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Should we be able to use animals in Pharmaceutical reasearch


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  AlienSlof said:
Should we be able to use animals in Pharmaceutical reasearch?




  Vagrant0 said:
Not many people would appreciate being forcibly exposed to a disease so that people can cut them open postmortem to see how that disease has affected their systems.


Not many animals would either, if they had a say.


It's barbaric, cruel and unnecessary in this modern age. With prisons full of ne'er-do-wells sitting around, being kept in relative comfort on taxpayers' money, the very people these felons preyed upon. Is justice just really screwed up, or what?


People scream about their rights. What about the rights of those who were injured by these people? But no, we continue to butcher innocent animals in the name of science when technology can provide better ways to do this stuff. The taxpayers are forced to continue paying to feed scum that should no rights at all. None.


Messed up much, this human race?


A kudo for you AlienSlof, for this one. I CAN ONLY AGREE.

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Only an idiot would ban animal research, I know that terrorists such as PETA makes it sound more like the Spanish Inqusition for rabbits rather than a harmless experiment. I mean, if a few hundred rabbits has to get abit sicky once in a while for a cure for cancer, well then I'd say so be it, I mean, banning animal testing is selfish, "I am nice to the animals because I am not sick myself!", it's more cruel than the experiments themselves, I agree with animal testing, even though that I am like... 55% Hippie accourding to people around me, and I realised so myself too. Banning the ability to save a few million people for the sake of vermin makes no sense, if they aren't drugged up, then someone is whacking them to death with a broom anyways.


Look at the people protesting, what do you see? Young and healthy people who acts pretentious to cover up the hollow part where their significance is meant to be. You'd never see a cancer patient stroll along going "Save the vermin! Screw my hope!".


Seriously, people who bans medicine makes me sick... In every sense of the sentence...


And AlienSlof, isn't it ironic how no matter how much I disagree on your opinion about human rights, that I'd still give my life for your right to have it? You see... Everyone is a human being, and no matter how much of an ass someone is, they should still be able to feel safe going through life...

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  Lord Garfield said:
Look at the people protesting, what do you see? Young and healthy people who acts pretentious to cover up the hollow part where their significance is meant to be. You'd never see a cancer patient stroll along going "Save the vermin! Screw my hope!".


Seriously, people who bans medicine makes me sick... In every sense of the sentence...


Being 53, i´m where i have the risk of getting a fatal disease. Still i would stand on my opinion; don´t be cruel to animals.

There is also another aspect to this: diseases are here to keep us all down, wether we like it or not. If we can cure all,

where will the worldpopulation be in 100 years? And furthermore: we allow bad genes to continue. (Who said that before? Hitler?)

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  Balagor said:
  Lord Garfield said:
Look at the people protesting, what do you see? Young and healthy people who acts pretentious to cover up the hollow part where their significance is meant to be. You'd never see a cancer patient stroll along going "Save the vermin! Screw my hope!".


Seriously, people who bans medicine makes me sick... In every sense of the sentence...


Being 53, i´m where i have the risk of getting a fatal disease. Still i would stand on my opinion; don´t be cruel to animals.

There is also another aspect to this: diseases are here to keep us all down, wether we like it or not. If we can cure all,

where will the worldpopulation be in 100 years? And furthermore: we allow bad genes to continue. (Who said that before? Hitler?)


Using Hitler as a rolemodel for genetics... Gee... This is... Well... There is a reason why you never see a parrot driving a car, it would be a waste of time to teach it. Just like it would be a waste of time trying to explain to people like you that humans means more to us than rats.


My dad died by cancer at your age, and you think that's fair... No offence, but I hate your guts...


*Leaves thread*

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Yes, leave this thread and take a warning with you. I've already cleaned up after you once - if I have to again, it will be accompanied by the daedric banhammer.



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Don't confuse confuse animal cruelty with animal testing, are they they same? Hell no, showering a rabbit with a new shampoo formula is the same as throwing it around walls? You know animal tests are not just injections and electricity shocks.


The argument of Human vs. Animal life is... well wrong, I think most of us can agree that human lives are (lets assume all humans are good) worthier than animals. An even outside this assumption, not everyone in prison is guilty. Seems to me that anyone who agrees on doing tests on inmates also condones torture, which is however you look at it, wrong.


From a scientific standpoint, testing on animals is much more efficient and easier to control than humans, rather than waiting for someone to get stuffed in prison for murder or whatever (this entire system could go so horribly wrong I don't even want to go into that).

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Beeing who I am stops me from insulting people that think are better than animals. Imagine someone is taking your mother/child or any member of your family to test all kind of stuff on him/her. A animal will be marked after such an experience, even if he is not hurt. We should protect animals not make experiments with them. I hold nothing against you guys, I'm just talking about people who see animals as things!! and not living beeings.






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  Pushkatu said:
Beeing who I am stops me from insulting people that think are better than animals. Imagine someone is taking your mother/child or any member of your family to test all kind of stuff on him/her. A animal will be marked after such an experience, even if he is not hurt. We should protect animals not make experiments with them. I hold nothing against you guys, I'm just talking about people who see animals as things!! and not living beeings.







well said!

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Don't confuse confuse animal cruelty with animal testing, are they they same? Hell no, showering a rabbit with a new shampoo formula is the same as throwing it around walls? You know animal tests are not just injections and electricity shocks.

Animal testing also involves killing animals by the thousands. My Girlfriend works for a Pharmacutical company and has seen monkeys with metal studs embedded in their skulls. I've seen pictures of hundreds of beagle dogs with their vocal cords severed so they can't bark. Everyone of those dogs will die after testing. White rats and Mice by the millions are killed for research. Rabbits,goats and also horses and cows all to test and research drugs.


Shampooing a rabbit and killing a white rat to extract o certain chemical that occurs in their heart only at the time of death are two vary different things.

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