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Lets allow genetic engineering for humans


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Thanks for the source Balagor.


Looking through the list myself, I see most of the authors I was taught in High School.


This almost makes me reconsider my stance on using genetic engineering to remove malicious genes. Of course, some of those disorders may have not been due to genetics. This debate over the origin of mental disorders has its roots in the Nature vs Nurture discussions.


I hate using a movie as a reference, but it is based on a true series of events. If any of you have watched Sybil, then you know that we have one of those rare MPDs(Multiple Personality Disorders) taking place. However, both in the movie and the real case involving the patient (who's true name was not disclosed), there was a problem in the family. Abuse, Rape, etc. can all do enough damage to a psyche to create a mentally ill person. Genetics are just half the picture when looking at the ill of mind.


I'm still surprised that Ozzy is mental. He ate a bat's head on stage, true, but they do that in Africa often.

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I have seen Sybil, her problem is not genetic, but caused by physical stress. Just like David Helfgot, a famous pianist, that you do not find on the list over famous people with Bipolar disorder. He suffered from anxiety neurosis caused by his fathers hard pushing.

Bipolar disorder however is truely genetic. You inherit the invulnability from your parents, mostly mothers. A stressed situation like long time stressing work, car accident, sudden loss of family member, alcohol/drug abuse can trigger the desease.

You can also be lucky that it would never happen.


Most people who suffer from BD are more creative than the average population, perhaps due to major brain activity. Brain activity can be at a level (mania fase) that in can kill the person, if medical aid is not provided. The mania fase is the most creative and productive for individuals with BD. Mozart made some of his great symfonies in this state of mind.


I have this desease my self, from my mother. In my greates mania I build a 10.000 square feet nursery all alone. It was second hand, so I had to tear it down first, and move it. It took 1 year. So the desease falls in convienient some times.


Can you see now if we start to "polish" the world population, shape it as we want, there will be no-one left, but superhealthy robots that can eat, work and s;;it. But there will be no diversity at all.

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Forget genetic engineering...I say go for nanobots and cybernetics...Deus Ex, here we come!!!


Oh, I am not sure if this has been mentioned but if we find the cure for "aging" were we simply do not force ourselves to die, I can easily see how we would need to Kroganize (a made-up Mass Effect term) ourselves to make it very difficult to reproduce accidentally to avoid over-population...then again, war and stupidity tend to thin us out fairly well.



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I am not sure if you are spamming.
Probably because you don't understand the rules or definitions of the words. However, YOU are certainly "OFF TOPIC" with your reply. I however was not off topic nor was it SPAM. If you believe somebody is breaking the rules, you utilize the REPORT button rather than doing what you just did.


If you have something against me, you had better find something much better...and present it to Dark0ne. Do not respond further about this in this thread.


LHammonds (File Admin)

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I have seen Sybil, her problem is not genetic, but caused by physical stress. Just like David Helfgot, a famous pianist, that you do not find on the list over famous people with Bipolar disorder. He suffered from anxiety neurosis caused by his fathers hard pushing.

Bipolar disorder however is truely genetic. You inherit the invulnability from your parents, mostly mothers. A stressed situation like long time stressing work, car accident, sudden loss of family member, alcohol/drug abuse can trigger the desease.

You can also be lucky that it would never happen.


Most people who suffer from BD are more creative than the average population, perhaps due to major brain activity. Brain activity can be at a level (mania fase) that in can kill the person, if medical aid is not provided. The mania fase is the most creative and productive for individuals with BD. Mozart made some of his great symfonies in this state of mind.


I have this desease my self, from my mother. In my greates mania I build a 10.000 square feet nursery all alone. It was second hand, so I had to tear it down first, and move it. It took 1 year. So the desease falls in convienient some times.


Can you see now if we start to "polish" the world population, shape it as we want, there will be no-one left, but superhealthy robots that can eat, work and s;;it. But there will be no diversity at all.


I see that I worded my former post wrong. I know that Bi-Polar is pure genetics. My counter argument was on the subject of Mental Illness being solely due to genetics. Which has evidence to support it.


As for Bi-polar disorder. My whole family has it in some form or not, and I was not spared myself. (Note, I am not clinically diagnosed, but family is. I think I might have a good chance of it.)


Since you pointed out how people with Bi-Polar Disorder are creative, I will try and prove it with my life experience.




Mine was actually triggered by stress recently. I actually worked at a restaurant for a while back, and one day I just... Froze. I was doing the jobs of 3 people who were out that day, and I just quit out of the blue. I can still remember how I felt. Depressed, tired, angry. I nearly knocked the hell out of one of the employees beside me. The confusion I felt in that moment was unbelievable. Funnily enough, about a day later I was really happy and about a week I sank again. I haven't evened out since, so I know it's a problem. At least I have a semi-creative outlook on a disorder I may or may-not have.


The real catch comes here. This event was about 4 years ago. Would you like to guess my GPA in Hischool before this event?


I had an average of a 2.1 GPA. Pathetic huh?


Guess what I made in my first Semester after this event? Straight A's. God Bless Bi-Polar Disorder? Perhaps. My college GPA is a 3.7 now.


O.K., O.K. time to cut the sarcasm. Did you see what I was trying to prove? Do you not disagree?


Bi-Polar Disorder 'may' have been the reason why some of those people accelerated so well in creativity. However, there are many people with Bi-polar disorder who are lacking creative ability, and people without Bi-Polar Disorder who are just as creative as the people on that list! Sure there's a list of famous people with bi-polar disoder... but...


did you check the list of famous people without Bi-Polar Disorder?!




ha, I had fun writing this. I hope you people enjoy my humor as much as I do. Life is very drab on this side of the monitor.

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