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UHHH... You can smoke cigarettes but not marijuana? You can drink and go die in a car crash cuz ur 21 and just as stupid as any 20 year old? Lolwut... I just don't get this world sometimes. But personally, I could drink all I want but breathing smoke into my lungs just doesn't seem healthy at all to me... I don't care what's in it.

But yeah it's a plant... but that doesn't mean all plants are good for you... but I think if tobacco's legal then it should be.

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Thanks a lot for the kudo.

Anyway we got a little off topic. I still stand on my opinions about the marihuana issue. People can do what ever the want, as long they as they take a responsabillity to themselfes and others. Rather that than a law to tell you what to do. Isn´t it after all what you care much about in US, your constitutionel rights?

One has the right to do what he/she wants, as long as one does not harm other being. AND if we see someone suffers from addiction, wether it is drugs, pot or alcohol, it is our duty to help those people. There is a reason why they ended up like that, and that reason must be found within themselfes.


This is one aspect that cannot go overlooked. Because we as Americans, should be fighting for more rights, NOT LESS. If the action of smoking weed affects only me, then why should anyone else care what I do with my time? I REALLY hate it when other people, (especially one lacking an M.D.) tries to tell me what I can, and can't put into MY body. Personal preference shouldn't become law. What's next? Will it then be acceptable to regulate the clothes I wear, the food I eat, or the games I play?


The games you play are already controlled by the law. Due to law minors are not allow to look at women and men in underwears in a fantasyworld. Thats why DA is 18+

But I got a little off topic here I guess.


Well...yeah. You're talking about the ESRB, right? I was generally referring to idea of games being illegal. Could you imagine having to get Fallout 4 from a game "dealer" on the corner? Lol...you could pick up a sack while you're there too! :biggrin: Personally though, I haven't smoked weed in about two years. But I know many people who sell it. One guy lives down from the street from me, and he's an ex-judge! Well, he doesn't really sell it, as smoke it. But I've bought from him in the past, and still can. I guess my point is that it's everywhere so why not tax it?

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I haven't read the whole thread, but have a few things to say on the subject.


1. I used to toke when I was a teenager (decades ago), and it brought absolutely nothing positive into my life. Quite the opposite actually (no legal problems fortunately, just life junk). A big waste of money, time, brain cells, lung health, fitness decline... damaging socially and emotionally too. I wish I had never even tried it.


2. There is another fundamental difference between alcohol and weed. When you have a drink, you have a drink... there is no such thing as second hand drinking.


3. For medical purposes, I have absolutely no problems with it being used responsibly. Delivery methods that do not risk cross-contamination (second hand smoke inhalation) should be investigated and implemented.


4. I don't really think weed needs to be criminalized, but as a mind altering drug, it (IMO) does need to be controlled. For recreational use, the most I would want (pertaining to legalization) would be licensed use. If you wanted to toke for fun, you'd have to buy a license, but licensed tokers couldn't have a drivers license, be pilots, police officers, doctors, lawyers, or anything else requiring clear thinking. Anyone unlicensed or without medical reasons couldn't have THC in their blood stream... punishments could include increasing fines, mandatory treatment / therapy... Repeat offenders would be forced to become licensed, with all the related consequences (revocation of privileges, restricted professions...). Disclosure of such a licence to employers would be mandatory. IMO, the so called "right" to toke should never override concerns pertaining to public safety (eg. roads free of impaired drivers...).

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isn't it amazing that some people buy it,knowing its illegal and consider it OK,even though they have committed a criminal act. Kind of makes you wonder what mindset makes someone commit a crime,

and see it as OK.People that use stop their mental development when they begin using and I can believe that part of the research.

I'll stay within the law until the law changes,but probably still won't as a drug is a mental crutch, no more nor less and as I said for those who need it for medical reasons then I see no problem as they seek pain relief and not escapism

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If i do remember correctly marijuana used to be legal, and was even more prominate in the U.S. that tobacco, back in around the time of George Washington mind you, and did not become illegal until the great nudist movement in the fifties sixties and seventies. the same goes for most other drugs to, cocaine was hailed as a merical drug by many great names such as sigmund freud, now the only thing that made these drugs illegal was fear

heroin-refer to the opium war in china

alcohol-women belived they were loosing thier husbands

cocaine-people couldnt control themselves

marijuana-government fear of a mad and crazy nation


it has only been recently that the government really started looking into the effects of drugs, looking at them with a very biased view.

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Everybody has broken the law in one form or another. Whether we admit to it, or not. If you've driven a car and consciously exceeded the speed limit, or jay-walked, etc, then you've broken the law. Like speed limits, if marijuana is eventually legalized then it should also have restrictions, medical or otherwise. Cigarettes and beer for example, can't be sold to minors. Why allow Cartels to thrive, and people to die because of something that can garner revenue? Across America, statistically, more people are dying in marijuana related drug transactions, than from actual use. Isn't that reason enough to legalize it? Where's the humanity? I live in Arizona and use to be able to go to Rocky Point for spring break but now...it's like a war zone.

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If i do remember correctly marijuana used to be legal, and was even more prominate in the U.S. that tobacco, back in around the time of George Washington mind you, and did not become illegal until the great nudist movement in the fifties sixties and

<snip'd for space>

You don't remember correctly. Not a diss, but your facts aren't correct.

Read this; it's a fairly concise history of the process by which it was made illegal, giving the dates of legislations.




I've seen quite a few medical texts from the early part of the 20th century, and various preparations of Cannibus Indica (the short-fibered cousin of Sativa that's only grown for smoking, since it makes lousy rope or paper) were regularly prescribed as a calmative/sedative, especially in neurological treatments.

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Everybody has broken the law in one form or another. Whether we admit to it, or not. If you've driven a car and consciously exceeded the speed limit, or jay-walked, etc, then you've broken the law. Like speed limits, if marijuana is eventually legalized then it should also have restrictions, medical or otherwise. Cigarettes and beer for example, can't be sold to minors. Why allow Cartels to thrive, and people to die because of something that can garner revenue? Across America, statistically, more people are dying in marijuana related drug transactions, than from actual use. Isn't that reason enough to legalize it? Where's the humanity? I live in Arizona and use to be able to go to Rocky Point for spring break but now...it's like a war zone.

I say: legalize it all. Then you will in one strike remove the income from all the cartels. You will have drugs and weed anyway. Legal or not.

But you can spare a lot of innoncents lifes. Problem is what will the cartels do next?

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Man, I hate the "gateway drug" argument. It seems to me that people who don't smoke it, or don't know anybody who does, parrots this line.


In fact, my best friend of 23 years smokes it particularly because getting high keeps him from doing worse drugs. He used to smoke meth. Now he doesn't even drink. He and I used to go drinking all the time before I started smoking weed with him. I miss him as a drinking buddy, but I'm really happy for him for getting away from all that.


He gets high at work all the time. What's his job? Nothing less than a highly respected chef at an exclusive golf course and country club. Getting high calms him down and helps him focus on the task at hand. When he was a kid, he was all over the map.



The only thing that comes close to marijuana being a gateway drug is the very true idea that people that are heavily involved in the culture of pot smoking tend to also be involved with psychedelic drugs. It is possible to have gateway friends. I've tried magic mushrooms and salvia divinorum (which is legal). The mushrooms caused colors to be vivid and more important, and nothing at all happened with the salvia. I have sometimes had a desire to try peyote, but haven't really followed up on it. If it's available, I'll probably try it. Otherwise, probably not.


Another drug that I've been exposed to is DMT. I have no interest in trying it. It sounds a little scary.



I've been smoking weed semi-regularly for 2 years. I have never felt the urge to try something else because I was high. I just felt the urge to get more high.


I was a late starter. Managed to avoid it all through my first college experience.


I tried it because I was genuinely curious as to what all the fuss was about. The people I knew who smoked it were good students, creative, and hard working. They don't live with their parents, and they talk about way more than TV shows.



So what do I think about it?


I have a love/hate relationship with it. Lately, getting high has been awesome, like always, but coming down from that high has made me depressed. I would just smoke more to alleviate it.


I also found it interfered with my desire to write and work in 3D. I didn't even really like playing Oblivion when I was high!



I've stopped using it for a while. Didn't buy anymore, put all my pipes and bongs away (yes I have several, including ones I've made myself).


I haven't really jonesed for it either. I know I'll buy more, and I have no problem with that. I'm between jobs at the moment. The big Architectural Visualization job I was doing in Maya is finished, and I'm in the process of updating my website. I'm not going to buy more pot until I'm done with that. I'll feel much better about getting high when my responsibilities are done.



And just to close, allow me point out that one of my personal heroes, a man I admire enormously, was a pothead. I learned this after I decided he was awesome, and it only strengthened my opinion of him:





Oh, and one more thing: My dealer was Valedictorian of his class. Put that in your pipe and smoke it.

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