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Transparent Character Skins


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likely. Alpha seems to work on characters. it may conflict with some skin shaders, alpha can be tempermental. so you'll have to figure out things by trying it.


but I don't know what effect you are going for. the vertex order on the bodies could be in a disarray, causeing fighting in the zbuffer, making the alpha look crap.


also I don't think it'll look so good, especially on the face. there is all kinds of geomerty inside there, mouth and eye, and they were built for function/ never intended to see it in there, so basically it won't look like normal people with translucent skin do(skin is translucent as it happens). Probably more like a scary puppet. with hollow insides. I really don't imagine pulling off any SSS skin. or faking it.


best if you describe or show a pic of the final effect you are after

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yes it is possible.


watch your eyes, children. glass girls are not exactly SFW!



























NSfw V_V



































comes from this mod here, by SpeedBuster, he is the KING. OMG :)




perhaps you can reverse engineer the mod and figure out how he did it :)

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Actually....from those pics, it does look a hell of a lot better than I imagined. There is some fighting on the legs in that one you linked skree. If the meshes had been strippified at export that'll make thinks worse by a whole lot. always use shapes for transparent meshes.
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