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Well, I recently picked up Torchlight, and I have to say, that game is awesome. I mean, it may have an incredibly shallow story, which really does bother me, but its still a very fun game. It reminds me of Diablo and its sequel so much, but it still feels original.


They have released their modding tools, but I have seen few mods.. I guess it didn't get enough attention?

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Yeah I think Torchlight has gotten lost amongst the Dragon Age craze and the drooling masses waiting for Diablo 3, but it's a great game for the meantime.


Only thing about it that's bugging me so far is the inability to control the camera. Top-down isometric and the angle you get is the angle you get.


Aside from that, it is the most Diablo-like game I've played since Diablo. I think that's probably because it was made by the co-designers of Diablo and Diablo 2.


Think of it as Diablo-extra-light.


But yeah, it's fun.

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It pays good homage to Diablo II as it's a decent Diablo clone...Titan Quest tried it, but that didn't work out so well (non randomized maps ftl) The only thing I don't like about it...the graphics. I normally don't say "the graphics" when choosing a game, but this one is an exception. It looks way too much like a child's game. It's a good game, just very hard for me to get past those graphics. I read and all that they were trying to go for that, but it looks like a "little kid's Diablo"
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but it looks like a "little kid's Diablo"

It also plays that way tbh. There isn't nearly enough importance on what skills or attributes you raise, nor what equipment you use. While the game can still have a challenge on harder difficulties, it just seems to be missing the depth.

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