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My current characters are:


Ayihu Earthblade, a disillusioned ex-Morag Tong Dunmer assassin who moved to Cyrodiil after his homeland Morrowind was invaded, and his family slaughtered by Nords. He arrived in Anvil on a ship called The Red Guar, but was immediately arrested after killing the ship's Nord captain who mocked his heritage. After escaping the Imperial Prison (and killing the annoying prisoner in the opposite cell), he plans to join the Dark Brotherhood, but is slaughtering any Nords in his way, as retribution for what was taken from him.


Dante is a beautiful Imperial girl born into poverty on the Imperial Waterfront, and turned to a life of crime when her Father died, leaving her with nothing. She is an extremely skilled thief, and prefers using stealth and tactics to steal from the richer side of the Imperial City. She has amassed some wealth since then, and shares it around the Waterfront. She hates the Imperial Guards with a passion, and is working her way through the Thieve's Guild at an alarming pace.


Brother Calum is a pious, sanctimonious Breton monk who killed Umaril the Unfeathered and restored the Knights of the Nine to their former glory. He lives out his days in the Priory, providing the Knights with food from hunting and foraging, praying multiple times a day in their chapel, and reading religious texts at night. However, whilst sleeping one night, he received a vision telling him to seek out Martin in Kvatch, and save Cyrodiil from the daedra. But he is conflicted as to what he should do - he already faced one foe and barely came away with his life, is he willing to sacrifice himself for the greater good?


I only really planned Ayihu and Brother Calum, Dante was really more of a random choice, the back story came afterwards. I'm also planning a female Altmer Mage who is waging a war against necromancy, and a Nord witch-hunter, who is a staunch believer in the Nine and has made it his personal divine mission to hunt down all who practise magic, including the Mages Guild.

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I had a char called Altair. I used the Altair Race Mod so he looks very similar to the real Altair from Assassins Creed (and of course, I also used the AC Armor mod).

First, after making a big misstake in the east, which killed many of his assassin friends,he never forgot his misstake and so he went to Cyrodill to flee from his problems. But a troop of templars came to the Cyrodill to catch him and kill him. But lucky as he can be, the emperor is one of the grandfathers of the assassins,so he brought him to a cell with a secret way out. But the templars made secret bounds with pagan cultures in Engla..eh, I mean, Cyrodill,and so, murders killed the Emperor.

But Altair was able to run for his life. After getting a letter from his uncle,he went to Floren..eh,Anvil to find a mysterious chest in an secret prison in Anvil's Castle. There he found the armor of his uncle, a special assassin armor. Actually Altair tried to forget his life as a Assassin, so he trough his armor into fire before, but he knew that he had to risk his life to beat the templar.After many levels of fighting the templar, he knew that he needed stronger powers to beat them. So he learned the dark powers (from darth va..äh..Voldemor..äh...Gandal..no....Midas!yes,Midas!) to have a chance against them. But the power got to strong and became the master of his will, so he became evil and ran amok in the church of Anvil (No, it was'nt Umaril!)

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The main characters I play are a Khajiit named Jangle-Tail, an Argonian named Hides-in-Shadows (apparently a popular choice of name for PCs ), and a Nord named Thursi Wolfmane. Backstories for each are:

J-T is from Bravil where he was raised by Argonians, hence his non-Khajiiti name, and joined a cell of the Renrijra Krin, prompting his arrest sometime later during a raid. He collects house keys and is a klepto in general, and also is interested in magic. He's also the guy in my avatar, and will hopefully be the main character in a machinima I'd like to do at some later date. So. Tell your friends.

H-i-S is a ShadowScale who was arrested in Cyrodiil after a job went south. I'm using him to try to murder each and every NPC in the entire game. The whole of Tamriel shall fall silent by his blade. Mwa-ha-ha, his is an evil laugh.

Thursi is a drunkard from Bruma who got arrested for starting a bar fight while on a vacation to the Imperial City. He's my brawler, but I'm getting him into magic lately because he's maxed out his Warrior class stats.


I've also got an Altmer named Bodhran that I'm just using as a straight-up Mage. He may end up being a rogue from Artaeum or something but for now he has no backstory.

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  On 12/5/2009 at 1:11 AM, Panzer4 said:
  LHammonds said:
You: Who are you?


Me: I am Conan.


You: What is best in life?


Me: To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of the women!


Hmm. Sounds familiar:


"The greatest happiness is to scatter your enemy and drive him before you. To see his cities reduced to ashes. To see those who love him shrouded and in tears. And to gather to your bosom his wives and daughters."

--Genghis Khan (1162 - 1227)




Very good on your history, but I regret to inform you that he was quoting Robot Chicken from Cartoon Networks Adult Swim. They had a sketch on there with Conan the Barbarian singing "What's best in life."

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  On 5/8/2010 at 10:12 AM, ADISDURMIC said:

My character is Altair ibn La-Ahad.

It all started when one assassin assassinated the Evil Captain Xaryus the Dremora.

After that Jagar Tharn walked through Morrowind and Killed thousand of innocent people.

The Guards accused him for death of all that people.

As you know he defeated Jagar Tharn and traveld to Cyrodiil to hide from guards.

He was The Holy Listener of Dark Brotherhood and he hide himself well in one of sanctuarys.

Every night He payed visit to his Lord Akatosh to pay forgivness upon his victim.

He was not only The Listener he was The Archmage of Mages Guild .

Before he traveled to Cyrodiil his name was Giovanii.

He chosed a new indentity , Altair ibn La-Ahad.

With new indentitiy and new face he was free to go anywhere.

Before his new indentity he was the Gray Fox, the famous thief in all of Tamriel.

But that all changed.

One night He traveled to Anvil and listened to the prophet.

After that he Walked the Pilgrim's Way and becomed the Ally of Good and the Deadly Enemy of Evil.

He restored the Knights of the Nine and defeated Umaril the Unfeathered.

After one month He reveald to everyone that he is the Proud Warrior of Jerusalem and that he traveled to Cyrodiil only to find peace.

When He was holding the speech he feeld that Dark Brotherhood arrived and wants to kill him for his betrayal to The Order.

He also knew that the Dark Brotherhood Assassins are using chameleon magic to hide from his visions.

While he was taking the speech he heard the noise behind himself and he turned around and cast "Chameleon Reveal and Kill" magic on them.

They all apeared death.

Then really people knew that he is the truly blessed Man.

In that week he decided to help Imperial Province and Martin Septim.

After month or two he had show his talent and completed all the needed help from Imperial/Cyrodiil provice.

Mehrunes Dagon ,on his birthday,walked upon Cyrodiil.

Then Altair safely escorted Martin Septim to the Temle of The One and unite with Martin Septim to be the Holy Dragon.

In that form Martin and Altair (best friends) successfully deafeated Dagon and Cast him in Oblivion Realm forever.

Not everything was good.

After That Martin turned to stone and Akatosh and Other Eight Gods Blessed Altair to survive that and be transofrm into human again.

Some minutes ago High Chanceller Ocato named Altair the " Champion of Cyrodiil " .

After that for some years everything was peaceful because of two things:

1.There was not Oblivion Portals

2. There was not Emperor Martin Septim

Long time has passed and Altair has not seen Martin,his best friend .

In that time He(Altair)was called via many names,Holy Crusader,Campion of Tamriel,Cyrodiil and many other names.

He quite enjoyed in Castle Seawiew and others but He couldn't forget what Martin did for him and Imperial Province.

Every day he VisitedChurces,altars ,Shrines and The Temple of The One to please the gods for mercy and heaven upon Martin Septim,his short-knowing but best friend.


Well,It's a longg time now and he had to change his indentity,because he was wanted by assassins.His new name was Ulquiorra Schiffer.After studying the dark arts he tranformed himself to hollow(bad monster,couldn't be seen by human),and made himself a nice armor.He ran to his world and rest peacefully until one day.The assassins from Tamriel were also studying the dark arts and they learned how to made a Senkai Gate(gate that lead to other dimension).They were using strange swords named Bakkotou.When they would use the sword the sword would fuse with them.Ulquiorra 's vice-general ordered smiths to make as much katanas as they could.Ulquiorra was calm.He was studying about another dimension.Dimension's name was Howaido Sakurabana(White Cherry Blossom)He kinda liked the princess of Howaido Sakurabana.She was about his age(as Ulquiorra was immortal was always the same)and he wanted to do something heroic.He ordered his men to defend his dimension(Ulquiorra's dimension was Kuromeru Tsuruigi(Black Sword) )and he fleed to Howaido Sakurabana.He told the princess Orihime about attack.When he was talking he feeled that there are five assassins among them.He told princess to hide under the throne(in a secret passage)and he pulled his unique sword .Part1 finished you'll hear the 2nd part tomorrow.:)

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  On 10/14/2010 at 7:24 PM, Knight_by_Night said:

Very good on your history, but I regret to inform you that he was quoting Robot Chicken from Cartoon Networks Adult Swim. They had a sketch on there with Conan the Barbarian singing "What's best in life."

Actually, that was first in Conan the Barbarian. Link to the clip. That line was likely inspired by the quote by Genghis Khan.

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  On 10/15/2010 at 3:59 PM, ADISDURMIC said:
  On 5/8/2010 at 10:12 AM, ADISDURMIC said:

My character is Altair ibn La-Ahad.

It all started when one assassin assassinated the Evil Captain Xaryus the Dremora.

After that Jagar Tharn walked through Morrowind and Killed thousand of innocent people.

The Guards accused him for death of all that people.

As you know he defeated Jagar Tharn and traveld to Cyrodiil to hide from guards.

He was The Holy Listener of Dark Brotherhood and he hide himself well in one of sanctuarys.

Every night He payed visit to his Lord Akatosh to pay forgivness upon his victim.

He was not only The Listener he was The Archmage of Mages Guild .

Before he traveled to Cyrodiil his name was Giovanii.

He chosed a new indentity , Altair ibn La-Ahad.

With new indentitiy and new face he was free to go anywhere.

Before his new indentity he was the Gray Fox, the famous thief in all of Tamriel.

But that all changed.

One night He traveled to Anvil and listened to the prophet.

After that he Walked the Pilgrim's Way and becomed the Ally of Good and the Deadly Enemy of Evil.

He restored the Knights of the Nine and defeated Umaril the Unfeathered.

After one month He reveald to everyone that he is the Proud Warrior of Jerusalem and that he traveled to Cyrodiil only to find peace.

When He was holding the speech he feeld that Dark Brotherhood arrived and wants to kill him for his betrayal to The Order.

He also knew that the Dark Brotherhood Assassins are using chameleon magic to hide from his visions.

While he was taking the speech he heard the noise behind himself and he turned around and cast "Chameleon Reveal and Kill" magic on them.

They all apeared death.

Then really people knew that he is the truly blessed Man.

In that week he decided to help Imperial Province and Martin Septim.

After month or two he had show his talent and completed all the needed help from Imperial/Cyrodiil provice.

Mehrunes Dagon ,on his birthday,walked upon Cyrodiil.

Then Altair safely escorted Martin Septim to the Temle of The One and unite with Martin Septim to be the Holy Dragon.

In that form Martin and Altair (best friends) successfully deafeated Dagon and Cast him in Oblivion Realm forever.

Not everything was good.

After That Martin turned to stone and Akatosh and Other Eight Gods Blessed Altair to survive that and be transofrm into human again.

Some minutes ago High Chanceller Ocato named Altair the " Champion of Cyrodiil " .

After that for some years everything was peaceful because of two things:

1.There was not Oblivion Portals

2. There was not Emperor Martin Septim

Long time has passed and Altair has not seen Martin,his best friend .

In that time He(Altair)was called via many names,Holy Crusader,Campion of Tamriel,Cyrodiil and many other names.

He quite enjoyed in Castle Seawiew and others but He couldn't forget what Martin did for him and Imperial Province.

Every day he VisitedChurces,altars ,Shrines and The Temple of The One to please the gods for mercy and heaven upon Martin Septim,his short-knowing but best friend.


Well,It's a longg time now and he had to change his indentity,because he was wanted by assassins.His new name was Ulquiorra Schiffer.After studying the dark arts he tranformed himself to hollow(bad monster,couldn't be seen by human),and made himself a nice armor.He ran to his world and rest peacefully until one day.The assassins from Tamriel were also studying the dark arts and they learned how to made a Senkai Gate(gate that lead to other dimension).They were using strange swords named Bakkotou.When they would use the sword the sword would fuse with them.Ulquiorra 's vice-general ordered smiths to make as much katanas as they could.Ulquiorra was calm.He was studying about another dimension.Dimension's name was Howaido Sakurabana(White Cherry Blossom)He kinda liked the princess of Howaido Sakurabana.She was about his age(as Ulquiorra was immortal was always the same)and he wanted to do something heroic.He ordered his men to defend his dimension(Ulquiorra's dimension was Kuromeru Tsuruigi(Black Sword) )and he fleed to Howaido Sakurabana.He told the princess Orihime about attack.When he was talking he feeled that there are five assassins among them.He told princess to hide under the throne(in a secret passage)and he pulled his unique sword .Part1 finished you'll hear the 2nd part tomorrow.:)

His sword was named Murcielago.He used his word to kill every assassin with one hit .After that he ran with princess to scret chambers,and hid princess.Shortly after that General Ichigo Kurosaki(from Tamriel) came.Ichigo didn't wait for anything,after he came in room he drawed his sword Zangetsu.Ulquiorra drawed his sword and started fighting.After two hours Ulquiorra released his word for the 2nd time,he did Bankai!(second sword release)And then he was started winning over Ichigo.In few hours it was dramaticly changed.Ichigo was winning over Ulquiorra with his full Hollow mask.At the moment Ulquiorra started turning to ash ,he seeked to Princess's hand,and then he realised what the word "heart" means.And now he walks in Hueco Mundo(dimension where hollows are born) trying to get from Adjuchas(the third stage of hollow)to a powefull Espada(Hueco Mundo's loyal servants,or King of Hollow's top 10 army).

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Name: Christian Marquardt

Race: Breton

Class: Warrior

Birth Sign: The Warrior

Description: tan skin, soldier (w/headband) haircut, enchanted brown shirt and light brown pants, leather boots (no no actual armor)


Orphaned at an early age when his parents were killed by pirates, Christian was captured and spent much of his life swabbing decks at sea for the notorious Captain Dolbanitte. Eventually finding favor in the Captain's eyes, he was eventually given command of the Marie Elena, one of his master's many vessels, with Gaston Tussaud as his first mate. However, in the midst of a terrible storm while returning from one of many voyages, the Marie Elena became separated from the rest of Dolbanitte's fleet. Christian did his best to chart a course back to civilization, but supplies were scarce due to bad conditions on the return voyage even before the storm, and the crew became restless. Under the leader ship of Tussaud, the crew of the Marie Elena mutinied, and Christian was cast into the sea in a small leaky boat with barely enough food to survive a week. By chance or fortune, near death, Christian found himself delivered to the shores of the Imperial Waterfront. However, he was quickly recognized as a wanted pirate, and immediately captured and jailed.


After the events that resulted in the Emperor's death and Christina's escape, Christian kept the Amulet of Kings, and rather than deliver it to Jauffre, set out to make some sort of a life for himself in the Imperial City. By chance, the crew of the Marie Elena pulled into port in the very city where Christian had landed, and Christian seized the chance for revenge. Slaying most of the mutinous crew of the Marie Elena, Christian drew the attention of the Dark Brotherhood, and embraced the chance to join in the hopes of finding some form of "family" he could belong to. While membership in the Brotherhood did provide him a chance to get his revenge on Tussaud, it also resulted in a horrible loss when Christian was eventually forced to kill his fellow Brotherhood members. Loss not only of his comrades, but of all feelings of attachment or remorse for others - he would never allow himself to suffer loss because of future emotional attachments.


Despite climbing the ranks of the Brotherhood, Christian found only emptiness in the role of Speaker, and sought adventure in the hopes that it would create a distraction from his emptiness. He sought membership in the other guilds of Cyrodiil, but this only caused him further pain as he witnessed the guilds experience death and disaster, which he was often helpless to prevent. With nowhere else to turn, he sought out Brother Jauffre in the hopes of finding answers. During the events that followed, Christian established a bond with Brother Martin Septim, and put all of his effort into helping Martin and his newfound comrades, the Blades, stop the Oblivion crisis. The crisis was averted, but at the cost of Martin and Jauffre's lives. Once more, where there had been hope, Christian found only death and sadness.


Through his many exploits, Christian amassed a considerable fortune, and spent his money freely, purchasing houses all across Cyrodiil, horses, fine goods and clothing, and all the other comforts and symbols of wealth one could hope for, but found only emptiness in the material goods of the world. Eventually, he heard a rumor of a strange gate in Niben Bay, and entered the realm of the Shivering Isles. After following through with the will of Sheogorath and inheriting the realm himself, Christian found that even this did not bring him peace. Was there no hope of filling the emptiness within his soul?


Christina did eventually find some form of redemption from his evil and confused past after performing the pilgrimage of the Nine at the behest of a prophet in Anvil, and after defeating the evil Umaril, Christian found some form of peace in the knowledge that he had twice averted great disaster and saved countless lives. Among the smiling faces of people all across Cyrodiil, Christian was still alone.


Christian eventually found more lasting friendship in the form of his Argonian friend, Ruin, after assisting him with a personal crisis, and later, fell in love with a half-elf named Katrina, after helping her with a quest to destroy an artifact called the Heart of the Dead. With his loneliness and emptiness temporarily banished, Christian continues to seek adventure with the help of his companions, pushing ever forward toward an uncertain future...

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