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that being a wussy by following your gfs orders wasnt meant to mean that smoking weed makes you a man lol, just that you should always keep some space and freedom for yourself and your friends however that may look like... please your girl but stay true to yourself...



that dj thing sounded more like extasy or somin along those lines, definately not weed, thats simply not the perfect party drug ;), Es however also dont have any proven disadvantages (if clean) or associated illnesses xcept for dehydration due to activity induced by that sensation (which can be bad if you dont register that you need water) and the possible headfreak if youre a crazy madman yet anyway,

however just like with everything you need to deal with it in a responsible way,

for example dont go clubbing 4 days in a row even if youd like to, youll suck at work/school and even piss of your loved ones eventually, but thats somin that counts for gaming or eating chocolate just aswell, its a general rule that applies to everything, be humble and descent whatever you do...

also being given some "stuff" at a party by a stranger includes the inherent risk of getting something you didnt bargain for, will it be crystal? will it be coke? will it be extasy? or may it even be rohypnol? you never know and i definately advise againt such a choice...

if you want to try stuff get it from a reliable source at least where you know what you get...



here in krautland its an equally retarded law (a porivisional law, since 40yrs lol, hence no final law tho it might be final by now since our gov doesnt tell us poo anymore, heck they changed the so called constitution without telling anyone lol)

we are allowed to consume all kinds of drugs but not to posses them, once i asked a lawyer what that would actually mean and the conclusion is that for example one guy in a group has a joint, he hands it to the next guy who takes a few hits and gives it back, then the guy who had the joint in the first place gives it to the next person, this way only the guy who had the joint at the beginning actually possessed it and the others simply "used", however since these guys now are witness of a crime they have to report him or become his accomplices...

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that being a wussy by following your gfs orders wasnt meant to mean that smoking weed makes you a man lol, just that you should always keep some space and freedom for yourself and your friends however that may look like... please your girl but stay true to yourself...



that dj thing sounded more like extasy or somin along those lines, definately not weed, thats simply not the perfect party drug ;), Es however also dont have any proven disadvantages (if clean) or associated illnesses xcept for dehydration due to activity induced by that sensation (which can be bad if you dont register that you need water) and the possible headfreak if youre a crazy madman yet anyway,

however just like with everything you need to deal with it in a responsible way,

for example dont go clubbing 4 days in a row even if youd like to, youll suck at work/school and even piss of your loved ones eventually, but thats somin that counts for gaming or eating chocolate just aswell, its a general rule that applies to everything, be humble and descent whatever you do...

also being given some "stuff" at a party by a stranger includes the inherent risk of getting something you didnt bargain for, will it be crystal? will it be coke? will it be extasy? or may it even be rohypnol? you never know and i definately advise againt such a choice...

if you want to try stuff get it from a reliable source at least where you know what you get...




Thanks for the advices, but I'm 100% sure it was not extasy or any other strong drog. I've seen all kinds of stuff and it was not something dangerous. It's just something that gives you a boost, just like if you drink 4-5 beers and you are just ok, not drunk, but without having to go to the bathroom every 10 minutes :D I stay away from dangerous drugs, never tryed any and I don't plan to. We do smoke weed every now and then.(legal stuff that you can you buy from the stores, it's not very strong, but mixed with 1-2 beers and you are ok all night long) Personaly, I only smoked a couple of times(4-5) in my life and only becouse I was asked if I want any. I never buy it myself. As for clubbing 4 days in a row, thats realy not my stuff. I'm good with a couple of hours every now and then. I never like to exagerate so I always know when to stop.







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well weed doesnt give you any kind of boost until you mastered the force :P


What they had that night was not weed. Translated into English is called "dust". In my language it's "praf". :P

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well weed doesnt give you any kind of boost until you mastered the force :P


What they had that night was not weed. Translated into English is called "dust". In my language it's "praf". :P

It has NOTHING to do with cannabis. Do not try it. Not even once. VERY DANGEROUS:


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Quote from Balagors Link:

The American musician Big Lurch, while under the effect of PCP not only killed a person but also took out his lungs and chewed them. Another case of PCP intoxication involves the person cutting his own legs. Perhaps the most publicized case of PCP abuse is of David Lochary’s who took PCP and committed suicide by jumping out of the window.






Don't even think of trying this! :no:

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Agreed, dust is f'ing mental! steer well away. I never tried it, but I can't see any potential benefits, so why would I?


back to grass

It is ridiculously exspensive these days. And in lots of europe it can be hard to find the highest quality. Plus my life isn't stable enough to make any sort of regular use of it atm. Honestly it would be a bad idea for me right now. But I'd still love too. I honestly think it can be used as beneficial. Particularly for anyone of artistic pursuits, and is of sound mental health, generally stable and happy.


Whoever said otherwise, a few pages back, smoking ganja IS addictive. Not any great physical addiction, and breaking it off is quite quick and easy, in comparison to most recreational drugs, tobacco and alchohol are the 2 most widespread and abused. But ganj is moreish! and if readily availible stopping can be quite difficult


depending of the stuff itself, and the tyoe of high it creates, it can feel very good. It can enhance emotional responce. Under its influence, I have honestly felt waves of powerfull emotion, both good and bad, which would certianly not be the case under normal circumstances.


The experince of watching a film/reading, sex, training phsyical pursuits(boxing/MA/Juggling/yoga/dance) completely changes. It can actually be amazing.


flipside, it will cloud your usual reason. you have to be clean for best part of a year of any addiction, before you get a good perspective on the addiction, and how it truely affects you. it can also make you apothetic with over use.


I have quit smoking weed several times, I say quit, no quiting was involved. I mean I just stopped spending money on it. and up to a couple years passed before I bought any again. One thing I learnt, is it still feels good and I am partial if I am spending time on my own or training. I can't stand tobacco, I quit when I was 25 after smoking since I was 19. And alchohol leaves me with a slight depression as a sideeffect- I honestly can't feel good about anything I usually enjoy for several days! its pretty horrible, but these days I know its coming and just force myself through knowing its not me but the drugs, I see alchohol as a powerful drug, even though it is legal. Seen way too many destroy themselves and eveyone around them to be convinced otherwise.

I always look forward to weed smoking. And one day in the future I hope to do it again. Right now I am only 3 months clean, besides drinking several times over the holidays.


Ballance and having respect for yourself.

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That story of the man cutting his leg reminded of what a professor of english once told us (she's a transfeer professor form canada i think..). Well somehow we ended up talking about pot and she told us that a friend of hers once after smoking a lot of pod has cutted his ding-dong off...now that's brütal! Things like this are a biiiigg killer for my couriousity about trying weed.
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That story of the man cutting his leg reminded of what a professor of english once told us (she's a transfeer professor form canada i think..). Well somehow we ended up talking about pot and she told us that a friend of hers once after smoking a lot of pod has cutted his ding-dong off...now that's brütal! Things like this are a biiiigg killer for my couriousity about trying weed.

If that was true and not anpther of the hundred completely false scare stories. The person who did that would have likely cut their ding-dong off regardless of smoking weed or not.I'd think the person must have had a serious mental illness and shouldn't have been smoking weed.


I have probably met thousands of smokers. all whom have never lost touch like that under the influence of even the most potent weed. I'd say he was on PCP or some such garbage

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That story of the man cutting his leg reminded of what a professor of english once told us (she's a transfeer professor form canada i think..). Well somehow we ended up talking about pot and she told us that a friend of hers once after smoking a lot of pod has cutted his ding-dong off...now that's brütal! Things like this are a biiiigg killer for my couriousity about trying weed.


Thanks...now I'm really sick. :sick:


And now it's for sure: Never take weed if you have a mental illness and you want to have kids, better stay away from weed!

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