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Oblivion Will It Be As Good As Morrowind?????


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It's going to be hard to beat my fully modded Morrowind with my awesome house, clothes and armor!


But I think the game will be better. They certainly wouldn't have spent this time making a lateral move! :)

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I'll wait and see how the game plays compared to Morrwind and other Elder Scrolls tiitles. I've played ES titles since Daggerfall and went back to try Daggerfall again after playing Morrwind extensively. At this point I would have to say that I like Morrowind better than Daggerfall but there are certainly things I like better about Daggerfall than the Morrowind equivalent. Overall I think the combination of better graphics and more fully realized setting in Morrowind provide a more immersive experience. I also liked the setting of Morrwind in Vardenfall compared to the generic medieval European fantasy feel that Daggerfall had in all the provinces (as does Arena which I first played after the 10th anniversary free release.) I am a little concerned that Oblivion will suffer from the generic European fantasy setting problem that Daggerfall does but hope it won't given the much better graphics and more fully developed world..


At any rate, I hope that Oblivion will prove even better and more immersive than Morrrowind but I don't expect it will eclipse the other titles in the ES series in terms of long term favorites that I have enjoyed and will probably continue to play even if not as frequently as they age relatively gracefully.

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Personally, I dont think that I will ever rate many games above Morrowind, and whether or not Oblivion falls above it (which I have a feeling it might, but I wont know till I play it). I was just playing Half-Life 2 again a few days ago, and I realized how much fun it is just being able to go over that cliff and see whats beyond. I hate being confined in games. I know it may take a lot more for developers (such as Bethesda) to make all the land for you to roam freely on, but it is worth it because you dont have to follow a set path constantly. So my opinion with the general game play is that they are the same.


Now there are supposidly new things, such as the spells and stuff that Morrowind really lacked it, but there are also a lot of things that will be missing from Oblivion that Morrowind had, such as crossbows and other weapons that people like so much. Myself, I'm more of a long sword/magic kind of person, so that doesnt bother me so much.


Another thing that I am a little worried about is the music. I have heard the main title, and it has a striking resemblance to the Morrowind main title song, and I am worried that the music might just be slight variations of the Morrowind explore music. However, I have enough trust in Bethesda that they wouldn't do that to us. It is just something that has been on my mind. I do know that the idea for the music is the same, in the fact that music plays while you are walking around and such, and I presume that it changes when you go into battle the same way it does in Morrowind.

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I like the realism of the screenshots of Oblivion. However, I have become so fond of many of the faces created for MW by Emma, Rhedd & so many others - that I am wondering how they would look if I transfered them into the tescs for Oblivion. Will have to see, perhaps with tweaking they'd look okay. Also, I love the children faces especially that are at Emma's Elder Scrolls Site. They are so detailed they would be good for Obliv.


I know this can possibly be done because while at a MW site once, I ran acrost a girl who had redone all the fantastic tatooed faces of Daggerfall for MW & emailed me them to see....I kept encouraging her to make her mod public *it was so great* but I never saw it anywhere so I don't think she did. :rolleyes:

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I loved the screen shots when morrowind was first shown, not so impressed with the screen shots I have seen from Oblivion. Maybe its just the charators try to look so real! I won't write it off yet as a good game, but will keep my doubts.


Oblivion is already a better game than Morrowind, and it's not because the graphics are amazing... well, ok, it's partially because the graphics are amazing :). The crowning achievement of the TES games has alway been in the way they allow you to interact with the gaming environment. Every game in the series has set the gold standard for it's generation in that respect, and Oblivion is no exception, expanding the envelope even further (just try dragging a corpse around by it's hair and tell my you're not creeped out by how real it is... uh, not that I would personally know what dragging a corpse around by it's hair looks like, mind you :ph34r: ). The decision by Bethesda to... ah... cater the game towards console players (I'd say dumbed down, but console players seem to get offended by that :dry: ), however, has resulted in the loss of some aspects of the game: some skills have been tossed, a couple of weapon and armor classes were nerfed, the whole vampire thing is borked (we now have vampires from the school of Buffy as opposed to Bram Stoker), and the whole interface... well, lets just say that there are no words that can be written in a public forum that would convey my dislike for the interface :excl: Fortunately, all of the things I don't like about Oblivion can, and currently are, being fixed by the modding community, which leaves us with an awesome game that is only going to get better.

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Oblivion is already a better game than Morrowind, and it's not because the graphics are amazing... well, ok, it's partially because the graphics are amazing :). The crowning achievement of the TES games has alway been in the way they allow you to interact with the gaming environment. Every game in the series has set the gold standard for it's generation in that respect, and Oblivion is no exception, expanding the envelope even further (just try dragging a corpse around by it's hair and tell my you're not creeped out by how real it is... uh, not that I would personally know what dragging a corpse around by it's hair looks like, mind you :ph34r: ). The decision by Bethesda to... ah... cater the game towards console players (I'd say dumbed down, but console players seem to get offended by that :dry: ), however, has resulted in the loss of some aspects of the game: some skills have been tossed, a couple of weapon and armor classes were nerfed, the whole vampire thing is borked (we now have vampires from the school of Buffy as opposed to Bram Stoker), and the whole interface... well, lets just say that there are no words that can be written in a public forum that would convey my dislike for the interface :excl: Fortunately, all of the things I don't like about Oblivion can, and currently are, being fixed by the modding community, which leaves us with an awesome game that is only going to get better.


Unfortunately Oblivion isn't state of the art for interacting with the world. While it is much better than Morriowind in this respect, it's still very disconcerting to drop a bottle or glass alembic or retort and just see it bounce. You can't move furniture and many other objects around that would obviously be movable in the real world. Try Half Life 2 for much more impressive interaction with the world. Something else that is a little disconcerting is seeing manipulatable objects disappear. I've seen it happen with arrows when I've walked past them and then come back. Maybe the most amusing was playing kick the can down some steps with a steel cuirass that I had to kick/push since I already was carrying all I could. It bounced down the steps (yay for gravity effects) outside an Aeyelid ruin and then suddenly vanished in to thin air when it got most of the way down. I suspect this effect may be due to crossing a cell border or something similar.


The one thing I miss so far in Oblivion compared to Morrowind is the sense of the exotic and really fantastic. While I've only explored a small portion of the world so far, it feels much more mundane in many ways than Morrowind did. Aeyeled (sp?) ruins aren't nearly as exotic and weird as Daedric shrines or Dwemer ruins in Morrowind which seem to be sort of the equivalent type of place. The world of Oblivion seems well realized and beautiful in many aspects, but far more mundane than most of the locales (with the exception of the Imperial locations like Caldera) in Morrowind.

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