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Wishlist for Christmas, 2010, and the next decade


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First to post.. i think that's a first for me so i'll make this list specific and horribly long..



i wish that santa would pay my house bills for the month of december


i wish my brothers Ex fiance would realize she's an Ex and move the hell on


I wish people heard my voice when i typed..


Actually.. i wish that everyone could just hear my voice at my command..


I wish i had thought about these wishes when posting in the corrupt a wish thread..


I'd like santa and whoever else rides with him to reimburst me for all the cookies and milk eaten during my childhood years.. my parents stayed up all night waiting on you and you don't even offer a single cookie..that THEY baked of all things..naughty naughty...


I'd like to ride santas sleigh at least once in my lifetime.. i hear it can go up to mach 8..and without a cockpit i don't see how he can keep skin on that fat face of his..


I wish that santa would pay all my monthly bills with the exception of december..which he should already be paying.


I hope my phone dies for the next few days, i need some sleep.


It would also be nice if like..after christmas passes.. i wake up the next morning and it's christmas eve again...


ok i'm done

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I'm wishing for a 21" LCD monitor (got a 21" CRT...lol), and a new graphics card :P


Also wishing for not so much snow this year....but we just got 2 inches last night and we're getting a whopping 8" on Tuesday Night...:( Oh well, atleast we get a White Christmas :)


for 2010, I wish for a good, peaceful year :)

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Well, I'm getting Left 4 Dead 2, so I know I won't need to "wish" for that anymore now... :P


Really, all I wish for this year, is light-years better than this ending one. Pardon the vulgarity, but this year has been hell.

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I wish for a Nvidia 300gt and a Antec Case :biggrin: Like the one LHammonds is getting, its awesome. Also a TV card all in wonder, i wonder how well it'll work with the nvidia cards, since its not going to be a video card just a tv card.


Also wish for Gran Turismo 5, can't wait for that game.


also Santa to pay all my bills as someone already wished for that, me to :biggrin:

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I wish that my family will stay safe for ever and healthy.

And that no one that I love will die too early.

I wish to live in a fantasy world, something like Oblivion.

I wish to become a professional surgeon.

I wish to be rich.

I wish that my family name will never die.

I wish I would have more friends :'(

I wish I wouldn't be so shy.

I wish nuclear bombs wouldn't exist.

I wish Santa would exist.

I wish to get an answer on all my questions about life.

I wish all Nexus users to be happy :D

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I wish there will be no suicide this year of one of my friends.

I wish none of my relatives will die this year.

I wish I don't get another lifelong illness this year.

I wish they didn't delay Bayonetta till next year ¬¬

I wish Final Fantasy XIII would come earlier in the year.


I could seriously go on....

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