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Who Scares you the most, espeicially when your first started playing t


Scariest randomly bumped into at night  

80 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose the Creepiest (some are modified to be encountered)

    • Abomination
    • Albino Rad Scorpion
    • Behemoth
    • Death Claw
    • Sentry Bot
    • Yao Guai
    • Mirelurk King
    • Mirelurk Hunter
    • Enclave
    • something else, and explain who

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The thing that still freaks me out is in point lookout, I have broken steel and I usually play with my level 30, and every fricken time a swamp ghoul jumps out behind a tree I fly out of my seat, they just make me jumpy. That detention camp in the northern area of Point Lookout with all the ghouls freaked me out, I'd think I got em all then I'd round a corner and AAAAGH!!! THERE'S ONE RIGHT THERE HOLY CRAP! looking back on it's funny but I still jump. Deathclaws never bothered me, I'm the guy who got MMM and figured out where static daedroth spawns were and sent a level one near one and made a save just so I could see how many suicidal charges I could try before actually killing the thing so when I saw one outside the super duper mart in the first quest for the wasteland survival guide I was like "AWESOME!" I charged it with a 10mm pistol the first time, when it swatted me and took out half my health I ran and if I could have, would've been screaming like a little girl, until I had like 5 shots left then I suddenly realised I had a frag grenade in my inventory, then I hit myself on the forhead, threw it and laughed as it blew the big scaly lizard to kingdom come. The first time I saw a floater from MMM it almost killed me cause I just sat there with my head cocked to the side thinking "What in the hell?". So yeah, those are my monster experiences in Fallout 3.
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Yao Guai, I found one outside Megaton when I was like level 4 or something, when I was heading to the Super Mart, talk about a scary moment for my first run in the game, at the time it was the biggest monster I saw. By the time I ran into a Death Claw I was too confident to be worried or scared, I actually saw my first one from a distance, and stood on a rock, pulled out my Hunting Rifle, and started taking pop shots at it until it was dead. lol
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I think Feral Ghoul Reavers scare me at least a bit. Ridiculously tough and fast and those buggers just WON`T let go. Especially in dark an confindes places it is always fun to meet them... You stumble through the dark and suddenly you hear this "MAAaaaaeeEEEeeee!", followed by a hollow "SPLAT!" when the first of those poisonous thingys hits you. Not only that they can deliver them over ludicrously great distances, no, they always decide to come close and stuff them right down your throat. Seriously, when I meet 3 or more Ferals I always think that running is a mighty good idea.


The next thing I fear are Supermutant Overlords armed with three beam laser rifles. Usually you can bring down almost anything by crippling its legs and slowly take them apart. But when it is twice as tall as you, seriously pissed and armed with a three beam you might have a problem. Especially in the Statesman hotel with its small rooms and crawling with Overlords I always end up being dismembered several times.


Oh yeah, and then we have the Mirelurks. Its not because they are that tough, although they can be a threat when they come in groups. It is just that they remember me sooo much of the Clannfears in Oblivion and I just HATED those buggers. I think they even look e bit like clannfears, they move like them and they use exactly the same headbutt attack. I am VERY gratefull that Fallout 3 has no level scaling since in Oblivion one single clannfear easily could take you out if it caught you on the wrong foot. So every time I encounter a mirelurk it makes me remember those damn clannfears... and I ended up more than once beating the crap out of them with a caddle prod just to take revenge... :D

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"I was doing the rileys rangers quest when i heard some eriee childs laughter from a pram in the hospital , i went to inspect, lent down, BAM! explosion in the face. made me jump it did."


Yeah I got caught by that one too so don't feel bad.


Another would be mine field or rather Arkansas + Minefield. Somehow I had walked a fair way in before noticing the mines, just as I thought "sweet, Kerching" and went to disarm some of them Arkansas opens fire not thinking I ran for cover....


OR that grocers where you set the trap in motion and watch as the game shows of its physics engine, then you get get creamed for taking the time to admire it lol.


Edit: "I think Feral Ghoul Reavers scare me at least a bit. Ridiculously tough and fast and those buggers just WON`T let go"


Yeah forgot about those, they are enough to scare in a high level character into fleeing.


Me - "eat gatlin laser freak"


Feral Reaver - "now youre gonna get it"


Me - Runs


Of course you dont have to run fast, just faster than anyone near you.

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When I first installed MMM I had NO Idea about night ghouls (didn't read most of the description LOL) I jumped on my chair as with my level4 character I saw red and withe things running at me at night.


I was also pretty freaked out the first time I saw a deathclaw and one of those baby traps.


Also, wen I'm out in the wastes by my lonesome and suddenly FLIIISH and I turn around to find an albino radscorpion had sneaked up on me. The ....dam....THINGS.....just......don't.....DIE!!!!!!

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Having my second character at level thirty, with maximum build. 'T was a sneak small-guns based gal with some energy backups like the gauss and A31's, who mainly used light armor (merc-talon) or the CSS for shady sands, and I often ran in trouble against amounts of super mutants and the likes, with MMM on.


My nephew of 10 came over and watched me play, and wanted to try it out for himself. Gave him the Winterized Tin Can, Destabilizer, Drone Cannon ex B, Flamer, Incinerator, Eugene, Precision Gatling, Nuka grenade stash, Fatman all hotkeyd, with a missile launcher, the metal blaster and some small gun machinegun with 125 base damage. Put him in front of 3dog's dish hold building with MMM Increased and told him to fight through the mall into the capitol building (where I have never been myself, just know there's a behemoth inside) and see how far he got.


The amount of carnage he inflicted on every living and mutated being there scared me more than the time I fought my way into old olney's for the first time, hiding in the sewers with less than 10% health without meds and thought that equipping a particular set of power armor would not lead to me getting ambushed by an army of mr. gutsey's which I totally did not expect to turn up.

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