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Creating Roleplaying Homes via CK - What Do YOU Want?


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A quick update here:


http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/users/9096871/?tb=mods&pUp=1 contains all my current homes. There are several, now, and I am trying to catch up with my orders today. I am currently producing a large manor, which also has Skyrim's tallest tower nearby. I will soon be looking over the other homes later, to try and get as many done as I can.


It's only 'slightly' late, right? :wink:


Edit: Also added the great manor, now. http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54310/?

Edited by Svadas
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In my opinion, a real roleplaying home should be extremely interactable.

For instance, someone should be able to move chairs, to change the table theme, to lit on/off the cooking pot etc etc.

Maybe you should also add a marker that permits the player to play some new animation (new for the player but not for the NPCs), like sweeping or things like that


Then, an other important thing: each house should have an unique interior design. Personally, I don't like the common houses, because they look all the same.

Use the Nordic architecture style...of course...but try to create an unique house design. Something that should let people say "that's really MY house, this is not one of the thousands Skyrim common houses"


That's my suggest. If I wanted to download a roleplaying home...well...that's what it should be! Good work!

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Somewhere between the Nexus and the Workshop, there's a mod called "Move Anything"...lets you do basically that. I prefer to use it to make other peoples' houses/shops look like Sheogorath visited, but....

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Well, I've learnt some skills, thanks to a certain someone who posted just up of my last post, and I have eight homes in the series now. Speaking of that, I need to add this update to Minor Holds and More...

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