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With thousands of custom house mods, I am surprised that there aren't any toiletries to make houses look more lived in, little things like hairbrushes, toothbrushes, looking glasses, razors, and the like.


I have looked through a lot of mods and have never seen anything other than a paint brush that was renamed "toothbrush".


Does anybody know of anything like that?

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It goes back into that whole "more clutter" issue. Essentially, although there is a need for more things to clutter an interior, and even if you ignore the part of making new meshes, it isn't really practical due to how one mod cannot use content from another mod without the parented mod being a .esm.


Although someone could go through the process of putting together such a .esm, due to how you can't change any leveled lists or add to any cells without conflicts, the .esm itself would not have enough to be useful, and would likely be left in obscurity.


If it was just resources, you would have the problem of first people being aware of those resources for their mods. Then the resources would need to be shared or required. And after all that, if people installed more than one mod that used that resource, they would have their inventory cluttered with items that have different stats, names, definitions, but the same mesh (maybe you weren't around when there were no less than 5 popular mods which made use of braided armor, each with their own stats, values, and definitions).


Finally, you have to consider that most people making house mods are newer modders, so may not know how to parent with a .esm or make new definitions in the CS. Furthermore, they may not even bother to see what resources are available.


It may be wanted or even needed, but the problem lies in being able to do anything with it once you have it.



Also, working mirrors can't be done due to engine limitations. Although there were attempts at having just shiny flat surfaces, I don't think any of those worked out particularly well.

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You totally lost me there, Vagrant. Yes, I've seen Braided Armor in several places, and also Dreadweave. But I'm not sure how that relates to a toothbrush.


I'm not talking about ESM's or anything lie COBL. There are lots of mods that add clutter, like Jade dishes, ebony dishes, and MEO's Ayleid dishes, and there are tons of paintings, rugs, and tapestries. Just no toothbrushes, shaving brushes, or the like.


UK47 was kind enough to make a scrubbing animation for me, but I don't have a scrub brush to put in the scrubber's hands.


Just asking if anybody knows about anything like this...

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UK47 you are Amazing! :thumbsup:


Thank you.




The system won't let me give you Kudos more than once, otherwise I would have!



Note that within 2 hours of UK47 posting this mod, somebody else besides me saw it, loved it, and gave Kudos :thumbsup:


Toiletries in Oblivion are sorely needed, and would be greatly appreciated by any house builder...

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  • 8 years later...


UK47 you are Amazing! http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


Thank you.




The system won't let me give you Kudos more than once, otherwise I would have!



Note that within 2 hours of UK47 posting this mod, somebody else besides me saw it, loved it, and gave Kudos http://thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


Toiletries in Oblivion are sorely needed, and would be greatly appreciated by any house builder...

hi i know this post is old but do you by any chance remember the name of the mod he posted the link to? when i click the link it just goes to the nexus home page.

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