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Yeah so many people smoke pot for "medicinal benifits" its s*#t they might as well make medicne illegal ive never seen any pot related deaths pot isnt even a drug drugs are chemicaly altered pots just a plant you might as well make lemons illegal if you happen to smoke it sh*t happens to you


Yeah, and any other currenly legal things that you can smoke that'll mess you up as well ought to be illegalized...


On a more serious note, Marijuana hasn't killed anyone yet, but is illegal, yet tobacco has killed countless millions and it's legal and relatively unregulated still... Does anyone besides I see something wrong here?

I think if "We the people" have the freedom of speech we have the freedom to get high pot has not done anything to anybody that is bad the only reason it is illegal is because nobody wanted to pay the tax and ciggerettes are fine I think way to many people over look the fact that if it wasnt for ciggerettes america wouldnt be a country when the settlers didnt find gold they found tobacco which is the reason for america if you want point a finger point it at REAL DRUGS but leave pot and ciggerettes out of this

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Marijuana is much healthier then alcohol...And still alcohol is legal while marijuana is not

Exactly (dont bring Jack in to this) thats what im saying what about the rastas out there you want to take their culture away from them what about the indians

You would get a job if you drink (not a lot). You don't get a job if they find a tiny amount of narcotics in your blood.

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Ok let's have a hypothetical, let's not even talk about making it legal just for medicinal use.


Let's say we (we as in the world because it is not just the US) legalize it and you can now if you are 18 or 21 whatever go to Safeway or the equivalent in your country and buy a pack of 20 marijuana cigarettes. What would the price then be? I mean the price would be comparable to tobacco cigarettes because it would be produced on farms with strict guidelines on the amount of THC each cigarette could have just like alcoholic beverages say 2%. So do we open it up so just anyone can grow it and sell it? Yet they have to obtain a license and make sure they follow FDA and international (FDA type places in other countries) laws with strict fines for breaking them? Do we make it so that the Phillip Morris type companies are the only ones? I seriously doubt there are very many people that grow their own tobacco, it is too easy to get by walking in the store. So the number is so few that they don't matter.


Back on topic I really think the question is not about making it legal but about how safe it would be (on a view from government) for the public. If you were allowed to grow it yourself you would not be allowed to sell it. And if you did sell it it should be like anything else. You obtain a license for selling it you go through whatever FDA type of agency governs that type of thing in your country and provide top quality product. Checks and balances in place... A micro brewery does not even begin to compete with a large brewing company but they still must go through the same channels to get their products to market. Same would go for pot.


Personally like I said I could care less. I think there are too many laws and regulations out there that do little of what they are intended and mean even less. In California you can have CPS (child protective services) called on you for letting your child ride his/her bike without a helmet. What's next your nosy neighbor calls CPS because your kid is climbing a tree without a safety harness? There was a woman that told me of her friend who was at a sporting event and went and peed in the bushes someone saw him and called the cops. He now has to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life and it is on the same register as rapists and the like, how is that fair or helping?


Frankly with all the laws in place now to protect people from themselves it is a wonder that I even survived this long without them... or for that matter any of us. I live in the US and although I would fight for this country and die for it and I believe in it (as a country not in the current government or the one before it) and it really gets to me when people trash talk the US, I still believe we have no right to police everyone or tell a country like Iran that they can't have Nuclear missiles when we had them and still do. There are countries that laugh at the US and other countries for their use of funds in things that could be spent elsewhere for better things. I am sure in Africa where women are raped for just being lesbians they think it's great that our children have to wear helmets. Ok sorry rant over.


If you legalize it, legalize it all... Just take any type of after care, hospice or aid that would be needed for people who use it away so it does not cost the majority that don't indulge in it money. And I feel the same way about cigarettes and alcohol as well. If your liver is failing because you are a drunk that is your own fault, you chose to take yourself out of the gene pool. If you get cancer from smoking pot or cigarettes same thing. And actually there have been deaths from people smoking pot.

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Marijuana is much healthier then alcohol...And still alcohol is legal while marijuana is not

Exactly (dont bring Jack in to this) thats what im saying what about the rastas out there you want to take their culture away from them what about the indians



I agree the largest alcoholic consumption during the time period (+/- 20 years) around the prohibition was when alcohol was illegal. Make pot legal and crime would go down. However you hit it right on the head. Culture! Politicians and big wigs; people that make up the laws and enforce them on a much higher level than police, socialites and party goers (i am talking big wig parties not, dorm rooms) will sit around drinking, or have a brandy and a cigar what have you... because it is acceptable in culture to do that. The problem is the whole counter-culture of pot smokers everyone relates to hippies and anarchy and the 60's and 70's a time when everyone hated their government a time of protests and for better or worse human rights movements. So where it is socially acceptable to offer wine or liquor at the White House and Buckingham Palace I really don't see the Queen of England offering up and passing around joints. it is just not seen as acceptable behavior or as an accepted drug.

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Marijuana is found in a lot of medical supplies and since this is the case, there's proof that it can be used for good things as well. Even though it can also be used to smoke, there are currently no recorded deaths of people having taken the drug (Source: http://drugwarfacts.org/cms/?q=node/30 ). While it may be unpleasant, the idea of smoking it as well, the fact that it can be used in medicine, and the fact it hasn't killed any of the millions of people taking it is enough reason for it to be legalized.


That being said however, doesn't mean I would ever want to take it. If you want to smoke something that smells awful, that's up to your discretion.



Legalized is different than Decriminalized. I think Decriminalized is enough. We shouldn't be wasting money rounding up and jailing pot heads. We should be taxing them.


That's sort of what happened over here for short time, it was reclassified so possession was no longer an arrestable offence unless you had a large enough quantity to be considered a dealer. It freed up the police to deal with real crime and didn't cause any problems. Sadly the lunatic element in the press won out, the government reversed that decision and the police went back to arresting hippies and people with MS.


http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/8334774.stm What a shambles. :rolleyes:

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