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Lets allow genetic engineering for humans


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I'd just like to point out that FDR was physically impaired because of Polio a disease he was afflicted with in early childhood not at birth or within the womb...
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I'd just like to point out that FDR was physically impaired because of Polio a disease he was afflicted with in early childhood not at birth or within the womb...

yes, poliomyelitis is not inherent. I made a mistake . let me put another example---hemophilia(including almost all the blue blood royal members ), See, my point still stands.

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what you say has no meaning, the word two, and the symbol 2 have no meaning, they are simply vibrations and light, until we attach a meaning to it, 2+2 could equal fish, it could be gibberish, until we attach the meaning to the words involved, just because you SAY 2+2=4 does not mean it is true, as the word four could have any meaning we want it to


Did that make sense?

People are so quick to come up with ideas they do not fully understand


edit: are the moderators always this involved in a discussion?

also, what would be the PRICE of this enginering? we could end up with a genetically superior race, and the rest of us who could not afford the improvements end up as slaves.

Congratulations. You've watched gattaca.

When a toddler says "da-da" the first few times, it means nothing, but then the toddler learns the meaning. In real life, we have to learn the meaning AND the thing itself. This would just eliminate a step.

And 2+2 was just an example. It wouldn't actually be like that.

Please also bear in mind, it was only a semi-formed idea while I was in low blood sugar, so...



Not only has he watched Gattaca, he has also watched HardWired. Both good movies.


The voices in my head asked me to reply to this thread, you know, being predisposed to schizophrenia and everything. :thumbsup:


The Human Conscience, the Genetic Code, and Human Nature my friends. Dog edam lla serutaerc llauqe. Bah there goes my Dyslexia again. Boy I wished I could have that all changed. All that suffering, gone. That's the future we are heading too, whether we like it or not. Genetic Engineering will one day be mandatory. Trust me, it will. If we can rid the world of the mentally ill, we (Government) will save quite a bit of money on Mental Institutions. Genetic Engineering is a necessary step towards the progress of human kind.


We may lose creative Van Goghs in the future, but we are too far in this to stop it. We've already completely mapped the human genome after all.


BTW, I haven't seen too much on stem cells. I suppose it might be right to assume that it's not a part of this topic?



On the last note rbrohpy2...

Based on my knowledge, and to the dispair of Moderator Shunsui who asked us nicely to shut up about forced human mutation, we already have the genes in our genome to produce tails and wings and fur if god help us that is what you want for your child (Trust me, don't have aspirations of mad science like I have). These genes are naturally in us, and are naturally repressed by repressor proteins on the DNA strand that keep that particular gene from being transcribed when you are in a fetal stage. if they are switched off (and they have been before, see Inbreeding) such growth can happen In the fetal stage.


It would be best to stick to the Oblivion modding community, and make your winged children that way. However, it is a free country... Have it your way... :wink:

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What a "nice" world it could be, without any mentally ills. No crimes (exept those committed from those still sane)

No rapes (exept for those committed from those that think it´s there right)


No funny loonys, no "originals" who to make a motley crowd.

No David Helfgott, Mozart, Van Gogh, Mel Gibson, Ozzy Osbourne, Edgar Allan Poe, myself. I could go on. What a dull one-way world that must be to live in.

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If someone were to offer me gene therapy to make me super smart (moreso than I alread am XD) super strong or super healthy i'd give them my testicles... Maybe not my testicles, but you get the idea. My opinion is that humans will always seek to improve themselves as we have for thousands of years. Medicine is an example of early modification to the human body, but it has helped us all over the years and I doubt that many of us would be here today had medicine not been available. The future is close and before long we will surpass our maker and become masters of our own world and lives. In the past few years the world seems to have accelerated, everything is speeding up and getting faster and easier. I reckon there will be software such as the character creation in oblivion so that we may change our hair, face shape or eye colour in seconds... The only drawback would be the fact that anything that is worth having is reserved for those with money. I hope genetic therapy is available for all and not another tool to keep the world in a heirarchial state where the rich prosper and the poor suffer.


Sorry for my incongruent writing style I hope it makes sense.

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From what I've read of the posts on here so far, I'm going to put in my two-cents:


The human brain does not come pre-programmed with data - everything we do and see is based off of a stimulus response - it is not (currently) possible to simply "upload" information to the human brain, if you will. However, it could be possible to genetically modify the human brain to react differently than a "normal" brain would. Think of it as a sort of "genetic hypnotism," if you will.


Sorry. I'm a bit of a biology geek. :yes: I'm going into Bio-Medical Engineering, but more for pharmaceutical stuff. Still, similar concepts.


That is a matter of opinion and a great debate within the psychological community... One example I can think of is phobias, a phobic avoidance, according to many psychologists, stems from an innate drive for protection and survival. In England, where i'm from, there are no poisonous spiders, but people still fear the sight of them. Now in evolutionary terms, our predecessors may have encountered very dangerous species of spiders before mirating to England. This knowledge of spiders being potentially deadly may have been passed down through generations, leaving modern day man in England with an innate fear of spiders when they actually pose no harm whatsoever... This is evidence that the human brain may well be pre programmed...

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I reckon there will be software such as the character creation in oblivion so that we may change our hair, face shape or eye colour in seconds...


If we stay in this metaphoric language for a while; have you ever crashed with a mod in Oblivion?


EDIT;; and beware of double posting. You can write to multiple posts in one post, or you can EDIT

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What a "nice" world it could be, without any mentally ills. No crimes (exept those committed from those still sane)

No rapes (exept for those committed from those that think it´s there right)


No funny loonys, no "originals" who to make a motley crowd.

No David Helfgott, Mozart, Van Gogh, Mel Gibson, Ozzy Osbourne, Edgar Allan Poe, myself. I could go on. What a dull one-way world that must be to live in.


Ozzy had a genetic disorder? I can't find anything on it myself, unless your talking about some sort of predisposition to be an alchohol abuser. Ozzy had his reasons though...

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