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How Will You Kill Your Horse?


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I seem to remember something in Dark0ne's preview about getting hurt while on his horse - I assume they have their own health level, I dunno. Guess we'll have to wait and see (13 days people!)

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Heres how I will kill my horse.... I WONT.


I like horses and I dont want the guilt of murdering my friend/companion/asset and at the very least something that makes my life easier, to ruin my first experience of Oblivion. But then I also felt bad killing white woves and bears in Bloodmoon.

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I wouldn't intentionally (well okay, maybe once just to test its limits ;)), but knowing me I might try a few over-eager leaps or forget to heal it after running through a passing band of goblins. :D
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Bah, that's cannibalist, that is - blatant disregard for the rich creamy culture that cannibals have. So its okay to eat our beloved Clip-Clop or Fido, but not to eat Mrs Willibade next door? For shame, Bethsoft.


Did Dark0ne's preview mention horses jumping? The animation for that must have been pretty hard to do well.

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Hmm, well I think either he, or one of the other reviewers, said that you can. But they probably meant, for instance, running it off the edge of a sheer slope or something. I wouldn't think you'd be able to make it jump at will. But who knows. :P
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Well, I'm sure the Khajiiti chars will first get some creamy sauce and *cast greater fireball* cook the muscular quadruped. Personally, I'm not gonna whack my horse. Well, not unless it does something really stupid, like sniffing a Dremora or something like that.


And there's something I noticed reading Dark0ne's text; IIRC, he said that you can't fight on horseback, which IMVIO (egotistical boast) is rather odd, since knights were most effective on horseback, with the added ineritial power and all. Imagine charging down hill and impaling an Ogrim on a 6 foot long lance. Heh, heh...Daedra shishkebab anyone? :D

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