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I had to sort of bang my head off the table and groan a few times reading the first few pages of this. Just how sad some people are never ceases to amaze me. How fortunate, then, that several somewhat more intelligent and mature posters have since picked up the gauntlet and saved this thread (not to mention my head which was starting to look decidedly bloodied), because it is a good one.

I'm generally not a Roleplayer in one player games (Though I am in MMOs) I typically don't do lore. See, I want to think what I think about a game, and my reasons for thinking and feeling that way should be my own. However, with a game as huge and immersive as Oblivion is, you sometimes can't help being drawn into some of it, can you? :D


My main charector, Jenrai Venom, is a customised Ancient Elven Sorcerer. (heh heh. Told you so. Thats about as lore breaking as it gets. Well... maybe not... I could have made him a Xenomorph :O ) In Jen's story he's not a mortal at all, and nor was he born on Cyrodil, but in fact created by the Ayelids to serve as a gate guardian inside a prison realm of sorts. Basically, they made him, they promised him power and wealth beyond his wildest dreams, and all he had to do was ensure that once the Ayelid mages had left the realm through the gate that no-one, not even him, ever interfered with that gate or attempted to go through it again. Thats it. One little thing. Of course, the Ayelids then proceeded to get wiped out... or did they? Jenrai has his own theories on this, relating to that realm and his creation in the first place... but regardless, they never kept their promise. And after a few thousand years, he ended up a very, very angry little demonic-magey-elvish thing. Just as he was about to break his promise and go a-wondering through that gate to reap some hell on folks, some new "visitors" turned up. But these weren't the golden-skinned Ayelid criminals, or the Dremora & Daedra that had escaped Oblivion into the 'real' only to be captured and re-imprisoned by the Ayelids, oh no. These were Elves... at first only Altmer, then Wood Elves and Dunmer. Soon thereafter beast races and humans followed, and each was an adventurer, or treasure hunter, or various would be heroes and evil doers... and all told him the same tale... how the Ayelids had simply upped and vanished. Jenrai would later form his own take on this, about how the black magics that the Ayelid practiced had eventually consumed them (genuine Lore wise, this isn't a huge leap of faith as some will no doubt say it is. Think about it. Or better yet, ask any Necromancer. In the Elder Scrolls world, what is the most powerful Soul Gem? A Black, right? The Soul of the innocent and helpless. Well, aside from Azura's Star. Which you get of a Daedra. So thats not so squeaky clean either, is it? Therefore its only logical that the dark arts are the most powerful, magic wise, and the Ayelids were, therefore, a bunch of evil sons of *female dogs*. No? Its only me that thinks that? Oh well. I tried. :D) and he wasn't real happy. He vowed revenge on the mortal world. To cut what will turn out to be a really long story if I don't stop jabbering on soon short, he found a way to survive in the mortal world (He let Marcena bite him and became a vampire. Thank you love. :D ) and travelled there... arriving smack bang in the middle of the Oblivion crisis. He wasn't particularly inclined to help, in spite of Uriels somewhat desperate pleas - seriously, I wish you had the choice to kill him yourself. The annoying fan has nothin on this guy - but he realised Dagon was intent on trashing the place... and there was no way in hell he was gonna let THAT happen. Oh no. That was his job.


The second was created more to give my little lady something to do if she ever sits down and actually plays the game, with the bonus it actually gave Jenrai a reasonably believable partner that he probably wouldn't massacre on site, or in the very least for being overly annoying and a basic pain in the ass. Marcena Venom was a decidedly powerful Vampiric Shadowblade (no, not shadowblades. Custom class) who ended up following the trail of power eminating from the now flourishing Isle of the Damned and found the gate. Intrigued, and somewhat fearless, she ventured into the gate, to see what lay beyond. Confronted upon he entry by the newly forming Legion of the Damned, she was eventually overpowered, though she killed several of them. Jenrai was impressed. And whats more he saw an opportunity. He'd never encountered a Vampire before, though those within his realm had spoke and thought of them oft enough, and in Marcena's abilities he saw a way for him to survive, at least for a short while, in Cyrodil. Even in a short while, with just 10% of his actual power, Jenrai was certain he could raise hell and reap revenge on that world. So he made her a deal. She would bite him, give him the 'dark gift' of Vampirism (hey, even demi-gods need a leg up sometimes, ya know!!) and he would share what he could of the powers he had been granted by his Ayelid masters with her. Rather unexpectedly, Marcena began to change into the same race as Jenrai (she started life as a moon elf. Technically he started life as a Dunmer too) He didn't give her a great deal of his powers at first (but later rectified this) and now she rules the Isle of the Damned at his side as his queen.


So. Lets stop that there. Or I'll be here all day.

As I said, perhaps not particularly lore-friendly. And you know what? To steal a phrase;

Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn.


I didn't even start thinking about all this until I made the Island - I'm currently Transfering it to the ace Skull Island modders resource, but the author's name escapes me... apologies for that - and Marcy for me to use as a CM and Jenrai for her to use. This kinda took on a life of its own then.


Thanks for taking the time to read.

Happy hunting.


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When creating my character I enjoy giving him or her a backstory to go along with them while being lore friendly, starting from where they were born, what their lives were like, what they did, and finally what caused them to be sent to the imperial prison. Recently, i've dropped all of my other characters so I could concentrate on just one which I would gladly explain further.


My main character is named Balih Mohzohli, an Ainmhi warrior/archer. A former honor guard captain, she moved to Cyrodiil from Khazam to become an adventurer after retiring after 10 years of service due to allegations of using dangerous, and sometimes deadly, interrogation techniques. She was sent to the imperial prison after being charged with assault, where she knocked a drunk bar patron unconscious after they said something very unflattering to her.


In terms of her personality, she would probably fit in with the lawful/chaotic good crowd, since she always endeavors to do the right thing and help those in need, but is utterly unmerciful to enemies of the empire and to whoever and whatever threatens the lives of its citizens. It's not unknown for her to kill those that have surrendered. In addition, she is fiercely loyal to those whom she thinks of as friends, ready to lay down her life for them if need be.

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Wow. I've read so many interesting posts here. :) well usually when I create a new character I just create it so I could play from the beginning again. Only three of my characters had a backstory. Most of the time my characters are assassins and they all are/ were born under the Shadow birthsign.

Only one and my very first character was a Nightblade but still the birthsign was the same. :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

My character is Altair ibn La-Ahad.

It all started when one assassin assassinated the Evil Captain Xaryus the Dremora.

After that Jagar Tharn walked through Morrowind and Killed thousand of innocent people.

The Guards accused him for death of all that people.

As you know he defeated Jagar Tharn and traveld to Cyrodiil to hide from guards.

He was The Holy Listener of Dark Brotherhood and he hide himself well in one of sanctuarys.

Every night He payed visit to his Lord Akatosh to pay forgivness upon his victim.

He was not only The Listener he was The Archmage of Mages Guild .

Before he traveled to Cyrodiil his name was Giovanii.

He chosed a new indentity , Altair ibn La-Ahad.

With new indentitiy and new face he was free to go anywhere.

Before his new indentity he was the Gray Fox, the famous thief in all of Tamriel.

But that all changed.

One night He traveled to Anvil and listened to the prophet.

After that he Walked the Pilgrim's Way and becomed the Ally of Good and the Deadly Enemy of Evil.

He restored the Knights of the Nine and defeated Umaril the Unfeathered.

After one month He reveald to everyone that he is the Proud Warrior of Jerusalem and that he traveled to Cyrodiil only to find peace.

When He was holding the speech he feeld that Dark Brotherhood arrived and wants to kill him for his betrayal to The Order.

He also knew that the Dark Brotherhood Assassins are using chameleon magic to hide from his visions.

While he was taking the speech he heard the noise behind himself and he turned around and cast "Chameleon Reveal and Kill" magic on them.

They all apeared death.

Then really people knew that he is the truly blessed Man.

In that week he decided to help Imperial Province and Martin Septim.

After month or two he had show his talent and completed all the needed help from Imperial/Cyrodiil provice.

Mehrunes Dagon ,on his birthday,walked upon Cyrodiil.

Then Altair safely escorted Martin Septim to the Temle of The One and unite with Martin Septim to be the Holy Dragon.

In that form Martin and Altair (best friends) successfully deafeated Dagon and Cast him in Oblivion Realm forever.

Not everything was good.

After That Martin turned to stone and Akatosh and Other Eight Gods Blessed Altair to survive that and be transofrm into human again.

Some minutes ago High Chanceller Ocato named Altair the " Champion of Cyrodiil " .

After that for some years everything was peaceful because of two things:

1.There was not Oblivion Portals

2. There was not Emperor Martin Septim

Long time has passed and Altair has not seen Martin,his best friend .

In that time He(Altair)was called via many names,Holy Crusader,Campion of Tamriel,Cyrodiil and many other names.

He quite enjoyed in Castle Seawiew and others but He couldn't forget what Martin did for him and Imperial Province.

Every day he VisitedChurces,altars ,Shrines and The Temple of The One to please the gods for mercy and heaven upon Martin Septim,his short-knowing but best friend.


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Right, my latest character is somewhat like Berren was, because I wasn't happy with him so I replaced him.


Atticus is a Redguard, specialising in blade, marksman, hand to hand, light armour, stealth, athletics and acrobatics. He used to be, before his capture, one of the most infamous bandits in Cyrodiil, under the alias of Treeshadow. Operating along the Gold Coast with his gang (the Treeshadow Bandits), instead of attacking merchant ships, he attacked wagon trains coming out of anvil, which were a much easier target. From time to time, he would also attack pirates attempting to smuggle their stolen goods into Cyrodiil.


However, one fatefull night, The Treeshadow Bandits attacked a massive merchant wagon train on the road out of Anvil. The wagon train was a trap, filled with Imperial Soldiers. Almost all of the Gang were killed or arrested, except for Atticus. Atticus managed to flee to The Imperial City, despite being pursued by one hundred legionaires.


Now you may be wondering; How did he end up in jail? Well it's simple. He punched a guard in the face.


After his escape from the Imperial Prison, he decided to try his hand in the arena, getting to a Hero rank before attempting to return to banditry. However, the destruction of Kvatch made buisness trickier; there were fewer fences and fewer wagon trains. Out of a desire for buisness, Atticus did his best to save Kvatch, inadvertently becoming a hero in the process. After saving Kvatch, Atticus once again attempted to return to banditry, but the Oblivion gates proved even more detrimental to buisness, and the surviving Treeshadow bandits hand disbanded, holdng Atticus personally responsible for their destruction. Most bandits and highwaymen in the Gold Coast region were part of his gang, now dispersed, with small groups hiding in ruins and caves. Atticus, now dismayed with his lot in life, returned to the arena, swiftly becoming grand champion. Now, he serves the empire against the forces of Mehrunes Dagon, in the hope that once they are gone, he can rebuild his criminal dominion.


Here's a list of mods that made Atticus, Atticus:

Treeshadow Armour

Anvil Bay Expansion

Jaysus Blades Volume 2 (Especially the Spiked Shortsword and the Smallsword)

Andragorn's Weapons and Armours (Sotonhorian Leather and the Mirondil Bow)

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My long running character is on the Xbox 360 version. She is an imperial based off of Kurenai from red ninja. She's a master of acrobatics, blade, destruction, restoration, conjuration and marksman.
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  • 4 months later...

My character is a Kitsune Shinobi, what is a Kitsune you ask: The isles of the Orient are not without their own fair share of enchanted creatures that have arisen once again thanks to the ley lines activities unleashed. One such creature blends the attributes of a theriomorph (were-creature) with the bewitchment of the fey folk. They are known as Kitsune, masterful fox shapechangers with a knack for illusion and deception.

The Kitsune are one of the many shapeshifting races of Pacific Asian rim known as the Henseiyosei (loosely translated as faerie that metamorphs to animal). They are by far, one of the most popularly known of their kind, next to their cousin Tengu. A perfect blend of human, faerie and animal, they can morph from near human form to that of a large-sized fox and a form between these two stages. Within settlements, they take on human form to better blend in with society. This guise is almost flawless, taking the appearance of an extremely attractive human.

Their true persona is believed to lie within their morphed stage, a humanoid fox. A pure animal form, albeit a bit larger than norm is their third shape. In this state they are at their most cunning and also benefit from added grace and speed. Tricking hunters while in this state is a favorite game as well as startling travelers with their still human speech or mystical powers of illusion.

In any of these shapes, they present carefree, yet witty and sly characteristics often lending them into mischief and even thievery. A good joke or story gets their attention, a game could win their friendship, and to actually outwit them gains their admiration. The realm of illusion is their specialty, a gift they like to share often with others. A love of riddles is common, as well the need to embellish, almost to the point of fabrication and outright lies. They mirror faeries the most in these respects.

The elders of our clan used to tell us stories of such enchanted creatures, toying with love struck villagers for their amusement. Extreme caution was advised against overly seductive and flirtatious women and men, as they could be disguised Kitsune. Such games were not always fun and games, as these creatures true nature is deception. A lucky mortal would only befall an embarrassing prank, but their have been stories of twisted mayhem. Traveling foreign trails are also likely areas of ambush by these jesters' unearthly jokes or penchant for thievery. Due to their ancestry, they are also closely tied to the earth and have been known to be staunch defenders to those who defile it.

Special Powers of the Kitsune

1) Shape-change into three forms:

Human: The Kitsune has the power to transform themselves into a nearly perfect looking human. Animalistic features become completely muted, giving way to a very alluring male or female character with a very distinct asian appearance. Features are sharp and their build is slim and athletic. Hair coloration still remains bright red to orange or a luxuriant silver, adding to their striking beauty. Their have been rare reports of a stark white as well as a jet black variety, as well. Hands and feet are petite, delicate, but extremely nimble. The only animalistic traits that remain even in this form include small brightly-colored eyes, slightly pointed ears and a bushy tail that is usually skillfully concealed in a pant leg. Duration: 30 hours per level of experience; can transform as often as three (9) times per day (24 hour period). Limitation: Will always have same Asian look and natural sex type as their default human persona. They are also skillful at taking on other guises, but only for shorter periods of time (10 hours (400 melees) per level of experience). Maximum size attainable is 5 feet 10 inches (1.75 m) and 160 pounds (72 kg). Minimum size attainable is 4 feet tall (1.2 m) and 50 pounds (22.5 kg).

Half Form: Their merged form looks like a humanoid fox covered in short fur, a long bushy tail with a white or black tip, long erect ears, pointed snout ending in tactile whiskers, dexterous hands and small black paws. It is similar to that of a were-fox, although it still remains almost fully erect and retains its intelligence. Speech for the most part is comprehensible, seasoned with an occasional muted bark or yelp. It is believed that this is their natural state. Duration: One month, at which time, the Kitsune must revert to animal form for one entire days time (24 hours). The cycle then starts anew. Limitation: None, may transform into the merged form as many times as they wish during any period of time.

Fox Form: In this form the Kitsune appears as a perfect specimen of the fox species, albeit a bit larger than norm. They retain full intelligence, human speech (allowing the casting of spells) and gain a boost in agility, endurance and speed. Duration: Unlimited. Limitation: None, may transform into animal form as many times as they wish during any period of time.

2) Supernatural Smell: Similar to a Dogor Fox, the Kitsune shares the canine's olfactory abilities on a supernatural level. The character can follow a scent trail that is up to three (3) days old and is able to recognize certain items or persons by smell alone.

• The character is able to recognize and accurately identify general/common/known smells, including gases, food, and other distinctive odors. Range: 90 feet (27 m) per level of experience. • Identify specific odors, including the scent of specific individuals, objects or other creatures. Range: 20 feet (6.1 m) per level of experience. • The Kitsune can actually smell magical and psychic energies, as well as supernatural creatures. Range: 150 feet (45.7 m) per level of experience to detect magical/psychic energies; one-half mile (.8 km) per level of experience to detect ley lines. 100 feet (30.5 m) per level of experience to detect specific types of paranormal creatures.

3) Supernatural Hearing: The character is much more sensitive to a broader range of sound levels compared to a human. Little will escape the Kitsune's attention within a 90 foot (27.5 m) range. Can also identify specific sounds known to them. Range: 90 feet (27.5 m).

4) Supernatural Sight: Nightvision, See Auras, and See the Invisible 500 feet (152 m).

5) Dynamic Attraction (special): Kitsune release a cocktail of pheromones that creates a light, intoxicating perfume and even the Kitsune’s breath is sweet and as fresh as a springtime breeze. This alone affects people attracted to that particular sex (within a 15 foot radius) to feel stimulated and quite tantalized by the luscious individual. The powerful attraction causes its victims to keep their eyes on the Kitsune and distracts them from what’s going on around them. Individuals under the attraction influence are likely to approach the Kitsune or be romantically excited and open to any of her overtures should she approach them.

6) Euphoric Embrace (special): The loving embrace of the Kitsune is even more intoxicating and debilitating. The moment the wicked but lovely Kitsune wraps her (or his) arms around an attracted individual that person Time seems to stand still and the victim is oblivious to anything but the Fox Faerie. Once enthralled, all the victim is aware of is the gorgeous person wrapped around him. A bloodbath could break out around him, bombs exploding and the building burning down around his ears and he would not know it. As long as the demon keeps at least one arm wrapped around her victim, the enchantment remains in place and the victim is lost to rapture. If the demon is in a murderous mood or has been hired to assassinate the victim, a Kiss of Death is likely to be the next move.

On the other hand, the Kitsune may simply rob the euphoric character blind, moving her hands across his body to rifle through pockets, unsnap weapon and ammo belts, remove wallets and identification papers, take weapons and magic items, and remove anything on the individual’s body. As long as the demon keeps one arm touching and moving across the victim’s body in a romantic, non-threatening manner, the Kitsune can do almost anything she wants without the victim realizing it. The Kitsune seducer doesn’t even need the Rogue skill of Pick Pockets because her victim is oblivious to her nefarious actions, making subtly unnecessary. Of course, those nearby may plainly see and realize what’s going on, but unless they physically pull the victim out of the Kitsune’s clutches, the treachery continues unabated.

Furthermore, the victim remains in the euphoric trance for 20 minutes after the Kitsune releases him, leaving the individual standing like a love struck puppy still oblivious to anything happening around him, unable to take any action, nor realize where the Kitsune has gone. Only being roughly jostled or attacked snaps the character out of his happy delirium and back to reality.

7) Spell Knowledge: These characters are renown tricksters and love any spell revolving around illusion or useful for pranks. Due to this affection, they are prone to learn only these types of spells, but may occasionally choose and occasional elemental or defensive spell as well. Will never learn any necromantic spells.


how did i come to be a shinobi, well lets just say i used my races natural abilities and got a rogue shinobi to fall in love with me and teach me everything he knew about ninjas/shinobies and all of his skills and i have yet to find a place that i wish to stay in permamnently who knows i just might wish to settle here and stay permanently we shall all see

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i use two characters, because i have two mods i'm currently using.


1. emma

  • major factions: dark brotherhood (listener)
  • minor factions: blades (knight sister - she does enjoy being good once in a while)
  • best attributes: agility and speed
  • best skills: sneak and marksman
  • fame: 3
  • infamy: 21


emma is an anwolf, a mix of the wolf elf race and the lycan race. i'd suggest looking them up on tesnexus. as it is, she has wolf ears and a wolf tail and can call her pack to fight for her. she's born under the thief and her class is assassin.


emma is more of a 'create chaos' type, and she's more evil then anything else. she doesn't think of herself as evil though - only the guards do. oh, and most law-abiding townsfolk. and her horse, nocturn. (...horses have responsibility, and they keep reporting her. D<)



2. aztec

  • major factions: fighters guild (apprentice)
  • minor factions: blades (knight brother); knight of the thorn
  • best attributes: strength and endurance
  • best skills: blade and hand-to-hand
  • fame: 16
  • infamy: 1


aztec is a tabby tabaxi, born under the warrior and has the (custom) class of darkclaw (majoring in armorer, acrobatics, block, blade, blunt, heavy armor, and hand-to-hand). he has two pets, a white tiger and a husky dog, which usually accompany him on his many random adventures.


aztec is an extremely lawful sort and disapproves of anything illegal. with his pets backing him up, he'll take on any kind of criminal. however, he has a bit of a temper, and has been known to knock out drunks that taunt him.

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My current character is Viro, a Dark Seducer from the Shivering Isles. He's an Agent born under the sign of the Thief.

His story is as follows:

After the portal to the Shivering Isles arrived off the shores of Bravil, and the defeat of the Gatekeeper, and after Sheogorath's death, a sudden influx of curious adventurers and hopefuls set off for the strange land. Of course, many of the Shivering Isles residents departed with Sheogorath's plain of Oblivion because of growing frustration with the new Cyrodiillic Madgod. Viro was fulfilling his duties at the time as a well-trained guard, and had been assigned to protect ambassadors and diplomats visiting the Shivering Isles. Constant political changed continued to spark new discrepancies with civilians, and fuelled old frustration. Eventually, a haphazard attempt at revolution brought on by a group of disheartened residents (aka Crazies) resulted in full Cyrodiillic intervention. Guards traversed into the Madness plains and clashed with both the locals and the practices of the Seducers and Saints. Viro witnessed atrocities on both sides of the developing civil war, and quickly became disgusted with his socio-economic position and the Empire's bald attempts at converting the Shivering Isles into a Oblivion-realm branch of government.


Viro resigned from his post as diplomat guard; having made connections with officials in Bravil, he fled the Shivering Isles to settle in Cyrodiil, staying in Bravil, as he preferred the warm, humid climate similar to that of the Shivering Isles. After a few months, traffic between Bravil and the portal to the Shivering Isles was so intense that Bravil's population doubled with tourists and adventurers waiting to enter into the Plains of Madness. Viro was evicted from his shack and arrested, being charged with illegally entering the city of Bravil and not being properly documented as a citizen of Cyrodiil (he was never given any official documents as such a thing was unnecessary). He was shipped off, far south to Blackwood, ordered to complete a sentence of intensive manual labour. After completing his sentence, he returned to the Imperial City a "full citizen." Viro's new ~criminal~ record made finding a job nearly impossible (he was an alchemist's assistant in Bravil). With few options, he became a rogue agent, working mainly as a spy for the government that had caused him so much trouble; however, this is a small price to pay as it is all a part of a master plan to form a coup that would bring the Shivering Isles under localised rule and improved law and order.


I think it's a decent story c:

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Designation: Sky

Type: Advanced Self Aware Persocom Mecha

Primary Function: Multipurpose Service Android

Most likely function at previous location: School Teacher


Sky does not understand how she got here, her programming cannot offer her a logical reason for her presence in this reality. Speculation might suggest that during the war with the great witch queen Sia a rift was opened between dimensions and objects/creatures were pulled through from an alternate universe. Sky can be presumed to be one such object. Sky is an advanced mecha, unlike standard CPU driven devices she has self-awareness and is capable of emotion. Although it appears she had a passive role in her former existence she has gained access to previously redundant programming subroutines presumably added at her date of manufacture, these include self-defence and survival techniques. Sky is currently confused, she has no contact with her owner and has never operated without instructions from her master/s.


Sky is confused, she waits at the location she has appeared. Her programming requires she awaits instructions. After a required period of time a secondary program kicks in that requires her to seek out an appropriate human with authority to restore her to her owners or give her instructions but there are none. This world does not reference to any known locations in her database, she has identified a harmless species of deer but has seen no humans. Sky is capable is learning and developing her subroutines, logic dictates that the scattered ruins she has encountered indicate the presence of an intelligent civilization......

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