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How Will You Kill Your Horse?


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Indeed, that's one of the few downers that I can see in Oblivion. I mean, would it have been so hard to include that feature? Yes, it would have meant extra animations and stuff, but really, come on Bethosoft.


Frankly I think they left it out so that they would have something to put in the expansion pack/sold plug-ins they plan to do :angry:

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I wonder if you can take your horse into Oblivion...


I'd leave it there. Technically you won't see it die, but imagine of all the fun and grusome things the Daedra would do to it before they tired of it.


On second thought, throwing it off a cliff would be merciful compared to leaving it in Oblivion.

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And there's something I noticed reading Dark0ne's text; IIRC, he said that you can't fight on horseback, which IMVIO (egotistical boast) is rather odd, since knights were most effective on horseback, with the added ineritial power and all. Imagine charging down hill and impaling an Ogrim on a 6 foot long lance. Heh, heh...Daedra shishkebab anyone? :D


My impression is that the omission of mounted combat is primarily due to the (over)specilization in the revised combat system to reflect the feeling of dismounted melee.


One question I do have is speciifcallly what is not allowed on horseback. Is the use of bows disallowed in general? Shooting a bow at a living target? Are ranged and targetted combat spells (as opposed to touch) disallowed? If ranged attacks are allowed on horseback it may well turn out to be mandatory for characters and monsters to have some sort of ranged combat or magic ability in order to prevent mounted skirmishers being able to pick them off while remaining out of reach. Morrowind had this problem to a large degree when players chose to levitate while killing opponents with shooting or ranged spells. Hopefully a similar one won't occur in Oblivion form horseback.

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I'm assuming that you won't be able to do anything at all while riding,except things like checking the map and fast-travelling. Offensive actions like shooting bows or casting spells are most likely not possible.
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Indeed, so there isn't actually a having a horse apart from the look of the thing :( Bravo Bethsoft. Still, let's wait and see what official plug-ins are broutht out, I'm sure theres going to be a horse combat one.
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Well I supose they were trawling the forums for years with thought provocing topics like "What would you like in the next chapter of The Elder Scrolls?" To wich everyone, I assume, answered "horses" and "better fast travel"


So now we have horses. :D



PS. Its not just a game, it is sanity! >runs away hiding the fanatics torch< :ohmy:


And thats what people say when the are losing... hehehe...just a game...hehehe

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I just read a review in the new PCgamer, he was saying that a bad guy was chasing him, so he ran to his horse and got on. THEN his horse hit the bad guy with its hooves right between the eyes! I dunno if he was just exaggerating what could have really happened though...
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I trust nothing PCGamer says... but it would make sense for the horses to have some kind of defensive attack, and horses can indeed be trained to bite and kick on command (whereas most horses simply bite and kick when they want :P).
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