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Greetings, Borak, and be welcomed to the Nexus. Harem here. I was very touched by your story. The reason that you found yourself in jail beats mine. A townsman had had his purse stolen and I was taken in with a group of other girls and paraded before him to identify. The nearsighted fellow chose me because I was wearing a dress similar to the person's who lifted his purse. No money to make the bail so there I sat. Yours has to be one of the best back-stories that I've ever heard although I must confess that I haven't heard all that many. I wish you well with those Deadra types. I hear that they can be quite the handful. May your sword always point North...Okay, I don't know what that means, but my father always used to say that to me. Try to be merry once in a while just because.




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I changed my race again, I'm going to play as a fire elf for a bit, what do you think, better or worse?





I read all the backstories and all are cool.


Exept for Jesus, that was just insulting (Look at the #1 dislike) :sweat:


Santa was hilarious.


And I like James Shadowthiefs developed sence of ownership.


Although every single one was a good read. (Except for Otherside's, Otherside, you suck! :P :ninja: )


Keep up the great posts

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My characters name is Jesus






self-hatred is a serious but treatable issue :biggrin:


carmella was a mere thief, always looking for secret chests and loose purses. she advanced quickly through the ranks of the infamous thieves guild, did some "odd jobs" for basso and made another shady merchant in the imperial city pretty rich. after making a name for herself throughout cyrodiil, she just vanished and was never heard of again. some say she died on her neverending search for mysteriuos artifacts, but only few know the truth: the dark brotherhood knocked finally on her door and they made her an offer, she couldn't refuse.

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My character's name is Maria. She's the curious type, but lands on every mine field possible, but very powerful. She is a fan of gothic architecture, she comes from the Balkans, born in the city split, but lived in Jamena, where everyone from each region lived there, everyone was together. Soon after, she went to venture, after years in the Royal Resistance Army as a Elf, having the ability to master every possible skill. And then, it went wrong...



As she approach Imperial city, a treasure was placed in her bag unoticed, it was the head of one of the gods, worth quite a fortune. This may have been a freak accident by the thief that bumped into her, but it didn't stop the Legionaries from arresting her when they checked her. Soon after a couple days, she meets with the emperor himself, she helps the blades protect the emporer, but fails. She has to deliver the Amulet of Kings, but fate has other plans. She journeys to Anvil, hears of an open gate near anvil.


Curiosity killed the cat as they always say, but not in this case, for a matter of fact, it helped the cat. She goes through the gate, despite the warnings given to her, all to find a place, unexplained. Having been to Cyrodil many times, this place looked nothing like anything she has seen. She had a choice, go through the gates of where everything is right, or where everything is the opposite. For reasons unexplained to this day, she chose opposite. She meets the prince of madness, becomes the Duchess of Darkness, but then it start... Men with similar armor start to appear, a war has started.


|Where will my fight end? I write it as a story, but so far, I feel as if its only begun" - Journal of St.Maria

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forgot to say more information about my xivilai character


he likes



going to the goth shop

slash n'd smash enemies

doing tattoes on his body(a lot!)

piercing his head

summoning oblivion gates(even after the main quest)


wearing wigs

wearing alyx vance outfit

shooting with guns



being evil


he hates


the nexus user Otherside(of course!)






knights of the nine



city guards

wood elfs


high elfs

valen dreth

ebony armor




lots of armor and clothing



yoni(i created it)



the thief





all 100;except security and restoration




all 100;except luck;personality;willpower

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Well my three friends:


Nyran: He's a person you can only hope never to see he isn't agressive at all but...if you see him that means you will talk with the guards an thats a no go. His opinion of ownership? Well everybody what he can protect. You didn't find a trap secured "very-heavy" chest for your things? Well now they belong to him. When you see his companion Alba just hope she is in a bad mood, cause' if she talks to you you are done for. An arrow will hit you while you stand in front of a guard. Or you will be ripped apart by a sword out of the shadows. When it comes to Alba he is agressive. He never wears armor. What for should he? No one sees him and no one will get hit by his weapon twice. He was put to jail a long time ago when his career as a friendly asassian began. He slaugthered every monster and dremora within Kvatch after getting told to by Jaffreu and then he dissappeared. The guards say that he died but since Alba is walking around and everybody who talks to her dies there are a lot of people that not believe that story.


Alyun: Well, he just loves his swords. He was arrested after killing 30 people in a tavern brawl caused by one drunken man who hit his sword with a knife causing a tiny scratch. He came free when the emperor came through his cell by offering his services as protector. He fought with a girl called "umbra" to get his newest sword and is still wearing the armor of that girl after doing a little blacksmithing on it, while slaughtering every monster to "rescue" everyone who doesn't crosses the way of his sword. He is known as the arean champion how was never ones hit. Everyone standing in the area with him will be taken down with one of his unbelievable smooth strikes. It took him all 40 years of his live to get as agile as he is while wearing heavy armory because "it just looks the right way." People don't dare to talk about his muscles anymore since a little casualty with a guard...well...ex-guard...


Ahkim: He's my youngest and most fearsome personality. Seeing him is good since he will take care of every problem you have as long as you don't talk to him until he allowes you to. He is rather lazy most of the time, killing crabs and wolfs with lightnings just for fun. Normally you can find him in his mansion in sinkgrad with his slave Alba and his maid...oh...i forgot her name. Well sometimes he sets out on "little walks to see a little bit of the landscape" usually ending with a cave being not walkable because of the smell of burned monsters. He started learning magic at the age of 8 and developed it to mastery. Masters of destruction, illusion, alteration and mysticism admit him as there example. He was taken to jail by 60 Guards after he accidentally greeted a guard, his hand charged with electricity, with a clasp of hands. Alone they feared just talking to him.

The emperor entrusted his amulet to him when he saw his own death coming. It is still in the ownership of Ahkim due to...well his lazyness. Why he is fearsome? Well he once gathered 8 guards to close the oblivion gate before kvatch...they never came back and when somebody asked him about why they aren't coming back he said "well there was a dremora sneaking up at me from behind...due to the shock I spoke on of my midstrong spells reducing every guard to nothing...but they were weak and everybody how is weak an dares to follow me doesn't deserve something else." And since then there where a lot of people who tried to claim fame by only once accompanying him.


At the moment I am Derlan. A shadowblade using my enchanted silver claymore together with alternation magic and sneaktechniques to save tamriel. I got never send to jail, I just broke in there at the command of my clan leader who is also a fortuneteller. It's not much known about me in tamriel except that my adventure in kvatch.I paralyzed the guards trying to help me freeing kvatch so they wouldn't stand in my way and wiped out every single monster in kvatch within 3 hours.



(I am resorting my mods so they all may disappear within a little fight between each other.)

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My character is a Xivilai (added from Race Balancing Project) named Baphomet (as in that goat beast). He has horns and white hair, green skin and red eyes.


He was thrown in jail for peeing on a guard. The guard got angry, threw him in jail and later killed himself because his wife left him because he smelled bad. His wife later joined the Mystic Dawn and was named Else God-Hater, of all people.


Before that whole urine trouble, Baphomet was accidentally conjured into Mundus by Annoying Fan's twin brother who really didn't know what he was doing. Probably tried to summon a Daedra Seducer and spelled something wrong or something. Baphomet, being the Xivilai he is, merely kicked the kid in the balls and stole his collection of wine... which he later got drunk off of and ended up peeing on Kermit God-Hater (Else's former husband, she divorced him because he smelled bad. Not because of the Xivilai whizz, because he always smelled bad)


Somehow Emperor Uriel Septim VII had a dream about this Xivilai that led to the old dude handing him a nice red amulet and telling him to go give it to Jeffrey or whatever in some Weener Priory. Baphomet doesn't really have a good memory and didn't remember to write what Uriel told him down onto his Journal. He also never bothered going to Kvatch to see what the fuss was about and really would prefer walking around the countryside shooting at deer with his bow and drinking excessive amounts of beer, wine, ale, mead, or anything. He moved into the Imperial City Waterfront district and paled around, drunk, with his neighbor Armand Christophe and later joined whatever guild or club or whatnot he was running after handing him a book from some poor fellow whose house he broke into and murdered in order to steal some more wine or beer or whatever.


So his most recent hobby is punching anyone in the face that calls him "Dunmer" or "Ash-born". This often leads to scuffles with the guards, who end up wondering why the hell they turn up naked and why their criminal suddenly has no bounty (lol... console commands). This character is also enjoying a second play through of the Integration mod, mainly because he hopes to eventually find another Daedric chick to lock horns with... because Apronice, my previous character, screwed that up and ended up drinking so much wine and skooma in despair that he found himself flying off of Dive Rock at 900 miles per hour and died when he hit the north wall of Cheydinhal. He died many times before, but this time was absolutely hilarious and had to be his final end.


My previous characters that frolicked in the realm of Cyrodiil include Apronice - the most pale of pale white albino Altmers around, Arlia, a female Argonian whose statue of heroism in Bruma ended up depicting her naked while holding the Fork of Horippilation and some other dude whose name I forget, a male Argonian that represented my first play through of the game.

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My characters name is Jesus



Walking on water

Giving to the homless

being jesus

Hanging out in churches

being awsome

Talking to his father



The Bible




people who where socks with sandels



the nine







Paris Hilton


Sten Cell Research



Video Games

George Bush

Fun Stuff



Robes, namely jesus like robes







Read the bible!!!








Someones on the naughty list!

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