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I know this has been requested before, but I've never seen any responses to the threads that have come up in my search. The basic idea is pretty simple: the ability to toggle between your vampire eyes and normal eyes, or the ability to toggle between your werebeast eyes and humanoid eyes (like in the movies). I've been wanting this for probably a little over a year, but I've never seen it done. Does this mean it is impossible to do?


If no one is willing to do this, could someone please at least point me in the (general) direction of how to do it myself? I know the basics of the creation kit and my Google-fu is pretty darn good; all I need is knowledge of where to start. I figure it could be an equippable item that would have to be fine-tuned to my characters or a spell or something. I really hope someone at least acknowledges this if not create it, because I know there are at least a handful of people here who want this! :)



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If you know the ins and outs of the creation kit this is pretty easy to do. You need to create an ability with a Night Eye constant effect. Then create a script effect that adds that ability to the caster if the caster doesn't have it and removes it if the caster does have it. Replace the Night Eye effect in the werewolf and vampire lesser powers with this script effect instead. Here is a simple script you can use.

Scriptname defaultToggleEffect extends activemagiceffect  

spell property SpellToToggle auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

		akTarget.Addspell(spellToToggle, false)


There are actually several mods that do this already available, but most of them do lots of other stuff besides. For example Night Eye Overhaul or my own mod Night Predators.

Edited by lofgren
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If you know the ins and outs of the creation kit this is pretty easy to do. You need to create an ability with a Night Eye constant effect. Then create a script effect that adds that ability to the caster if the caster doesn't have it and removes it if the caster does have it. Replace the Night Eye effect in the werewolf and vampire lesser powers with this script effect instead. Here is a simple script you can use.

Scriptname defaultToggleEffect extends activemagiceffect  

spell property SpellToToggle auto

Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster)

		akTarget.Addspell(spellToToggle, false)


There are actually several mods that do this already available, but most of them do lots of other stuff besides. For example Night Eye Overhaul or my own mod Night Predators.


Thank you very much for this! I didn't realize these mods provided the effect already. I'm definitely going to play around with that code w Thank you so much once again!


EDIT:: Ah, it appears none of these mods do it. I think I should have clarified more; I'd like my character's eyes to change color on toggle rather than have the Night Eye effect (I use Predator Vision for that), or both at the same time, which is seeming to become increasingly more impossible. Still, thank you!

Edited by Knayru
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Yeah, I was just coming back to apologize because upon rereading your op I realized you were talking about vampire/werewolf eyes, not vampire/werewolf vision. I believe what I outlined above would still be the way to go about this, with one major extra step: creating a spell vfx shader that changes the color of the character's eyes. Alas, I have no idea how to do that.

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Yeah, I was just coming back to apologize because upon rereading your op I realized you were talking about vampire/werewolf eyes, not vampire/werewolf vision. I believe what I outlined above would still be the way to go about this, with one major extra step: creating a spell vfx shader that changes the color of the character's eyes. Alas, I have no idea how to do that.


That's the ripe pickle I'm in. At least I know more than I did before, and the spell vfx shader is extremely helpful, so no need to apologize at all. :) Thanks!

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Nevertheless I felt bad so I did a little investigating. If you have Dawnguard, check out the quest DLC1VampireTurn, specifically the function MakeMyEyesRed. That function will show you how to do what you want to do. Then you have to figure out how you want to implement it. I believe it could be done as a spell easily enough but I'm not sure what effect it might have if you change back or if you transform into a werewolf/vampire lord. If I have a chance I'll give it a whirl but I'm going to be away from my game for at least another week.

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Nevertheless I felt bad so I did a little investigating. If you have Dawnguard, check out the quest DLC1VampireTurn, specifically the function MakeMyEyesRed. That function will show you how to do what you want to do. Then you have to figure out how you want to implement it. I believe it could be done as a spell easily enough but I'm not sure what effect it might have if you change back or if you transform into a werewolf/vampire lord. If I have a chance I'll give it a whirl but I'm going to be away from my game for at least another week.


I'd appreciate that greatly, you have no idea. I'm very much willing to wait because I am a noob at this and don't want to create a black hole somewhere.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have created this. It was easy for werewolves, but for vampires it required editing every single vampire race. That means that there is a high possibility for conflict with other vampire mods, especially those that change their appearance.


Still interested?

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I have created this. It was easy for werewolves, but for vampires it required editing every single vampire race. That means that there is a high possibility for conflict with other vampire mods, especially those that change their appearance.


Still interested?

YES! Do you already have it uploaded? I'm going to check right away~

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