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That story of the man cutting his leg reminded of what a professor of english once told us (she's a transfeer professor form canada i think..). Well somehow we ended up talking about pot and she told us that a friend of hers once after smoking a lot of pod has cutted his ding-dong off...now that's brütal! Things like this are a biiiigg killer for my couriousity about trying weed.

Just another scary story. IF it happend (and it probably did not), i fully agree with @Ghogiel. He must have been mentally desturbed, probably a skizhofrenic. Then it could have happen anyway under the influence of alcohol.

Van Goegh was not under any drug influence when he cut hes ear. He was bipolar.

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well weed doesnt give you any kind of boost until you mastered the force :P


What they had that night was not weed. Translated into English is called "dust". In my language it's "praf". :P

It has NOTHING to do with cannabis. Do not try it. Not even once. VERY DANGEROUS:




Omg it's not that!! Hell no. I've never seen or heard about such a drug before. It's something else with the same name.

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No matter what it is, i would be suspicous about anything made in a lab

totally agree...


a guy cut his dong off? on weed? seriously ive heard such stories bout all kind of drugs from lsd to angel's trumpets but never for weed...


well that stuff called dust could be anything but i agree that its most likely PCP though it could be anything in powder form, if you were indian it would prolly be some funky plant thats ridiculously crazy but since youre czech its prolly indeed somin chemical

really push, check what that is before you take it and get some info on it...


weed being addictive? wells its just as addictive as sex for example, its fun to do and hence you want to do it again, its not that your body actually tells you that he needs it like it would with alcohol, cigs or heroin


the problem with weed is simply that its illegal and in most countries just as bad lawwise as heroin

this results in the following:


-criminalization of harmless people and overcrowding of penitentary institutes with people who never did anyone harm and would probably be a productive and positive add to our society if they werent in jail, many of these become "real" criminals afterwards due to the dreary outlook on their future which they face after a jail sentence


-overload of law enforcement which could otherwise deal with pedophiles and murderers


-people who want to take weed for whatever reason will get in contact with criminals of all kinds earlier or later either due to the need to buy from them or getting put together with them if they are caught using weed


-weed is extraordinarily expensive if bought but basicly for free if we could grow it as it grows everywhere even in norway


-weed quality has suffered in the last 5yrs tremendously as more and more of these criminals mix up the weed with sand, glass, milk powder and other crap, heck even lead to make it heavier and sell for an even higher price, this practise has become even more so common after the dutch werent allowed to grow vast amounts anymore, right now most of the "illegitimate" european weed comes from germany, is sold to holland and then sold back, strangely all over europe the contamination of weed is similiar leading to the opinion that the weed is getting contaminated by only one source, which "may" be even the government


-gov misses out on a huge tax income increase


-misinformed kids, parents and law enforcers which leads to false accusations (what, you smoke crack?!!?) up to ill behavior (oh that pcp is prolly just weed)


-weed's medical uses are basicly unknown or unused, few researches have been done properly and gotten the highligt they deserve


what are the pros of the criminalization?


-as i said earlier the pros are that some established companies who basicly rule our countries (guess who makes the election campaigns possible and what they want for that?) wont have to fear for a fight for the market (pharma, oil, chemical, construction materials, and some others)


if anyone sees another pro for these laws please tell me :)

and no, protecting people form themselves is not what a pro would be, for one has no harm been associated with weed which isnt associated with baby food aswell but also do i think that if a government has to protect the people form themselves they failed in the education department and should get fired instantly...

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+1 support.


Just because weed isn't known as phsycally/chemically addictive in itself, doesn't mean it is not addictive.

Your body chemistry slowly adjusts to the active ingredients in weed, and will produce a craving effect when you suddently stop intake. Kinda a mild withdrawl symptom. Probably less phsycal than sugar withdrawl. and certainly nothing like heroin or worse, alchohol withdrawl, which can near enough kill an addict.

and there is just pure mental addiction and habitual addiction too.

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I think everybody knows what he is doing and if they want to smoke weed, the should do it.

But they have also to live with the consequences (arresting, addiction....).


like i said: you can get addicted to weed. and if its just physically: you can get addicted to it. same with computer games for example.

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its not physical, its psychologic... i compared it to sex as thats the closest i could think of (its not as good though), computer games fit the role too, all 3 are not physically addictive but psychological, one more the other less, depending on the fun factor... hence i mentioned, train yourself in discipline, restrain yourself and be humble... that doesnt only count for weed but all things in life, one of the few things the morals of most religions got straight...


as i mentioned earlier our brain has a special receptor for thc and all the good things in weed from birth! its there, its working, its not like with alcohol or somin for which we need to create proteins and stuff to deal with

youll also still get just as high after your thousand joint as you did on your first, problem with that is only that you learned how to deal with it by then and its not surprising anymore, also will there still be a certain level of weed ingredients in your blood which basicly keep you in a stoned state for a few days, just limited and you prolly wont even notice but its there, once that has worn out youre more or less "fresh" and "clean" and can experience the full force again...

however i never met anyone who experienced withdrawal symptoms of any kind, no sweat, no shivering, no pain, no craving... well craving maybe, but then on the concious level, you know you want it cause it feels great, but you know it wont be too bad if you dont get your hit today or tomorrow; but then we get the "illegal" problem again, you also know that you dont know when youll get the chance to get somin again, hence you try your best to get what you can while you can and may aswell spend 18h waiting for some kazach to arrive while you freeze your balls off on a cold november evening... dont do that :D get a reliable source lol...


btw, since we have receptors for weed ingredients, our body has somehow achieved to create the state of being stoned on its own, for example being in a meditative state like a yoga guru or buddhist monk you experience the exact same thing as the very same receptors get activated and the brain energy field (or whatever its called in english) vibrates on the same wave length, wether you smoked weed in your life or not... weed is just like natures gift to spare us of years of training in sitting still :P

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Well while it is addictive in the sense as it moreish.... you can at least still DO other things after having taken some.

where as being addicted to playing video games actually takes hours and hours, not doing anything else, weed takes a matter of minutes to get high, and then it's possible to function relatively normally. for instance you could study for your exams, write a few pages in your novel, go to dance class. You can't really do any of those things succesfully while playing video games or even after a few beers.


Edit: I have experience withdrawl symptoms everytime I leave even a weeks smoking behind. Physical symptoms, craving, the "where can I get more" thought popping up. agitation. mild flashes of heat, prickly skin. elevated heat rate/ bloodpressure. loss of appetite. over active appetite. Things are just out of whack for like 3 or 4 days. I've had way more messed up effects from fasting or doing an experiment on diet change. but the effects are there however subtle


I am quite sensitive though

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its not physical, its psychologic... i compared it to sex as thats the closest i could think of (its not as good though), computer games fit the role too, all 3 are not physically addictive but psychological, one more the other less, depending on the fun factor... hence i mentioned, train yourself in discipline, restrain yourself and be humble... that doesnt only count for weed but all things in life, one of the few things the morals of most religions got straight...


oh yeah, i actually meant psychologic...sometimes im using the wrong english words.. :rolleyes:

cuz if you take weed the brain sends out endorphines....means, you get lucky. if you consume weed often, your brain gets used to send them out. but when you stop smoking weed then, its like your brain says "i want more of that stuff so give it to me". thats psychological additction. at least i think it is... :blink:

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its not physical, its psychologic... i compared it to sex as thats the closest i could think of (its not as good though), computer games fit the role too, all 3 are not physically addictive but psychological, one more the other less, depending on the fun factor... hence i mentioned, train yourself in discipline, restrain yourself and be humble... that doesnt only count for weed but all things in life, one of the few things the morals of most religions got straight...


oh yeah, i actually meant psychologic...sometimes im using the wrong english words.. :rolleyes:

cuz if you take weed the brain sends out endorphines....means, you get lucky. if you consume weed often, your brain gets used to send them out. but when you stop smoking weed then, its like your brain says "i want more of that stuff so give it to me". thats psychological additction. at least i think it is... :blink:


Same addiction comes with high level sport, mountain climbing, alcohol, sex, and many other things, if done too much, or used as an escape from real life.

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