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Who Are You?


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Basically, who are you in oblivion. You can't help but admit you have made a backstory or eulogy,


Use pictures, Words, whatever, but I am interested to see who some of my fellow players are playing.




My characters name is Aryan (after Aryan Tailor), she is a necromancer/Black Magic User

I have commited multiple genocides against orcs, (Sorry to any orcs here, but god, orcs are ugly)

My character is from Russia some how, and she is a Lupanite, (I know none of this makes any sence, but it doesn't have to, I am a Russian Necromancing Nazi Wolf Person!)




My character wears bone armour/armor and I have dead raising powers.


TO be honest. I have an elabourate backstory to explain how my character became, that, but I know you people don't want alot to read.


Mods Mentioned

Yorkenheimer Race Pack II (My Mod Check it out, maybe?)

Darkness Unleashed (Necromancy/ Weapons /Armour)

Midas Magic (Necromancy/Awsome Spell stuff)

6th Element (Necromancy)

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My name is Harem (Ha-reem) and I am the Rabbit's PC. I'm a tabby Tabaxi and I adventure with little Ramy's Enfant who is my BFF (Best Friends Forever!). When Ramy and me left school we went into business together fighting monsters and we have found the work very lucrative. We have mastered heavy armour and weapons and are now working on light armour. We are known around and about for wearing frilly skirts beneath our cuirasses or fake cat ears and tails or pirate hats or bunny ears while dungeon crawling. We have a nice modded manor on the Imperial City waterfront with enough room to display our armour collection and Greek statuary. Many of our adventures just involve visiting new places and meeting new people. Keep a look out for us the next time you are in the Imperial City. We'll be the two young girls playing 'tag' around the crates in the merchant's district of the city.


Oh! Turn-ons are sight seeing and swimming wherever there's water.

Turn-offs are comments like, "Look at the muscles on you!"



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There be links here, so pay attention =P


Well, my first and most extensive character was Liannia. She started out as a Night Elf (I think). She made short work of the Arena after exiting the sewers, then proceeded to raise through the ranks of the Mage's Guild. She killed the demigod Manimarco (Crazy powerful thanks to the mod) and took her place as Arch Mage, despite her chief spells being Light, Detect Life, and Nighteye (She's terrified of the dark). After a brief stint with the Brotherhood, Lia heard the call of service, and proceeded to aid in the Oblivion Crisis. She liberated Kvatch, helped rebuild the city, and took her place as the Countess. During the battle of Bruma, she rallied the cities together, and took down the Great Gate single handidly in a now famous manuver known as the "Bruma Blitz" (Basically running up the left side, up the broken portion of bridge, down past the gate, dodging the towers, jump around the outside of the big gates, into the tower, and grab the stone without waiting to fight everyone). Shortly before heading off to Paradise, Lia recieved a letter from her friend, which she needed to answer. Putting the Oblivion Crisis on hold, Lia plunged into the mouth of Hell itself (Gates of Aesgaard Ep 1). Being shaken by the whole experiance, which she refused to talk about, she took some time off at her home in Skingrad. Not long after, she recieved a second letter, and once more travled to Aesgaard.


But this time, she was ready.


Liannia plowed through the hellish dimensions with the rage and fury of a goddess of war (which she pretty much was, minus the immortality). Armed now with weapons forged in the fires of Hell itself, she saw it fit to finish the Oblivion Crisis once and for all. However, the experiance had changed her greatly to the point where her DNA had been rewritten. She was no longer a Night Elf, but rather closer to the Chocolate Elf race.


During the demonic incursion of the Imperial City, Liannia went toe to toe with Dagon, giving Martin enough time to relight the dragon fires (Her famous phrase during this fight was "Everyone relax. I got this.").


After the Oblivion Crisis, Lia went on to exploring the Shivering Isles, but was called back home at the announcment that Elsweyr had reopened it's borders to travellers. She was last seen in the southern end of the country outrunning an exceptionally large Clanfear. Her wereabouts currently are unknown.

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Alexi is just a little babyfaced Breton kid who looks as harmless as any other rube who just fell off a turnip truck. You'd never even think he was the mighty Champion of Cyrodiil from looking at him, or a brother of the Blades, or even the Master of the Fighter's Guild, and apparently these Knights of the White Stallion will accept anybody. He hardly looks strong enough to even carry his shield.


On the other hand, people often tell him that he has the hands of a healer, but is often accused of hanging around with dead things or being a sneaky looking sort. They all love his potions, though, which really pack a punch and are a big hit at parties. People don't really know him, though, since he has the personality of a dead fish and keeps to himself most of the time.


Still, those who do know him tend to respect and admire him nonetheless. His skill with the blade has folks constantly nagging him to join the gladiators of the arena for at least a few exhibition matches, and he probably will since he doesn't have much of anything else to do lately.

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You: Who are you?


Me: I am Conan.


You: What is best in life?


Me: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women!



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I have a character named Samantha.

She is a Breton, slightly altered Mage class, sign of the Thief.

As that would suggest she is a member of the theives and mages guilds.

She fights with a light sword and destruction magic. She has a bow but is not greatly skilled in archery, it is used mainly as a delivery tool for the poisons she brews.


She is not evil, and has never murdered, but she is greedy.

She is not above helping someone out, then picking their pocket when they turn their back.

This sometimes gets her into trouble, she's been expelled from both guilds once.

Her main hobby is adding to the pile of gemstones in her Skingrad house.




She recently got bitten by a vampire and didn't stop the infection in time, this doesn't interfere with her habits...much... so she has not yet sought a cure.

She made friends with Eyja her maid and they go adventuring together sometimes, though Eyja is a bit of a stick-in-the-mud and occasionally get upset about Samantha's thieving ways.




I like her so much that the first mod I made was re-creating her as a companion for my male character.

Here she is with her standard clothing and equipment. A Forte Gatto sword, fortify block orcish gauntlets, shield enchanted clothes and sneak enchanted shoes.



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You: Who are you?


Me: I am Conan.


You: What is best in life?


Me: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women!


Hmm. Sounds familiar:


"The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy and drive him before you. To see his cities reduced to ashes. To see those who love him shrouded and in tears. And to gather to your bosom his wives and daughters."

--Genghis Khan (1162 - 1227)

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I was, am and will be everything I wanna be. I am a lonely adventurer and I am always searching for new ways to improve my skills. What buggs me is that I never realy had a great experience with magic stuff.
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