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Lets allow genetic engineering for humans


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Welcome to the "club of BD", it´s a wonderfull world. :biggrin: I got straight A´s all the time too.

True a lot of people without BD are as creative too. I probably got my BD triggered by to much weed smoking in the early teens ( refering to the weed topic here), but had I not got it there, I could have got it later on just like you, by stress.


Now to the topic and the ethical question. Shall we clean the brain for the genes that creates BD?

I my self (and my wife) took that decision not to have kids, by two reasons;

first they could inherit BD, (which is not bad if discovered early)

second, though I am comfortable now with my desease, my life has sometimes been a living hell,

because I was diagnosed late in life, and spend 10 % of my life in mental hospitals.

By choosing not to have kids, I have done some kind of a "cleaning myself.


It´s quite another thing to eliminate the desease, and thus a hole characteristica for good.

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Welcome to the "club of BD", it´s a wonderfull world. :biggrin: I got straight A´s all the time too.

True a lot of people without BD are as creative too. I probably got my BD triggered by to much weed smoking in the early teens ( refering to the weed topic here), but had I not got it there, I could have got it later on just like you, by stress.


Now to the topic and the ethical question. Shall we clean the brain for the genes that creates BD?

I my self (and my wife) took that decision not to have kids, by two reasons;

first they could inherit BD, (which is not bad if discovered early)

second, though I am comfortable now with my desease, my life has sometimes been a living hell,

because I was diagnosed late in life, and spend 10 % of my life in mental hospitals.

By choosing not to have kids, I have done some kind of a "cleaning myself.


It´s quite another thing to eliminate the desease, and thus a hole characteristica for good.


>Off Topic<


Weed? Amazing. That's one good way to activate a hidden genetic disorder.


My Bi-Polar doesn't seem to be as severe as yours. I don't particularly suffer, but I do have other down-sides. My social life is pathetic. I have little motivation anymore. What Motivation I do have during my 'Manic' phases never carries on. On top of that, my depression phase is longer than my manic phase. My family on the other hand (No Specifics) have much more problems coping than I do. At least I get A's. It's about the only benefit I have with this damned Disorder.


>On Topic<


I believe a better way to turn this conversation is to ask ourselves... what is 'Severe', and what is 'Acceptable'.


Bi-Polar isn't on the bad end of the mental illness spectrum. Perhaps in some cases, but I have to ask how many Bi-Polar individuals are a harm to themselves and others? Well, maybe severe cases. Still, Attention Deficit Disorder, Bi-Polar Disorder,and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder are not violent and harmful conditions. In Fact, without these conditions, drug companies will lose profit. One of the reasons that genetic engineering will not get here faster is because of Drug-Company profit. Sorry, almost went off-topic. On the other hand, sever disorders like schizophrenia should be removed. Nothing good has ever come out of that disease, and never will.

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My second example was ignored, deliberately. let's make it clear, all descendants of "Grandmother of Europe" Queen Victoria are victims of hemophilia, you can put them all on the lists of extinction, can't you?

I am not talking about ethical issues nor anyone's intelligence of which I have very little curiosity(nice sarcasm, right?), it's a question of POWER. I don't think those who promote human genetic engineering are powerful enough no matter what their true motivation is.

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My second example was ignored, deliberately. let's make it clear, all descendants of "Grandmother of Europe" Queen Victoria are victims of hemophilia, you can put them all on the lists of extinction, can't you?

I am not talking about ethical issues nor anyone's intelligence of which I have very little curiosity(nice sarcasm, right?), it's a question of POWER. I don't think those who promote human genetic engineering are powerful enough no matter what their true motivation is.


Oh, heh. Hello there. I'm sorry, I was debating just that. Sorry for not responding to your post specifically... (This statement was said sarcastically.)


On the subject of Queen Victoria, did you know that they royal family (Of any Nation) was inbred beyond belief? It was in order to keep the peasants out of the royal blood-lines. So of course she has illness in the genetic sense, and now all of her children may have that genetic deformation because of that same genetic mutation that had occurred somewhere in her ancestor's past. As for her bloodline going extinct, modern science has cured diseases like hers with modern medicine. Any Fatal Illness can be halted for long enough for someone with said disease to reproduce. I don't see Genetic illness dieing out on its own any time soon.


As noted by my last post as well, the reason why diseases like Bi-Polar disorder and A.D.D. will probably never be cured genetically is because those diseases are prime targets for pharmaceutical companies. Since they are the top of the crop when it comes to power (Industrialization and the such, my friend), they will never let genetic engineering slide. Money is power, and they have quite a bit. These Free-Lance Scientists have ideas on Genetic Engineering, but no one to support or back their findings with money (A.K.A. Power).

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Since when hemophilia could be cured by medicine? I wonder.

As far as I know, if a patient of hemophilia get internal or external bleeding, the only way to save his life is tranfusing blood constantly.

the fate of human is(shall never) not for scientists to decide. Enrico Fermi invented atomic bomb but it's Trumen who decided to use it.

I don't expect you are able to understand.

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I don't expect you are able to understand.
I suggest that you nip the personal attack ideas in the bud right now.


In prior conversations you have been extremely sensitive to your appearance regarding intelligence and if you don't learn to control that problem, it will be controlled for you.



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I don't expect you are able to understand.
I suggest that you nip the personal attack ideas in the bud right now.


In prior conversations you have been extremely sensitive to your appearance regarding intelligence and if you don't learn to control that problem, it will be controlled for you.



he doesn't understand, does he? so it's not a personal attack but a fact.

I emphasized I was not talking about intelligence, are you able to read?

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"I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome."

- Friedrich Nietzsche


I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to see Hilter's ideal of 'Übermensch' coming true now or ever. Imagine genetically enhanced humans superior to the rest of humanity. They would be smarter, faster and stronger than the rest of us. Maybe even better-looking. How could we compete with that?


On a base-line level they would get all of the academic and sports scholarships, freezing the rest of us out. Job promotions would go to them and 'ye gods' forbid if they could propagate without a test tube.


Of course, I've given an extreme example of what could happen. But IT COULD HAPPEN. The wrong person in power at the right time and place could take the science and apply to their own ends. And then we would all be screwed.


Just leave it alone and let nature run it's course.


my opinion.

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"I teach you the overman. Man is something that shall be overcome."

- Friedrich Nietzsche


I don't know about you guys, but I don't want to see Hilter's ideal of 'Übermensch' coming true now or ever. Imagine genetically enhanced humans superior to the rest of humanity. They would be smarter, faster and stronger than the rest of us. Maybe even better-looking. How could we compete with that?


On a base-line level they would get all of the academic and sports scholarships, freezing the rest of us out. Job promotions would go to them and 'ye gods' forbid if they could propagate without a test tube.


Of course, I've given an extreme example of what could happen. But IT COULD HAPPEN. The wrong person in power at the right time and place could take the science and apply to their own ends. And then we would all be screwed.


Just leave it alone and let nature run it's course.


my opinion.


that's right.



maybe you can accuse me of spamming. :biggrin:

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