaks for an ever-sleeping NPC to feed on.


Several other projects have been started, but not gone so far, due to choices of interior, actual location, or simply how complicated it is, and that it will take time to figure out how it will be made.

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Not exactly a request, but a suggestion if you feel it worth. A vampire / necromancer tower in the marshes of morthal.... small, hidden, with alchemy and enchanting tables... for low levels evil characters mostly. And since you already have plans to do a mage's tower anyway, maybe you could just use the same layout and just give it a more macabre feeling. xD

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Not exactly a request, but a suggestion if you feel it worth. A vampire / necromancer tower in the marshes of morthal.... small, hidden, with alchemy and enchanting tables... for low levels evil characters mostly. And since you already have plans to do a mage's tower anyway, maybe you could just use the same layout and just give it a more macabre feeling. xD

Seems good enough. I think I might use a small fort area, and put down skeletons and bones etc. and whatnot to give it an odd feeling. Maybe give it a roof with the Black Sacrament prepared.. Because what necromancer doesn't prance on the rooftop, praying for someone to die, so that they can steal their corpse?

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The Vampire Lair has been uploaded. The creature that dwells within will have a grey face, and will also probably have no hands or feet. He will try to sleep ALWAYS, I do believe, as that is how I made his sandbox.

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