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Although it's consideration as a gateway drug is debatable, I would tend to agree with you that it is a gateway drug. It is classified in all texts in one of three ways depressant, hallucinogenic, or by itself. What is also debatable is it's medicinal properties. Scientists did several studies (double blind and others) where they took the active ingredient in pot and made a pill (or patch) out of it. Still a majority of people said that it did not help them. Which leads me to believe that out of all the people that say they need ti for "health reasons" are actually just trying to get their fix. Medicinally there is no difference between injected Valium or Valium taken orally or rectally other than speed of delivery. Same goes for THC... Bottom line people just want to smoke pot.


I actually used to be on the fence about the whole legalizing thing. Now I say legalize it. Legalize all drugs. But with that you have to do other things as well. Get rid of the welfare system and really crack down on illegal immigration/migration. Take away seat belt laws etc etc... Thus what you do is you open up as many avenues for people to take themselves out of the gene pool as possible with out the taxpayer having to foot the bill, which is always the case when you waste time and money on things like legalization of marijuana which BTW will never happen in CA in my lifetime or probably in a lot of lifetimes.

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What is also debatable is it's medicinal properties. Scientists did several studies (double blind and others) where they took the active ingredient in pot and made a pill (or patch) out of it.


The problem with that is they can't exactly make the THC the way the plant does. It does not give the same effect if it were smoked or eaten. Something about extracting it from the plant "changes" it...shouldn't mess with a plant :P

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Marijuana is found in a lot of medical supplies and since this is the case, there's proof that it can be used for good things as well. Even though it can also be used to smoke, there are currently no recorded deaths of people having taken the drug (Source: http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30 ). While it may be unpleasant, the idea of smoking it as well, the fact that it can be used in medicine, and the fact it hasn't killed any of the millions of people taking it is enough reason for it to be legalized.


That being said however, doesn't mean I would ever want to take it. If you want to smoke something that smells awful, that's up to your discretion.

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Marijuana is found in a lot of medical supplies and since this is the case, there's proof that it can be used for good things as well. Even though it can also be used to smoke, there are currently no recorded deaths of people having taken the drug (Source: http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30 ). While it may be unpleasant, the idea of smoking it as well, the fact that it can be used in medicine, and the fact it hasn't killed any of the millions of people taking it is enough reason for it to be legalized.


That being said however, doesn't mean I would ever want to take it. If you want to smoke something that smells awful, that's up to your discretion.



Legalized is different than Decriminalized. I think Decriminalized is enough. We shouldn't be wasting money rounding up and jailing pot heads. We should be taxing them.

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Marijuana is found in a lot of medical supplies and since this is the case, there's proof that it can be used for good things as well. Even though it can also be used to smoke, there are currently no recorded deaths of people having taken the drug (Source: http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30 ). While it may be unpleasant, the idea of smoking it as well, the fact that it can be used in medicine, and the fact it hasn't killed any of the millions of people taking it is enough reason for it to be legalized.


That being said however, doesn't mean I would ever want to take it. If you want to smoke something that smells awful, that's up to your discretion.



Legalized is different than Decriminalized. I think Decriminalized is enough. We shouldn't be wasting money rounding up and jailing pot heads. We should be taxing them.


I don't see much of a difference between that and legalizing it, while taxing the life out of it to support drug treatment programs as was mentioned earlier. If I'm not mistaken...

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Yeah so many people smoke pot for "medicinal benifits" its s*#t they might as well make medicne illegal ive never seen any pot related deaths pot isnt even a drug drugs are chemicaly altered pots just a plant you might as well make lemons illegal if you happen to smoke it sh*t happens to you
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What is also debatable is it's medicinal properties. Scientists did several studies (double blind and others) where they took the active ingredient in pot and made a pill (or patch) out of it.


The problem with that is they can't exactly make the THC the way the plant does. It does not give the same effect if it were smoked or eaten. Something about extracting it from the plant "changes" it...shouldn't mess with a plant :P



Actually it's not. Different that is. The receptors in the brain cannot tell the difference. What you are thinking of is the speed of pickup. Essentially what happens is smoking it brings it straight to where the blood supply gets it's oxygen thus contaminating your system faster. On top of that great high you get you also get at least 10x more carcinogens than you do from a cigarette. So on the one hand where you may or may not have a valid point as to the efficacy of THC grown or produced in a lab, you would ask the Government of the country you live in to contribute to their own health care demise by advertising it is ok to inhale anything into your lungs... Where do you stop with this? Make it ok to puff or use inhalants? The cocaine you get from the poppy is not as strong as the cocaine you get on the street, people chew on the leaves. There are different levels of THC in different kinds of plants, Hashish containing the most, do we then make it a Milligrams thing? Your pain is greater so you get hashish not pot? Where does that go?


I think what would happen is "if" and that is a big if, it ever got legalized the International Medical Association would determine an appropriate dose based on symptoms and weight. This would in turn infuriate those that use it for "healing", then again you have to prove that there is a medical benefit if any to THC and if that benefit outweighs the cost not only in monetary value but well being as well. Just remember Freud was a huge proponent of Cocaine. And they used to give heroine to babies for teething. Seriously? Heroine? Then they realized there were side effects and addiction. And it has been proven over and over again that THC is addictive, let alone some peoples need to smoke it.

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Yeah so many people smoke pot for "medicinal benifits" its s*#t they might as well make medicne illegal ive never seen any pot related deaths pot isnt even a drug drugs are chemicaly altered pots just a plant you might as well make lemons illegal if you happen to smoke it sh*t happens to you


Yeah, and any other currenly legal things that you can smoke that'll mess you up as well ought to be illegalized...


On a more serious note, Marijuana hasn't killed anyone yet, but is illegal, yet tobacco has killed countless millions and it's legal and relatively unregulated still... Does anyone besides I see something wrong here?

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What is also debatable is it's medicinal properties. Scientists did several studies (double blind and others) where they took the active ingredient in pot and made a pill (or patch) out of it.


The problem with that is they can't exactly make the THC the way the plant does. It does not give the same effect if it were smoked or eaten. Something about extracting it from the plant "changes" it...shouldn't mess with a plant :P



Actually it's not. Different that is. The receptors in the brain cannot tell the difference. What you are thinking of is the speed of pickup. Essentially what happens is smoking it brings it straight to where the blood supply gets it's oxygen thus contaminating your system faster. On top of that great high you get you also get at least 10x more carcinogens than you do from a cigarette. So on the one hand where you may or may not have a valid point as to the efficacy of THC grown or produced in a lab, you would ask the Government of the country you live in to contribute to their own health care demise by advertising it is ok to inhale anything into your lungs... Where do you stop with this? Make it ok to puff or use inhalants? The cocaine you get from the poppy is not as strong as the cocaine you get on the street, people chew on the leaves. There are different levels of THC in different kinds of plants, Hashish containing the most, do we then make it a Milligrams thing? Your pain is greater so you get hashish not pot? Where does that go?


I think what would happen is "if" and that is a big if, it ever got legalized the International Medical Association would determine an appropriate dose based on symptoms and weight. This would in turn infuriate those that use it for "healing", then again you have to prove that there is a medical benefit if any to THC and if that benefit outweighs the cost not only in monetary value but well being as well. Just remember Freud was a huge proponent of Cocaine. And they used to give heroine to babies for teething. Seriously? Heroine? Then they realized there were side effects and addiction. And it has been proven over and over again that THC is addictive, let alone some peoples need to smoke it.



This is a pretty good summary of the argument against "legalization" which sends a message that condones the use. I think that's not a good message to send. On the other hand, decriminalization merely stops putting potheads behind bars, or into the legal system which is already overburdened, and costs taxpayers so much money. Leave the potheads out of the system, and go after the violent criminals and thieves.

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