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ok, dumb question, but pretty pics


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Howdy, I'm new to morrowind but not to modding in general. I'd like to do some weapon mods. To that effect I've created these 3d models of some of the swords from lord of the rings. I can't code much, but I do 3d modeling for a living and would love to add to this game. I'm not afraid to waid into the editor but I'd really like to know where to start, at least with putting these models in. I have them in 3ds format by the way.




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oh wow! nice swords :D


if u ever put these swords in game i'll certainly download the plugin :D


as for me i know nothing about modelling or how 2 get them in game. but still. couldnt help but say... 0ooo000oooo :P


EDIT: oh and this is in the wrong forum. will move it for ya.

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Very, very gangstafied! :D


Those are some very sexy models and textures. Very well done.


What kind of polycount do you get? Have you imported them into the CS yet? High polycounts can drag down a frame rate, but sometimes it is worth it. This may be one of those times. ;)

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The Ring Wraith sword is probly to high, to get it the way i wanted caused it to weigh in aroung 600 polys. The other swords are closer to 100. I can get them lower but felt this was the best balance of looks versus size. I am perfectly willing to make custom weapons for anyone who know how to import them into Morrowind. I can only model, but if anyone can show me how or help me put my weapons in a plugin I will make custom weapons for them.
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As long as the weapons are located properly on the 3D program that was used to make them, they are easy to import in the TES world.


For weapons, it's easiest to modify an existing weapon of a similar sort. For a short blade, edit a short blade weapon, change the ID, name, stats, and select your new mesh. Icons are another matter...


For armor, you will need to create a new body part. Make a new body part, select your mesh, set it as "armor", and save. Make a new armor in a way similar to that mentioned above (you can start from scratch, it's just easier to modify one). After setting the stats and mesh and icon, you need to set the biped object to your new body part.


I don't come here very often (second time in fact), but if you had other questions you can contact me on GamersRaom.com or Morrowindfiles.com (albeit mwf is taking it's last few breaths...)




Not trying to advertise, just help a member. ;)

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I bow down in awe of these weapons. Absolutely amazing textures... your ability to put this much detail into them while keeping such a low poly count is insane. Just out of curiosity, could you post a wireframe or untextured version so I can see the actual mesh?


Now, to answer the original question... this has pretty much everything you need to know to import them into the game. If you have any other questions, I'd be happy to help. By AIM would probably be best (Admiral Parke).

Oh, and 600 poly models are really not even close to something to worry about. The weapons I'm working on are 5,000+ polys without even a hint of lag.

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  • 3 weeks later...
yo me and a friend are into makin mods, and we are workin on morrowind, if you could send me the files of those swords of the plug-in that is using them that would be great. if you send me the files, i can later send you the plug-in that uses them. anyways awsome swords and i would love to see some more weapons. also heres another idea you could probably do some armor as well if you are interested in it. contact me about putting them into a plug-in and ill help you out. my aim is LordNikon1283 and my email is [email protected] id rather transfer the file(s) over aim though.
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