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k3v Man

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I was wondering what you guys think the best free or purchasable software for screencapture and recording. Please tell me if it is for or how much it would cost.



also i would prefer not to have one that takes up to much memory so the game wont lag

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FRAPS (www.fraps.com I believe) is a decent utility. It runs in the background and then starts recording or image capturing when you press a button. It creates pretty large files though, and I'm not sure how much lag it creates. Some guys in my BF2 clan use it to make movies in the game, so it can't be that bad.
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Ya i found a good program called autoscreenrecorder free but it lags alot



i was just looking at fraps

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I was wondering what you guys think the best free or purchasable software for screencapture and recording. Please tell me if it is for or how much it would cost.



also i would prefer not to have one that takes up to much memory so the game wont lag



Im pretty sure Fraps works well but youre going to have to have a decent system in order to run both it and Oblivion at the same time.

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FRAPS is probably your best bet. The setup to use, however, can get tricky.

Because it's a record-as-you-go program, it is constantly writing to your hard drive while in record mode.

Since your game needs as much access to read/write to your hard drive as it can get in order to run at maximum performance, it's best to use a different hard drive than the one your game is installed on to record to. Also, FRAPS likes to make its videos quite a nice size. (For example: a 46 second capture at the settings I used to use (30 FPS, half-size, I believe) is a nice 162MB file. That's insane. The Oblivion countdown videos were ~30 seconds long and at max were 20MB.)

It's also extremely easy to use.

Set a hotkey in fraps to start/stop recording video, make sure that key is not bound to any action in the game you want to record gameplay in, and you're pretty much all set.

Just make sure you've got a decent-sized hard drive when you use it, and that you don't leave it recording when you step out for a minute to take a break but leave the game running. Then you'll just fill up loads of hard drive space with empty action.

And, as stated above, running Oblivion on any kind of decent graphic settings and running FRAPS at the same time will probably require a pretty nice system. I haven't been able to play Oblivion yet to find out, though.

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