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Trouble on the homefront question


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Hello, i have finished trouble on the homefront, but i think i made a mistake and choose the "wrong ending" is there a way to "reset" the quest?



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There are console commands that can reset quests. You have to know the Quest ID. For trouble on the Homefront, try this:


StopQuest 00014ea3 <exit console and wait a second>

ResetQuest 00014ea3

StartQuest 00014ea3 <exit the console and se if it worked>


This won't guarentee that it will work, but if you run into problems, post back here and I'll try to help.


If that doesn't restart the quest, try the console commands again and add this one to the end of the list. Be sure to exit the console for a second after the start and stop commands:


StopQuest 00014ea3 <exit console and wait a second>

ResetQuest 00014ea3

StartQuest 00014ea3 <exit the console for a second>

SetStage 00014ea3 0 <exit the console and try it out>


If its still not right, try this one additional command:


SetStage 00014ea3 10


Other things that might prevent the quest from running right after this include a cell reset for every cell used in the quest. But I'll leave that until you tell me that it needs to occur.

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There are console commands that can reset quests. You have to know the Quest ID. For trouble on the Homefront, try this:


StopQuest 00014ea3 <exit console and wait a second>

ResetQuest 00014ea3

StartQuest 00014ea3 <exit the console and se if it worked>


This won't guarentee that it will work, but if you run into problems, post back here and I'll try to help.


If that doesn't restart the quest, try the console commands again and add this one to the end of the list. Be sure to exit the console for a second after the start and stop commands:


StopQuest 00014ea3 <exit console and wait a second>

ResetQuest 00014ea3

StartQuest 00014ea3 <exit the console for a second>

SetStage 00014ea3 0 <exit the console and try it out>


If its still not right, try this one additional command:


SetStage 00014ea3 10


Other things that might prevent the quest from running right after this include a cell reset for every cell used in the quest. But I'll leave that until you tell me that it needs to occur.


Thank you very much for the reply, i will try it out know!


Best regards

Meyer189 :)

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Hello again, It did not work, the Quest came up in the pip boy, i found the signal where amata is talking and i got in there again but many of the charcters is missing.


Buck is back there, same with Stanley.


but overseer Mack is gone!?


same with Amata and the rebels..


so i cannot proceed with the quest.


Best regards


Meyer189 :)

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Fallout 3 is an unforgiving game. It's way more trouble than it's worth to go back and "fix" things you don't like unless you have a save from before the event. This is a good example.


Here's the script for that quest:


scn MS16script

;Other MS16 scripts used:
;DemoVaultExitScript - for ending the quest after leaving the vault at stage 190
;MS16DetonatorScript - for the MS16Detonator and sealing the vault at stage 170
;MS16TerminalScript - for the maintenance terminal and destroying the water chip at stage 80
;MS16Vault101ControlPodScript - for opening and closing the vault 101 door from the outside

;Set script variables
short Begin1			;Checks whether or not the quest's radio messages from Amata have begun - should begin 14 days after player ends CG04: 0 = no, 1 = yes
short GomezGreet	;Checks whether or not Officer Gomez has greeted the player at their return to the vault: 0 = no, 1 = yes.
short AmataGreet	;Checks whether or not Amata has greeted the player after returning to the vault: 0 = no, 1 = yes.
short OverseerKilled;Checks whether or not the player has killed the Overseer during this quest. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
short AmataKilled	;Checks whether or not the player has killed Amata during the quest. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
short PastOpening;Checks whether or not the player has heard that the vault had been opened before: 0 = no, 1 = heard of it but not understood, 2 = had it explained
short ChallengeNumber	;Used when a single NPC has multiple speech challenges, differentiates between which challenge is being used. always reset to 0 after each response
short Amnesty		;Checks whether or not the player has been granted amnesty to travel in the vault: 0 = not tried, 1 = granted, 2 = tried and failed.
short Finish			;Checks whether the player has left Vault 101 permanently of his own volition, was banned, or has evacuated. 0 = not set, 1 = leaving voluntarily, 2 = banned by Amata, 3 = banned by the Overseer, 4 = evacuating, 5 = vault in chaos and quest failed
short SealVault		;Checks whether or not the player has heard the option to seal the vault. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
short VaultHatred	;Checks whether ot not the player has admitted to poisoning the vault, and will be used with postMS16OutsideVault. 0 = not known or not done, 1 = known
short Evacuate		;Checks whether or not NPCs in Vault 101 have been told to evacuate. 0 = no, or no need to evacuate, 1 = told to evacuate, and waiting outside for more info, 2 = evacuated and moving on to new locations
short AllenOverseer;Checks whether or not Allen Mack is the new Overseer, if the Overseer was killed in CG04. 0 = no, 1 = yes.
short TalkedToRebels;Checks if the player has talked to the Rebels yet in MS16. 0 = no, 1 = yes
short TalkedToStatusQuo;Checks if the player has talked to the defenders of the Status Quo yet in MS16. 0 = no, 1 = yes
short DoorOpen	;Checks the state of the door. 0 = closed, 1 = open
short AndyDoctor;dialogue check for Andy being a doctor
short BrotchFree	;Checks for Brotch being jailed, or being free to return to rebels. 0 = jailed, 1 = free
short AmataLeaving;Is Amata supposed to leave the Vault forever now? 0 = no, 1 = yes
short EnclaveContact;Does the player know the Overseer has been contacted by the Enclave?
short AttackPlan	;Does the player know that Security is planning a raid of the rebels?
short AmataAnger	;Was the player exiled in anger? If so, people will not say goodbye as pleasantly when the player leaves.

;Atrium Scene Variables
short AtriumInit		;a DoOnce variable
short AtriumScene	;0 = Atrium scene cued to happen, 1 = scene playing, 2 = scene ending
short AtriumDistance	;Distance from MS16AtriumSceneStartMarker before scene begins
ref AtriumStartMarker;Atrium trigger marker: MS16AtriumSceneStartMarker
short AtriumLine	;Checks which point the atrium dialogue should be at. 0 = begins, 1 - 5 = lines of dialogue, 6 = running, 7 = done
short AtriumLineTotal;Checks line total for Atrium Scene
short AtriumDone		;Checks if the scene has finished
short FreddieEscaped;Checks if Freddie escaped
short AtriumTalking	;Used to keep only one character talking at a time.
short AtriumShooting	;Used to keep track of shooting: 0 = not shooting, 1 = shooting, 2 = done shooting
short AtriumShot		;Tracks which shot Taylor is doing
short AtriumShotTotal	;Tracks total number of shots
short AtriumGomez	;Was Gomez (04 or 07) at the scene?
short AtriumPostTalk	;If Gomez was there, has he talked to the player? 0 = no, 1 = yes

BEGIN GameMode

;Begin the quest when the player finishes MQ05
if (Begin1 == 0 && getStage CG04 >= 200 && getStage MQ05 >= 200)
setStage MS16 0

;If the quest is active, check to see if both faction leaders are dead (Amata for rebels, Overseer or AllenMack for statusquo)
if (getStage MS16  >= 20 && getStage MS16 < 200 && getStage MS16 != 180)
if (AmataREF.getdead == 1)
	if (OverseerREF.getdead == 1 || AllenMackREF.getdead == 1)
		setStage MS16 200

;Control of Atrium Scene
;If quest is active, prepare scene
If (GetStageDone MS16 10 == 1 && AtriumDone == 0)
if (AtriumScene == 0)
	if (AtriumInit == 0)
		set AtriumDistance to 1500
		set AtriumStartMarker to MS16AtriumSceneStartMarker
		set AtriumLineTotal to 4
		set AtriumShotTotal to 3
		set AtriumInit to 1

;Start scene when player approaches
	if player.getDistance AtriumStartMarker < AtriumDistance
		set AtriumScene to 1
	;setQuestDelay MS16 1;so combat responses are faster
	;ShowWarning "Beginning";DEBUG
		if (Vault101Security04REF.getDistance player <= 1000)
			Vault101Security04REF.sayto player MS16AtriumSceneGomez 1
			Vault101Security04REF.addscriptpackage MS16GomezWaitx2
		elseif (Vault101Security07REF.getDistance player <= 1000)
			Vault101Security07REF.sayto player MS16AtriumSceneGomez 1
			Vault101Security07REF.addscriptpackage MS16GomezWaitx2

;When scene is active
if AtriumScene == 1
;If either side is in combat, resolve as combat (and make Freddie flee, if possible)
	if Vault101Security08REF.IsInCombat == 1 || FreddieGomezREF.IsInCombat == 1
		set AtriumScene to 2
		setQuestDelay MS16 1
		set AtriumDone to 1
		Vault101Security08REF.startcombat player
		FreddieGomezREF.AddScriptPackage MS16AtriumSceneFreddieEscape

;If dialogue is over, end scene
	elseif AtriumLine >= AtriumLineTotal
		set AtriumScene to 2			

;Otherwise, begin talking
	elseif AtriumTalking == 0
	;ShowWarning "Talk Start";DEBUG
		FreddieGomezREF.sayto Vault101Security08REF MS16AtriumScene1 1
		set AtriumTalking to 1

;Handle Taylor's shooting
if AtriumShooting == 1 && AtriumScene == 2
	if AtriumShot == 0
	;ShowWarning "Shooting Starts";DEBUG
		Vault101Security08REF.useWeapon weap10mmPistol MS16GuardShootFrom02REF MS16AtriumShotTarget01 1 0 0 1 1
		set AtriumShot to AtriumShot+1
		if (Vault101Security04REF.getDistance Vault101Security08REF <= 600)
			Vault101Security04REF.sayto Vault101Security08REF MS16AtriumSceneGomez2 1
			set AtriumGomez to 1
	;elseif (Vault101Security07REF.getDistance Vault101Security08REF <= 600)
		;Vault101Security07REF.sayto Vault101Security08REF MS16AtriumSceneGomez2 1
		;set AtriumGomez to 1
		set AtriumShot to 3
		set AtriumShooting to 2
;		elseif AtriumShot == 1
;			Vault101Security08REF.useWeapon weap10mmPistol MS16GuardShootFrom02REF MS16AtriumShotTarget02 1 0 0 1 1
;			if (Vault101Security04REF.getDistance Vault101Security08REF <= 600)
;				Vault101Security04REF.sayto Vault101Security08REF MS16AtriumSceneGomez2 1
;				set AtriumGomez to 1
;		;elseif (Vault101Security07REF.getDistance Vault101Security08REF <= 600)
;			;Vault101Security07REF.sayto Vault101Security08REF MS16AtriumSceneGomez2 1
;			;set AtriumGomez to 1
;			endif
;			set AtriumShot to AtriumShot+1
;		elseif AtriumShot == 2
;			Vault101Security08REF.useWeapon weap10mmPistol MS16GuardShootFrom02REF MS16AtriumShotTarget03 1 0 0 1 1
;			set AtriumShot to AtriumShot+1
;		elseif AtriumShot == 3
;			Set AtriumShooting to 2

;When scene ends
if AtriumScene == 2 && AtriumShooting == 2 && AtriumDone == 0
	setQuestDelay MS16 0
	set AtriumDone to 1
	Vault101Security08REF.addscriptpackage MS16TaylorPostAtriumGreet
;Vault101Security04REF.addScriptPackage MS16GomezAtriumTalk
;Vault101Security07REF.addScriptPackage MS16GomezAtriumTalk

;End scene if either are dead
if FreddieGomezREF.GetDead == 1 || Vault101Security08REF.GetDead == 1
	set AtriumScene to 2
	setQuestDelay MS16 0
	set AtriumDone to 1



As you can see from simply glancing at the code, it isn't as easy as merely doing a "SetStage MS16 0" and then going back to Vault 101.

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So what you are saying is that it isnt possible in any "easy" way?


Hehe, thats ok in so case i was just wondering


But thanks for the help so far!


Best regards

Meyer189 :)

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Reseting the quest will reset all the quest variables to their origianl values, so that's not actually the stoping point. By resetting the quest variables, you can often get the NPC to act right as well. But some things won't reset with this. For example, in this case Amata has been disabled, so she won't ever show up where she needs to be. You can do a few things to get the NPC back to where they belong. I have been sucessful in helping a few people get over situations like this in the past. Do you want me to go on? With Amata, you would have to do this from the console while inside vault 101 just after entering it for Troubles on the Homefront:


prid 0002549e


moveto player



Once you leave the console, she should go about her normal AI for the quest. Do the same for Overseer Mack, ID=0003d346


As for the rebels, I am having a hard time finding them. I can't remember where they were supposed to be originally so I can check them out. I'm not seeing them in any of the vault 101 MS16 cells. Perhaps they are spawned? If you can point out where you first encountered them, it would help me alot.


Anyway, as gsmanners pointed out. It takes some work sometimes to get these things to work right. Where it can get real tricky is if there is some co-dependace on other scripts from other quests. That can be a hassle to figure out.


So, that's it.

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Yay, i got a bit of a problem here!


After i tried this out GNR radio dissepeared!


i have loaded several different savegame even before i thought of asking of resetting this quest but its gone.


i have the radio on all the time so i know this is the thing that have made it dissepeared....


how can i get it back?


Could also somebody please tell me the "setstage" id for the "god" outcome of this quest, --< (( SPOILER )) >-- II--(( the "non sabotating" one ))--II --< (( END SPOILER )) >-- ?


Best regards

Meyer189 :)

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First, there is no way that console commands entered in one save game can affect a different save game. That's just impossible. Even exiting the game (to windows desktop) with out saving the game and then going back into that save game will reset the game to the way it was before any console commands were entered. The only way to overwrite a save game when console commnds are used is the same as any other time - you must overwrite that save game with a new save. Try exiting the game to windows and then loading your earlier save from a fresh startup of the game. Once you do this, go to your radio tab on your pipboy and look for Galaxy News radio and tune it in. If the entry is not there, then you must have overwritten this save game at some point.


The stage for the "Good" outcome for troubles on the homefront is 230 - The events inside have been resolved peacefully, but the player is still exiled from Vault 101.

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hello, thanks for the answer!


yea, i tought so too, that a console command cannot affect other savegames... but my Galaxy news radio is gone, i listen to it all the time. and now its gone.


and it happens right afther i did these things with trouble on the homefront, couse i havent done anything other than that + i havent screwd around on the geck either.


I think that when activating the 101 distress signal in the "radio menu" in the pipboy it has "deleted" or stopped the Galaxy news radio signal to after the quest is done.


so i have tried with console commands to "end/stop" the quest but it hasnt come back.


is there any whay i can get it back i have just got it not to strutter and was very pleased..... no it has nothing to do with that its a while ago, XD


Thank you for all the help i have gotten from all of you!



With best regards


Meyer189 :)

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