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Skyrim: random in game crashes


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Try a memory patch like SSME or SKSE 1.7a

Unfortunatly, it crashed after 35 minutes, any other ideas?


Up the values in SSME by one, or try memory blocks log to see what it says


So i upped the values and checked the memory blocks after it crashed but it doesn't even come close to the 512MB, it crashed when it was at 192 so I guess it has nothing to do with memory?


Yeah most likely not. Run BOSS again then manually edit the unrecognized ones to the correct place. Also try cleaning your mods with Tes5edit, (Including Dawngurad, Dragonborn and Heathfire and update.esp)


Guide here:


So I did what you suggested but it's still crashing at times, I did notice that it would crash everytime I melee attacked 1 particular npc so I killed him with a bow and no crash. After that I tested it on a few other npc's and resulted in no crash after a melee attack... Maybe that's helpful information?


Hmm may be a certain mod. I would try going threw load order. Or use Tes5edit and see what mod effects that NPC


I uninstalled the audio overhaul mod since BOSS said something was wrong with it and after that I have played for almost 2 hours before it crashed again when I tried to melee attack a normal guard, so I don't think it's the npc that's the problem :/

BOSS also says that the Realistic Lighting Overhaul is incompatible with the climates of tamriel mod but I doubt that mod has anything to do with my crashes.

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Make sure you are using BOSS 2.2 not old version. Also aos if fine install AOS 2.1 and select the patches you need. Also RLO weather isn't compatible with it just the lighting ones I believe. You can always swap it out for ELFX


Also crashing random can happen with skyrim. It may be a certain mod that is causing the crashes.

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Make sure you are using BOSS 2.2 not old version. Also aos if fine install AOS 2.1 and select the patches you need. Also RLO weather isn't compatible with it just the lighting ones I believe. You can always swap it out for ELFX


Also crashing random can happen with skyrim. It may be a certain mod that is causing the crashes.

Yeah I guess so, I'll try to find the mod that causes it and hopefully it wont be too difficult. Thanks for all your help!

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