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Yes, the account HolyCrapOfGod was banned because of teamate Amber, used the account of Demitry, registered user, to tell a person to pirate something. That is against the rules, and because of the no two account rules, I have to take over for him as poster until such a time as the forum people let him back on.


Now, yesterday I used a reference, It was a beatles reference, yes, my character is named after a beatles song called ealenor rigby.



Oh, and Demitry, (Holycrapofgod) wishes to let you people that he has read every single post and is interested by some of the charaters you people right. That's all 60 posts. (Nexus Addict)


And once again Otherside also got banned, which is mutually agreed, that's a good thing. Incase you missed it, it was sort of like this: Otherside Vs Alienslof= :mage: )


Anyway, thank you all for putting up with this sudden and extremely entertaining sidetrackation from the main topic, to which we must continue!







I have a second character, his name is George, and he is and orc. His favourate battle axe, named Pornato, (Not the best name but it was funny when I thought it up) has a 25 pts of absorb health. I am quite proud of the unique meshes and textures I made and would show a picture of it,but Demitry crashed the ipi, and we can't open oblivion until Amber can fix it.

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Apologies, this is sort of long. The backstory I wrote for my character was faaaar longer. Tried to shorter it so I could post it here, but it's still long.








Her name is S’linara. The only little information she had of her birth parents was from Jo’Raadha, the wizard who adopted her. Back when she was only an infant, he found her weak and shivering in the cold dead arms of a female Ohmes-rath at the entrance of his cave. Lying beside her was another male Ohmes-rath. Both of them died of severe bleeding caused by multiple injuries. It was clear that they were trying to escape from someone or something and were injured in the process. Jo’Raadha had no idea who was hunting them down, but it seems that they tried to hide in the cave where Jo’Raadha called home. However, Jo’Raadha speculated from the tattoos on the left arms of her parents that they were members of the secretive espionage sect that was active during the Five Year War between Elsweyr and Valenwood that ended a few years ago. If that was the case, the ones who were after them could have been enemies that sought revenge.


Her childhood life was spent under the care of the wizard. He taught her the ways of magic and took her along when he goes for field trips. N’eeshka came along some years later. She was an Ohmes-rath street hermit that Jo’Raadha picked from the streets of Senchal. She often helped the wizard to make trips out to the deserts and towns of Elsweyr to run errands, while S’linara helped with the laboratory works.



Life goes on the same for a few years until one fine day....Jo’Raadha wanted to visit the Dwemer ruins in Morrowind and propose a long exploratory trip to Morrowind. There was a problem however. Because of the Suthay decree instituted at the end of the Five Year war during the Imperial Simulacrum, most of the tribes of Khajiit were restricted from leaving Valenwood or Elsweyr. Jo’Raadha was a Suthay-rath and thus was not affected. But S’linara and N’eeshka were Ohmes-rath. So Jo’Raadha came up with a polymorph brew that could temporary change their appearance to mimic Bosmers. The brew worked...but with a side-effect. Somehow, their ears and tail remained, even though their fur and body features changed to reflect features of Bosmers. They could easily hide our ears and tails under a cloak, so they went ahead with the trip into Morrowind.


After the whole polymorphing incident

S’linara’s time in Morrowind was mostly spent exploring in the Dwemeri ruins and catacombs. Coincidently, something was stirring in the land of Morrowind, it was the rise of Nevarine and the threat of the Corpus blight. She crossed path with the then-unknown Nevarine a few times, though the Nevarine probably couldn’t had remembered her faces. After being there for quite some time, Jo’Raadha sent her back to Elsweyr to gather some equipment.


Things started to go wrong during her hike across the borders of Cyrodiil and Elsweyr . Apparently a high profile assassination happened in the city of Leyawiin and the Imeprial Legion was on full alert. She was caught by a patrol and was hauled to prison in the Imperial City. The Legion was sure that she was the assassin and a spy because of her “unique” features. Breaking the Suthay Decree also strengthen the case against me and warranted a death sentence.


She spent weeks in the dark dank cell, with an annoying Dunmer who was in the opposite cell as company. He couldn’t seem to be able to stop talking. He was an annoyance and somehow, the guards take pleasure in beating him up every now and then.


As fate would have it, Emperor Uriel Septim made an appearance when he was escaping from assassins. His escape route happened to be through her cell! During the journey in the caverns, she came across a Breton named Baddy, who had a sticky situation with some cultist. They joined up to find a way out of the caverns. S’linara was there when the emperor received the killing blow from the assassins. He was calm in accepting his fate, and before he died, he prophesized her fate and handed her the Amulet of Kings.


Once they were out of the prison sewers, S’linara and Baddy parted ways. He had some unresolved issues in the Imperial City that he had to deal with. He would meet her at Weynor Priory once he was done.


S’linara explored the Imperial City for a few days, mixing around with the locals. Apparently, the locals are not too as prejudiced against Ohmes-rath as she thought they were, though the guards were constantly suspicious of her. As luck would have it, she heard rumors about another “half-Khajiit half-Imperial” (as the locals called her) in the Water Front district. she was curious and headed there, to find N’eeshka! Apparently she was sent back to Elsweyr too and was stranded at the Water Front district after being harassed and mugged by some Legion guards.


Needing a way out of Cyrodiil, they joined the Mages Guild, hoping to utilize the transportation services. But before that, they needed to get recommendations from the Mage Guild in each city. The inter-city transportation services made the issue easier. At Bruma’s Mage Guild, S’linara stumbled upon a portrait. At first glance, the person looked like a Bosmer, but the facial tattoos showed otherwise. No doubt the tattoos were of khajiit origins and she was an Ohmes.




Inquiries around the guild revealed that she was the mage who expanded and started Mages Guild in Bruma many years ago. S’linara suddenly had an idea of drawing tattoos on her face, as a way of keeping in touch with her Khajiit roots, so the only tell-tale signs left of her Khajiit origins were the ears and tail. At the outskirts of Bruma, she stumbled upon a very young healer named Ramy. Ramy was an “annoying brat”, as N’eeshka called her, and didn’t want to stop following S’linara. Having no choice, they had to take Ramy with them.


After getting the tattoos


During their stay in Bruma, she received a letter from an old friend, Ashen Rose. Ashen Rose, along with Sonya were two adventurers that S’linara and N’eeshka crossed path with in Morrowind. (N’eeshka called Ashen and Sonya “tomb raiders”, because she found them looting a tomb in Morrowind) The letter led S’linara and N’eeshka deep into an old ruin and the even gates of Hell itself. They faced unspeakable horrors during the search and found the unfortunate end of Ashen Rose in an altar room. They too could have found their own in the Abyss. The whole ordeal is probably best left unspoken of, though S’linara doubts they are out of this mess yet.


After returning from the hell that was called Aesgaard, S’linara thought it was time to deal with the issue of the Amulet of Kings, she knew things weren’t that simple and she would be stumbling into a whole web of mess. She was right, Jauffre sent her to Kvatch to look for the last heir of Uriel Septim. The escort mission took a twist when Kvatch was overrun by daedra. She was last seen talking to the captain of the Kvatch guards, before heading into the jaws of Oblivion. She hasn’t return and the gate is still standing.



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my character is a breton who had no name, however due to a run in with some guards he adopted the name "Criminal Scum" and for good reason!

he has single handedly wiped out every person in cyrodiil that can be wiped out, currently has a bounty of over 2 million septims, and is fast becoming bored as there are no more people left to kill :P

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I am like this entity with the most serious case of multiple personality disorder you have ever heard of. It is like I am time tripping and dimension slipping. I am a pure mage, and a battlemage, and a spellsword, and a pure warrior, and a hermit, and a businessman, and a thief, and a lord, and a vampire, and a witchhunter.


I am everything and nothing. I do so much play-testing that sometimes it is like Groundhog Day and I play the same events four times in a row. It is kind of demoralizing because there is no point in picking up treasure or gaining experience because I will just go back in time to before I did those things.


To put it in a nutshell, I have about nine active characters and I play them all fairly often.

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I am like this entity with the most serious case of multiple personality disorder you have ever heard of. It is like I am time tripping and dimension slipping. I am a pure mage, and a battlemage, and a spellsword, and a pure warrior, and a hermit, and a businessman, and a thief, and a lord, and a vampire, and a witchhunter.


I am everything and nothing. I do so much play-testing that sometimes it is like Groundhog Day and I play the same events four times in a row. It is kind of demoralizing because there is no point in picking up treasure or gaining experience because I will just go back in time to before I did those things.


To put it in a nutshell, I have about nine active characters and I play them all fairly often.

hehehe...I TOTALLY get this.
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My character is called Green-Cheeks. He is an Argonian Necro-Alchemist that specializes in transmutation. He got all of Midas' spells, killed him, then used them to kill people then turn them to zombies and watch the guards kill the zombies then turn the zombie's corpses into gold. And he will occasionally nuke the imperial palace. He lives in an awesome manor and he eats pringles.
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My latest character is called Whitey-Tighty. He is a glowing argonian that is all white or almost al white and glowing. Did I mention that he was a glowing assassin that could turn invisible. his goa in the game is to steal everyones shoes.
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